CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Pagination] @Columns VARCHAR(500), -- The columns to be displayed, divide by comma @Tablename VARCHAR(100), -- The name of the table to be searched @OrderColumnName VARCHAR(100), -- The name of the column to be used in order @Order VARCHAR(50), -- The order method, ASC or DESC @Where VARCHAR(100), -- The where condition, if there is not conditon use 1=1 @PageIndex INT, -- Current page index @PageSize INT, -- The size of the page @PageCount INT OUTPUT -- The total page count,define as output parameter AS BEGIN DECLARE @SqlRecordCount NVARCHAR(100) -- The SQL Statement to get the total count of the records DECLARE @SqlSelect NVARCHAR(1000) -- The SQL SELECT statment SET @SqlRecordCount = N'SELECT @RecordCount = COUNT(*) FROM' + @Tablename + ' WHERE ' +@Where DECLARE @RecordCount INT EXEC sp_executesql @SqlRecordCount, N'@RecordCount INT OUTPUT',@RecordCount OUTPUT -- Transfer the parameter dynamic IF(@RecordCount % @PageSize = 0) SET @PageCount = @RecordCount / @PageSize ELSE SET @PageCount = @RecordCount / @PageSize + 1 SET @SqlSelect = N'SELECT ' + @Columns + ' FROM(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @OrderColumnName +' ' + @Order + ') AS tempid, * FROM ' + @Tablename + ' WHERE ' + @Where + ') AS tempTableName WHERE tempid BETWEEN ' + STR((@PageIndex - 1)*@PageSize + 1) + ' AND ' + STR(@PageIndex * @PageSize) EXEC(@SqlSelect) END
DECLARE @PageCount int EXEC Pagination 'fname','employee','fname','DESC','1=1',1,20,@PageCount
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near 'FROMemployee'. (20 row(s) affected)
有Result 返回,但是为什么报这么一个错误啊。
Debug 了下
SELECT fname FROM(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY fname DESC) AS tempid, * FROM employee WHERE 1=1) AS tempTableName WHERE tempid BETWEEN 1 AND 20
这句话我单独在SQL SERVER分析查询器里,运行没有错误,但是在存储过程里为什么有这个错误(⊙o⊙)?