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  • IfcConstraintResource (约束资源)


    1 IfcBenchmarkEnum
    2 IfcConstraintEnum
    3 IfcLogicalOperatorEnum
    4 IfcObjectiveEnum
    5 IfcMetricValueSelect

    1 IfcConstraint
    2 IfcMetric
    3 IfcObjective
    4 IfcReference
    5 IfcResourceConstraintRelationship

    1 IfcBenchmarkEnum (基础枚举类型)


    Enumeration definition

    GREATERTHAN Identifies that a value must be greater than that set by the constraint.
    GREATERTHANOREQUALTO Identifies that a value must be either greater than or equal to that set by the constraint.
    LESSTHAN Identifies that a value must be less than that set by the constraint.
    LESSTHANOREQUALTO Identifies that a value must be either less than or equal to that set by the constraint.
    EQUALTO Identifies that a value must be equal to that set by the constraint.
    NOTEQUALTO Identifies that a value must be not equal to that set by the constraint.
    INCLUDES Identifies that an aggregation (set, list or table) must include the value (individual item) set by the constraint.
    NOTINCLUDES Identifies that an aggregation (set, list or table) must not include the value (individual item) set by the constraint.
    INCLUDEDIN Identifies that a value (individual item) must be included in the aggregation (set, list or table) set by the constraint.
    NOTINCLUDEDIN Identifies that a value (individual item) must not be included in the aggregation (set, list or table) set by the constraint.

    2 IfcConstraintEnum  (约束枚举类型)

    Enumeration definition

    HARD Qualifies a constraint such that it must be followed rigidly within or at the values set.
    SOFT Qualifies a constraint such that it should be followed within or at the values set.
    ADVISORY Qualifies a constraint such that it is advised that it is followed within or at the values set.
    USERDEFINED A user-defined grade indicated by a separate attribute at the referencing entity.
    NOTDEFINED Grade has not been specified.

    3 IfcLogicalOperatorEnum  (逻辑运算符枚举类型)

    Enumeration definition

    LOGICALAND Defines a relationship between operands whereby the result is true if all operands are true, and false if at least one operand is false.
    LOGICALOR Defines a relationship between operands whereby the result is true if at least one operand is true, and false if all operands are false.
    LOGICALXOR Defines a relationship between operands whereby the result is true if exactly one operand is true (exclusive or).
    LOGICALNOTAND Defines a relationship between operands whereby the result is true if at least one operand is false, and false if all operands are true.
    LOGICALNOTOR Defines a relationship between operands whereby the result is true if all operands are false, and false if at least one operand is true.

    4 IfcObjectiveEnum  (目标枚举类型)

    Enumeration definition

    CODECOMPLIANCE A constraint whose objective is to ensure satisfaction of a code compliance provision.
    CODEWAIVER A constraint whose objective is to identify an agreement that code compliance requirements (the waiver) will not be enforced.
    DESIGNINTENT A constraint whose objective is to ensure satisfaction of a design intent provision.
    EXTERNAL A constraint whose objective is to synchronize data with an external source such as a file
    HEALTHANDSAFETY A constraint whose objective is to ensure satisfaction of a health and safety provision.
    MERGECONFLICT A constraint whose objective is to resolve a conflict such as merging data from multiple sources.
    MODELVIEW A constraint whose objective is to ensure data conforms to a model view definition.
    PARAMETER A constraint whose objective is to calculate a value based on other referenced values.
    REQUIREMENT A constraint whose objective is to ensure satisfaction of a project requirement provision.
    SPECIFICATION A constraint whose objective is to ensure satisfaction of a specification provision.
    TRIGGERCONDITION A constraint whose objective is to indicate a limiting value beyond which the condition of an object requires a particular form of attention.

    5 IfcMetricValueSelect (度量值选择类型)

    Enumeration definition


    1 IfcConstraint (约束实体)




    约束必须通过IfcConstraint.name属性应用名称,也可以通过IfcConstraint.description应用描述。必须通过IfcConstraint.constraint grade或IfcConstraint.UserDefinedGrade指定约束的等级(硬、软、建议),而可以选择通过IfcConstraint.constraint source、IfcConstraint.creating actor和IfcConstraint.CreationTime断言源、创建参与者和创建约束的时间。


    Attribute definitions

    1 Name IfcLabel [1:1] A human-readable name to be used for the constraint. X
    2 Description IfcText [0:1] A human-readable description that may apply additional information about a constraint. X
    3 ConstraintGrade IfcConstraintEnum [1:1] Enumeration that qualifies the type of constraint. X
    4 ConstraintSource IfcLabel [0:1] Any source material, such as a code or standard, from which the constraint originated. X
    5 CreatingActor IfcActorSelect [0:1] Person and/or organization that has created the constraint. X
    6 CreationTime IfcDateTime [0:1] Time when information specifying the constraint instance was created. X
    7 UserDefinedGrade IfcLabel [0:1] Allows for specification of user defined grade of the constraint beyond the enumeration values (hard, soft, advisory) provided by ConstraintGrade attribute of type IfcConstraintEnum. When a value is provided for attribute UserDefinedGrade in parallel the attribute ConstraintGrade shall have enumeration value USERDEFINED. X
      HasExternalReferences IfcExternalReferenceRelationship
    S[0:?] Reference to an external references, e.g. library, classification, or document information, that are associated to the constraint. X
      PropertiesForConstraint IfcResourceConstraintRelationship
    S[0:?] Reference to the properties to which the constraint is applied. X2 IfcMetric (度量实体)

    2 IfcMetric (度量实体)




    Attribute definitions

    8 Benchmark IfcBenchmarkEnum [1:1] Enumeration that identifies the type of benchmark data. X
    9 ValueSource IfcLabel [0:1] Reference source for data values. If DataValue refers to an IfcTable, this attribute identifies the relevent column identified by IfcTableColumn.Identifier. X
    10 DataValue IfcMetricValueSelect [0:1] The value to be compared on associated objects. A null value indicates comparison to null. X
    11 ReferencePath IfcReference [0:1] Optional path to an attribute to be constrained on associated objects. If provided, the metric may be validated by resolving the path to the current value on associated object(s), and comparing such value with DataValue according to the Benchmark. X

    3 IfcObjective (目标实体)




    Attribute definitions

    8 BenchmarkValues IfcConstraint L[1:?] A list of nested constraints. X
    9 LogicalAggregator IfcLogicalOperatorEnum [0:1] Enumeration that identifies the logical type of aggregation for the benchmark metrics. X
    10 ObjectiveQualifier IfcObjectiveEnum [1:1] Enumeration that qualifies the type of objective constraint. X
    11 UserDefinedQualifier IfcLabel [0:1] A user defined value that qualifies the type of objective constraint when ObjectiveQualifier attribute of type IfcObjectiveEnum has value USERDEFINED. X

    Formal Propositions

    WR21 The attribute UserDefinedQualifier must be asserted when the value of the ObjectiveQualifier is set to USERDEFINED.

    4 IfcReference (参考实体)


    Attribute definitions

    1 TypeIdentifier IfcIdentifier [0:1] Optional identifier of the entity or type such as 'IfcMaterialLayerSet'. For entity, type, or select-based references within a collection, this resolves the reference to such type. If omitted, the type is assumed to be the same as the declared referencing attribute.
    EXAMPLE  IfcRelAssociatesMaterial.RelatingMaterial may be resolved to IfcMaterialLayerSet.
    2 AttributeIdentifier IfcIdentifier [0:1] Optionally identifies a direct or inverse attribute within an entity such as 'MaterialLayers'. If TypeIdentifier is specified and refers to an entity, the attribute must exist within the referenced entity. A null value indicates a reference to the type or entity itself, such as for indicating that the type of a value must match a specified constraint. X
    3 InstanceName IfcLabel [0:1] Optionally identifies an instance within a collection according to name. If the instance has an attribute called 'Name', such attribute is used for comparison; otherwise the first STRING-based attribute of the entity is used.
    EXAMPLE  IfcRoot-based entities such as IfcPropertySet use the Name attribute; IfcRepresentation entities use the RepresentationIdentifier attribute.
    4 ListPositions IfcInteger L[1:?] Optionally identifies an instance within a collection according to position starting at 1. For referencing single-level collections, this attribute contains a single member; for referencing multi-level collections, then this LIST attribute contains multiple members starting from the outer-most index. X
    5 InnerReference IfcReference [0:1] Optional reference to an inner value for ENTITY, SELECT, SET, or LIST attributes. A path may be formed by linking IfcReference instances together.
    EXAMPLE  A material layer thickness may be referenced using several instances: #1=IFCREFERENCE($,'IfcSlab','HasAssociations',#2); #2=IFCREFERENCE($,'IfcMaterialLayerSet','MaterialLayers',#3); #3=IFCREFERENCE('Core','IfcMaterialLayer','LayerThickness',$);

    5 IfcResourceConstraintRelationship (资源约束关系实体)



    Attribute definitions

    3 RelatingConstraint IfcConstraint [1:1] The constraint that is to be related. X
    4 RelatedResourceObjects IfcResourceObjectSelect S[1:?] The properties to which a constraint is to be related. X

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/herd/p/12160019.html
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