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  • 『源码阅读』Warp CTC 源码解读







      compute_ctc_loss(activations_t.data(),             // [max_time, batch_size, num_classes_raw]
                          grads_t.data(),                 // [max_time, batch_size, num_classes_raw]
                  flat_labels_t.data(),           // [batch_size, max_time]
                  label_lengths_t.data(),         // [batch_size]
                  input_lengths_t.data(),         // [batch_size]
                  alphabet_size, batch_size,      // int, int
                  costs_t.data(),                 // [batch_size]
                  workspace_t.data(), options);   // 内存/显存申请尺寸

    /** Compute the connectionist temporal classification loss between a sequence
     *  of probabilities and a ground truth labeling.  Optionally compute the
     *  gradient with respect to the inputs.
     * param [in] activations pointer to the activations in either CPU or GPU
     *             addressable memory, depending on info.  We assume a fixed
     *             memory layout for this 3 dimensional tensor, which has dimension
     *             (t, n, p), where t is the time index, n is the minibatch index,
     *             and p indexes over probabilities of each symbol in the alphabet.
     *             The memory layout is (t, n, p) in C order (slowest to fastest changing
     *             index, aka row-major), or (p, n, t) in Fortran order (fastest to slowest
     *             changing index, aka column-major). We also assume strides are equal to
     *             dimensions - there is no padding between dimensions.
     *             More precisely, element (t, n, p), for a problem with mini_batch examples
     *             in the mini batch, and alphabet_size symbols in the alphabet, is located at:
     *             activations[(t * mini_batch + n) * alphabet_size + p]
     * param [out] gradients if not NULL, then gradients are computed.  Should be
     *              allocated in the same memory space as probs and memory
     *              ordering is identical.
     * param [in]  flat_labels Always in CPU memory.  A concatenation
     *              of all the labels for the minibatch.
     * param [in]  label_lengths Always in CPU memory. The length of each label
     *              for each example in the minibatch.
     * param [in]  input_lengths Always in CPU memory.  The number of time steps
     *              for each sequence in the minibatch.
     * param [in]  alphabet_size The number of possible output symbols.  There
     *              should be this many probabilities for each time step.
     * param [in]  mini_batch How many examples in a minibatch.
     * param [out] costs Always in CPU memory.  The cost of each example in the
     *              minibatch.
     * param [in,out] workspace In same memory space as probs. Should be of
     *                 size requested by get_workspace_size.
     * param [in]  options see struct ctcOptions
    eturn Status information
     * */
    API_REFERENCE ctcStatus_t compute_ctc_loss(const float* const activations,
                                 float* gradients,
                                 const int* const flat_labels,
                                 const int* const label_lengths,
                                 const int* const input_lengths,
                                 int alphabet_size,
                                 int minibatch,
                                 float *costs,
                                 void *workspace,
                                 ctcOptions options);


    element (t, n, p), for a problem with mini_batch examples in the mini batch, and alphabet_size symbols in the alphabet, is located at: activations[(t * mini_batch + n) * alphabet_size + p]


        参数:activations, gradients, costs, flat_labels, label_lengths, input_lengths



        // const int T = input_lengths[mb];
        // const int L = label_lengths[mb];
        // const int S = 2*L + 1; // Number of labels with blanks
          if (L + ctcm.repeats > T)  return 0;  // 标签+重复元素数目需要小于有效input长度,重复标签之间需要插入blank符号






    // Computes forward probabilities
    template<typename ProbT>
    ProbT CpuCTC<ProbT>::compute_alphas(const ProbT* probs, int repeats, int S, int T,
                                        const int* const e_inc,
                                        const int* const s_inc,
                                        const int* const labels,
                                        ProbT* alphas) {
        int start =  (((S /2) + repeats - T) < 0) ? 0 : 1,
                end = S > 1 ? 2 : 1;
        for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
            alphas[i] = std::log(probs[labels[i]]);
        for(int t = 1; t < T; ++t) {
            int remain = (S / 2) + repeats - (T - t);
            if(remain >= 0)
                start += s_inc[remain];
            if(t <= (S / 2) + repeats)
                end += e_inc[t - 1];
            int startloop = start;
            int idx1 = t * S, idx2 = (t - 1) * S, idx3 = t * (alphabet_size_ * minibatch_);
            if (start == 0) {
                alphas[idx1] = alphas[idx2] + std::log(probs[blank_label_ + idx3]);
                startloop += 1;
            for(int i = startloop; i < end; ++i) {
                ProbT prev_sum = ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(alphas[i + idx2], alphas[(i-1) + idx2]);
                // Skip two if not on blank and not on repeat.
                if (labels[i] != blank_label_ && i != 1 && labels[i] != labels[i-2])
                    prev_sum = ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(prev_sum, alphas[(i-2) + idx2]);
                alphas[i + idx1] = prev_sum + std::log(probs[labels[i] + idx3]);
        ProbT loglike = ctc_helper::neg_inf<ProbT>();
        for(int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
            loglike = ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(loglike, alphas[i + (T - 1) * S]);
        return loglike;



    // remain=标签长度+必要的blank分隔符-剩余时间步
    int remain = (S / 2) + repeats - (T - t);

    if(remain >= 0) start += s_inc[remain]; // s_inc的索引表示本步骤已经完成remain个有效字符

    if(t <= (S / 2) + repeats) end += e_inc[t - 1]; // e_inc在0时刻已经完成一个字符,所以t-1时刻已经完成t个有效字符,本时刻将到达t+1个字符


    索引 s[0] e[0]           s[-1]   e[-1]  
    label - s - a - t - t - e -
    s_inc 1 2   2   1 1 2      
    e_inc   2   2   1 1 2   1  









    // Starting from T, we sweep backward over the alpha array computing one column
    // of betas as we go.  At each position we can update product alpha * beta and then
    // sum into the gradient associated with each label.
    // NOTE computes gradient w.r.t UNNORMALIZED final layer activations.
    // Assumed passed in grads are already zeroed!
    template<typename ProbT>
    ProbT CpuCTC<ProbT>::compute_betas_and_grad(ProbT* grad, const ProbT* const probs,
                                                ProbT log_partition, int repeats,
                                                int S, int T, const int* const e_inc,
                                                const int* const s_inc,
                                                const int* const labels,
                                                ProbT* alphas,
                                                ProbT* betas,
                                                ProbT* output) {
        int start = S > 1 ? (S - 2) : 0,
                end = (T > (S / 2) + repeats) ? S : S-1;
        std::fill(output, output + alphabet_size_, ctc_helper::neg_inf<ProbT>());
        //set the starting values in the beta column at the very right edge
        for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
            betas[i] = std::log(probs[labels[i] + (T - 1) * (alphabet_size_ * minibatch_)]);
            //compute alpha * beta in log space at this position in (S, T) space
            alphas[i + (T - 1) * S] += betas[i];
            //update the gradient associated with this label
            //essentially performing a reduce-by-key in a sequential manner
            output[labels[i]] =
                    ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(alphas[i + (T - 1) * S], output[labels[i]]);
        //update the gradient wrt to each unique label
        for (int i = 0; i < alphabet_size_; ++i) {
            int idx3 = (T - 1) * alphabet_size_ * minibatch_ + i;
            if (output[i] == 0.0 || output[i] == ctc_helper::neg_inf<ProbT>() ||
                probs[idx3] == 0.0) {
                grad[idx3] = probs[idx3];
            } else {
                grad[idx3] = probs[idx3] - std::exp(output[i] -
                                                    std::log(probs[idx3]) - log_partition);
        //loop from the second to last column all the way to the left
        for(int t = T - 2; t >= 0; --t) {
            int remain = (S / 2) + repeats - (T - t);
            if(remain >= -1)
                start -= s_inc[remain + 1];
            if(t < (S / 2) + repeats)
                end -= e_inc[t];
            int endloop = end == S ? end - 1 : end;
            int idx1 = t * S, idx3 = t * (alphabet_size_ * minibatch_);
            std::fill(output, output + alphabet_size_, ctc_helper::neg_inf<ProbT>());
            for(int i = start; i < endloop; ++i) {
                ProbT next_sum = ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(betas[i], betas[(i+1)]);
                // Skip two if not on blank and not on repeat.
                if (labels[i] != blank_label_ && i != (S-2) && labels[i] != labels[i+2]){
                    next_sum = ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(next_sum, betas[(i+2)]);
                betas[i] = next_sum + std::log(probs[labels[i] + idx3]);
                //compute alpha * beta in log space
                alphas[i + idx1] += betas[i];
                //update the gradient associated with this label
                output[labels[i]] =
                        ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(alphas[i + idx1], output[labels[i]]);
            if (end == S) {
                betas[(S-1)] = betas[(S-1)] + std::log(probs[blank_label_ + idx3]);
                alphas[(S-1) + idx1] += betas[(S-1)];
                output[labels[S-1]] =
                        ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(alphas[S-1 + idx1], output[labels[S-1]]);
            //go over the unique labels and compute the final grad
            // wrt to each one at this time step
            for (int i = 0; i < alphabet_size_; ++i) {
                if (output[i] == 0.0 || output[i] == ctc_helper::neg_inf<ProbT>() ||
                    probs[idx3] == 0.0) {
                    grad[idx3] = probs[idx3];
                } else {
                    grad[idx3] = probs[idx3] - std::exp(output[i] -
                                                        std::log(probs[idx3]) - log_partition);
        ProbT loglike = ctc_helper::neg_inf<ProbT>();
        for(int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
            loglike = ctc_helper::log_plus<ProbT>()(loglike, betas[i]);
        return loglike;


    GpuCTC<ProbT>::cost_and_grad(const ProbT* const activations,
                                 ProbT* grads,
                                 ProbT* costs,
                                 const int* const flat_labels,
                                 const int* const label_lengths,
                                 const int* const input_lengths)
        GpuCTC<ProbT>::compute_cost_and_score(const ProbT* const activations,
                                          ProbT* grads,
                                          ProbT* costs,
                                          const int* const flat_labels,
                                          const int* const label_lengths,
                                          const int* const input_lengths,
                                          bool compute_alpha,
                                          bool compute_betas_and_grad)
            GpuCTC<ProbT>::create_metadata_and_choose_config(const int* const flat_labels,
                                                     const int* const label_lengths,
                                                     const int* const input_lengths,
                                                     size_t& best_config)
                GpuCTC<ProbT>::setup_gpu_metadata(const int* const flat_labels,
                                      const int* const label_lengths,
                                      const int* const input_lengths)
                    // 计算辅助参数,并将其注册到gpu上
                    // 主要信息为batch的input_lengths、label_lengths、flat_labels,以及labels的索引用偏移个每个label的repeat信息
                    // activation_cols_ = minibatch_ * Tmax;
                // 依据S_(batch中最长有效标签长度)在几个预定义config中找到最小的有效config
            GpuCTC<ProbT>::compute_probs(const ProbT* const activations) 
                // 将probs(网络输出)存入gpu,每行为词表长度(实际上是一维向量,这里取义)
                reduce_max 计算每行最大值
                prepare_stable_SM_kernel 将probs更新为和对应行最大值的差值
                reduce_exp 获取每行的指数和(即softmax分母,前面的做差是为了数值稳定)
                compute_probs_kernel  各个位置除以分母
                truncate_probs_kernel  最小值截断,防止数值问题



    activation_cols_ = minibatch_ * Tmax;// batch * 最长句子长度
    out_dim_;  // alphabet_size,词表长度
    probs_;  // out_dim_ * activation_cols_,即词表*(batch*最长句子)
    label_sizes_;  // minibatch_尺寸,存储label_lengths
    utt_length_;  // minibatch_尺寸,存储input_lengths
    repeats_;  // minibatch_尺寸指针数组,存储每个数据的标签重复度
    labels_without_blanks_;  // total_label_length尺寸,存储flat_labels
    label_offsets_;  // minibatch_尺寸指针数组,存储每个数据的标签偏移(类似对每个标签长进行cumsum)
    labels_with_blanks_;  // Smax * minibatch_尺寸,其中Smax = 2 * Lmax + 1,Lmax为最大标签长度
    alphas_;  // (S_ * T_) * minibatch_尺寸,S_ 为最大有效标签长度的2倍加1,T_为最大有效句子长度
    nll_forward_;  // minibatch_尺寸
    stride;  // minibatch_
    blank_label_;  // int,即空白标签的数字
    void compute_alpha_kernel (const ProbT* probs, const int *label_sizes,
                               const int *utt_length, const int *repeats_in_labels,
                               const int *labels_without_blanks, const int *label_offsets,
                               int *labels_with_blanks, ProbT *alphas,
                               ProbT* nll_forward, int stride, int out_dim,
                               int S_memoffset, int T_memoffset, int blank_label)




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hellcat/p/13550508.html
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