Redis是一款开源的、高性能的键-值存储(key-value store)。它常被称作是一款数据结构服务器(data structure server)。Redis的键值可以包括字符串(strings)、哈希(hashes)、列表(lists)、集合(sets)和 有序集合(sorted sets)等数据类型。 对于这些数据类型,你可以执行原子操作。例如:对字符串进行附加操作(append);递增哈希中的值;向列表中增加元素;计算集合的交集、并集与差集等。
Redis同样支持主从复制(master-slave replication),并且具有非常快速的非阻塞首次同步(non-blocking first synchronization)、网络断开自动重连等功能。同时Redis还具有其它一些特性,其中包括简单的check-and-set机制、pub/sub和配置设置等,以便使得Redis能够表现得更像缓存(cache)。
Redis还提供了丰富的客户端,以便支持现阶段流行的大多数编程语言。详细的支持列表可以参看Redis官方文档:。Redis自身使用ANSI C来编写,并且能够在不产生外部依赖(external dependencies)的情况下运行在大多数POSIX系统上,例如:Linux、*BSD、OS X和Solaris等。
Redis 由四个可执行文件:redis-benchmark、redis-cli、redis-server、redis-stat 这四个文件,加上一个redis.conf就构成了整个redis的最终可用包。它们的作用如下:
- <span style="color:#000000;">using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using ServiceStack.Redis;
- using ServiceStack.Redis.Support;
- namespace RedisStudy
- {
- class Program
- {
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- try
- {
- //获取Redis操作接口
- IRedisClient Redis = RedisManager.GetClient();
- //Hash表操作
- HashOperator operators = new HashOperator();
- //移除某个缓存数据
- bool isTrue = Redis.Remove("additemtolist");
- //将字符串列表添加到redis
- List<string> storeMembers = new List<string>() { "韩梅梅", "李雷", "露西" };
- storeMembers.ForEach(x => Redis.AddItemToList("additemtolist", x));
- //得到指定的key所对应的value集合
- Console.WriteLine("得到指定的key所对应的value集合:");
- var members = Redis.GetAllItemsFromList("additemtolist");
- members.ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine("additemtolist :" + s));
- Console.WriteLine("");
- // 获取指定索引位置数据
- Console.WriteLine("获取指定索引位置数据:");
- var item = Redis.GetItemFromList("additemtolist", 2);
- Console.WriteLine(item);
- Console.WriteLine("");
- //将数据存入Hash表中
- Console.WriteLine("Hash表数据存储:");
- UserInfo userInfos = new UserInfo() { UserName = "李雷", Age = 45 };
- var ser = new ObjectSerializer(); //位于namespace ServiceStack.Redis.Support;
- bool results = operators.Set<byte[]>("userInfosHash", "userInfos", ser.Serialize(userInfos));
- byte[] infos = operators.Get<byte[]>("userInfosHash", "userInfos");
- userInfos = ser.Deserialize(infos) as UserInfo;
- Console.WriteLine("name=" + userInfos.UserName + " age=" + userInfos.Age);
- Console.WriteLine("");
- //object序列化方式存储
- Console.WriteLine("object序列化方式存储:");
- UserInfo uInfo = new UserInfo() { UserName = "张三", Age = 12 };
- bool result = Redis.Set<byte[]>("uInfo", ser.Serialize(uInfo));
- UserInfo userinfo2 = ser.Deserialize(Redis.Get<byte[]>("uInfo")) as UserInfo;
- Console.WriteLine("name=" + userinfo2.UserName + " age=" + userinfo2.Age);
- Console.WriteLine("");
- //存储值类型数据
- Console.WriteLine("存储值类型数据:");
- Redis.Set<int>("my_age", 12);//或Redis.Set("my_age", 12);
- int age = Redis.Get<int>("my_age");
- Console.WriteLine("age=" + age);
- Console.WriteLine("");
- //序列化列表数据
- Console.WriteLine("列表数据:");
- List<UserInfo> userinfoList = new List<UserInfo> {
- new UserInfo{UserName="露西",Age=1,Id=1},
- new UserInfo{UserName="玛丽",Age=3,Id=2},
- };
- Redis.Set<byte[]>("userinfolist_serialize", ser.Serialize(userinfoList));
- List<UserInfo> userList = ser.Deserialize(Redis.Get<byte[]>("userinfolist_serialize")) as List<UserInfo>;
- userList.ForEach(i =>
- {
- Console.WriteLine("name=" + i.UserName + " age=" + i.Age);
- });
- //释放内存
- Redis.Dispose();
- operators.Dispose();
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(ex.Message.ToString());
- Console.WriteLine("Please open the redis-server.exe ");
- Console.ReadKey();
- }
- }
- }
- }</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ServiceStack.Redis; using ServiceStack.Redis.Support; namespace RedisStudy { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { //获取Redis操作接口 IRedisClient Redis = RedisManager.GetClient(); //Hash表操作 HashOperator operators = new HashOperator(); //移除某个缓存数据 bool isTrue = Redis.Remove("additemtolist"); //将字符串列表添加到redis List<string> storeMembers = new List<string>() { "韩梅梅", "李雷", "露西" }; storeMembers.ForEach(x => Redis.AddItemToList("additemtolist", x)); //得到指定的key所对应的value集合 Console.WriteLine("得到指定的key所对应的value集合:"); var members = Redis.GetAllItemsFromList("additemtolist"); members.ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine("additemtolist :" + s)); Console.WriteLine(""); // 获取指定索引位置数据 Console.WriteLine("获取指定索引位置数据:"); var item = Redis.GetItemFromList("additemtolist", 2); Console.WriteLine(item); Console.WriteLine(""); //将数据存入Hash表中 Console.WriteLine("Hash表数据存储:"); UserInfo userInfos = new UserInfo() { UserName = "李雷", Age = 45 }; var ser = new ObjectSerializer(); //位于namespace ServiceStack.Redis.Support; bool results = operators.Set<byte[]>("userInfosHash", "userInfos", ser.Serialize(userInfos)); byte[] infos = operators.Get<byte[]>("userInfosHash", "userInfos"); userInfos = ser.Deserialize(infos) as UserInfo; Console.WriteLine("name=" + userInfos.UserName + " age=" + userInfos.Age); Console.WriteLine(""); //object序列化方式存储 Console.WriteLine("object序列化方式存储:"); UserInfo uInfo = new UserInfo() { UserName = "张三", Age = 12 }; bool result = Redis.Set<byte[]>("uInfo", ser.Serialize(uInfo)); UserInfo userinfo2 = ser.Deserialize(Redis.Get<byte[]>("uInfo")) as UserInfo; Console.WriteLine("name=" + userinfo2.UserName + " age=" + userinfo2.Age); Console.WriteLine(""); //存储值类型数据 Console.WriteLine("存储值类型数据:"); Redis.Set<int>("my_age", 12);//或Redis.Set("my_age", 12); int age = Redis.Get<int>("my_age"); Console.WriteLine("age=" + age); Console.WriteLine(""); //序列化列表数据 Console.WriteLine("列表数据:"); List<UserInfo> userinfoList = new List<UserInfo> { new UserInfo{UserName="露西",Age=1,Id=1}, new UserInfo{UserName="玛丽",Age=3,Id=2}, }; Redis.Set<byte[]>("userinfolist_serialize", ser.Serialize(userinfoList)); List<UserInfo> userList = ser.Deserialize(Redis.Get<byte[]>("userinfolist_serialize")) as List<UserInfo>; userList.ForEach(i => { Console.WriteLine("name=" + i.UserName + " age=" + i.Age); }); //释放内存 Redis.Dispose(); operators.Dispose(); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Please open the redis-server.exe "); Console.ReadKey(); } } } }</span>
- <span style="color:#000000;">using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using ServiceStack.Redis;
- namespace RedisStudy
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// RedisManager类主要是创建链接池管理对象的
- /// </summary>
- public class RedisManager
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// redis配置文件信息
- /// </summary>
- private static string RedisPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["RedisPath"];
- private static PooledRedisClientManager _prcm;
- /// <summary>
- /// 静态构造方法,初始化链接池管理对象
- /// </summary>
- static RedisManager()
- {
- CreateManager();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 创建链接池管理对象
- /// </summary>
- private static void CreateManager()
- {
- _prcm = CreateManager(new string[] { RedisPath }, new string[] { RedisPath });
- }
- private static PooledRedisClientManager CreateManager(string[] readWriteHosts, string[] readOnlyHosts)
- {
- //WriteServerList:可写的Redis链接地址。
- //ReadServerList:可读的Redis链接地址。
- //MaxWritePoolSize:最大写链接数。
- //MaxReadPoolSize:最大读链接数。
- //AutoStart:自动重启。
- //LocalCacheTime:本地缓存到期时间,单位:秒。
- //RecordeLog:是否记录日志,该设置仅用于排查redis运行时出现的问题,如redis工作正常,请关闭该项。
- //RedisConfigInfo类是记录redis连接信息,此信息和配置文件中的RedisConfig相呼应
- // 支持读写分离,均衡负载
- return new PooledRedisClientManager(readWriteHosts, readOnlyHosts, new RedisClientManagerConfig
- {
- MaxWritePoolSize = 5, // “写”链接池链接数
- MaxReadPoolSize = 5, // “读”链接池链接数
- AutoStart = true,
- });
- }
- private static IEnumerable<string> SplitString(string strSource, string split)
- {
- return strSource.Split(split.ToArray());
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 客户端缓存操作对象
- /// </summary>
- public static IRedisClient GetClient()
- {
- if (_prcm == null)
- {
- CreateManager();
- }
- return _prcm.GetClient();
- }
- }
- }</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ServiceStack.Redis; namespace RedisStudy { /// <summary> /// RedisManager类主要是创建链接池管理对象的 /// </summary> public class RedisManager { /// <summary> /// redis配置文件信息 /// </summary> private static string RedisPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["RedisPath"]; private static PooledRedisClientManager _prcm; /// <summary> /// 静态构造方法,初始化链接池管理对象 /// </summary> static RedisManager() { CreateManager(); } /// <summary> /// 创建链接池管理对象 /// </summary> private static void CreateManager() { _prcm = CreateManager(new string[] { RedisPath }, new string[] { RedisPath }); } private static PooledRedisClientManager CreateManager(string[] readWriteHosts, string[] readOnlyHosts) { //WriteServerList:可写的Redis链接地址。 //ReadServerList:可读的Redis链接地址。 //MaxWritePoolSize:最大写链接数。 //MaxReadPoolSize:最大读链接数。 //AutoStart:自动重启。 //LocalCacheTime:本地缓存到期时间,单位:秒。 //RecordeLog:是否记录日志,该设置仅用于排查redis运行时出现的问题,如redis工作正常,请关闭该项。 //RedisConfigInfo类是记录redis连接信息,此信息和配置文件中的RedisConfig相呼应 // 支持读写分离,均衡负载 return new PooledRedisClientManager(readWriteHosts, readOnlyHosts, new RedisClientManagerConfig { MaxWritePoolSize = 5, // “写”链接池链接数 MaxReadPoolSize = 5, // “读”链接池链接数 AutoStart = true, }); } private static IEnumerable<string> SplitString(string strSource, string split) { return strSource.Split(split.ToArray()); } /// <summary> /// 客户端缓存操作对象 /// </summary> public static IRedisClient GetClient() { if (_prcm == null) { CreateManager(); } return _prcm.GetClient(); } } }</span>
- <span style="color:#000000;">using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using ServiceStack.Redis;
- namespace RedisStudy
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// RedisOperatorBase类,是redis操作的基类,继承自IDisposable接口,主要用于释放内存
- /// </summary>
- public abstract class RedisOperatorBase : IDisposable
- {
- protected IRedisClient Redis { get; private set; }
- private bool _disposed = false;
- protected RedisOperatorBase()
- {
- Redis = RedisManager.GetClient();
- }
- protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
- {
- if (!this._disposed)
- {
- if (disposing)
- {
- Redis.Dispose();
- Redis = null;
- }
- }
- this._disposed = true;
- }
- public void Dispose()
- {
- Dispose(true);
- GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 保存数据DB文件到硬盘
- /// </summary>
- public void Save()
- {
- Redis.Save();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 异步保存数据DB文件到硬盘
- /// </summary>
- public void SaveAsync()
- {
- Redis.SaveAsync();
- }
- }
- }</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ServiceStack.Redis; namespace RedisStudy { /// <summary> /// RedisOperatorBase类,是redis操作的基类,继承自IDisposable接口,主要用于释放内存 /// </summary> public abstract class RedisOperatorBase : IDisposable { protected IRedisClient Redis { get; private set; } private bool _disposed = false; protected RedisOperatorBase() { Redis = RedisManager.GetClient(); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this._disposed) { if (disposing) { Redis.Dispose(); Redis = null; } } this._disposed = true; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } /// <summary> /// 保存数据DB文件到硬盘 /// </summary> public void Save() { Redis.Save(); } /// <summary> /// 异步保存数据DB文件到硬盘 /// </summary> public void SaveAsync() { Redis.SaveAsync(); } } }</span>
- <span style="color:#000000;">using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using ServiceStack.Text;
- namespace RedisStudy
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// HashOperator类,是操作哈希表类。继承自RedisOperatorBase类
- /// </summary>
- public class HashOperator : RedisOperatorBase
- {
- public HashOperator() : base() { }
- /// <summary>
- /// 判断某个数据是否已经被缓存
- /// </summary>
- public bool Exist<T>(string hashId, string key)
- {
- return Redis.HashContainsEntry(hashId, key);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 存储数据到hash表
- /// </summary>
- public bool Set<T>(string hashId, string key, T t)
- {
- var value = JsonSerializer.SerializeToString<T>(t);
- return Redis.SetEntryInHash(hashId, key, value);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 移除hash中的某值
- /// </summary>
- public bool Remove(string hashId, string key)
- {
- return Redis.RemoveEntryFromHash(hashId, key);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 移除整个hash
- /// </summary>
- public bool Remove(string key)
- {
- return Redis.Remove(key);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 从hash表获取数据
- /// </summary>
- public T Get<T>(string hashId, string key)
- {
- string value = Redis.GetValueFromHash(hashId, key);
- return JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<T>(value);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 获取整个hash的数据
- /// </summary>
- public List<T> GetAll<T>(string hashId)
- {
- var result = new List<T>();
- var list = Redis.GetHashValues(hashId);
- if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
- {
- list.ForEach(x =>
- {
- var value = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<T>(x);
- result.Add(value);
- });
- }
- return result;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 设置缓存过期
- /// </summary>
- public void SetExpire(string key, DateTime datetime)
- {
- Redis.ExpireEntryAt(key, datetime);
- }
- }
- }</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using ServiceStack.Text; namespace RedisStudy { /// <summary> /// HashOperator类,是操作哈希表类。继承自RedisOperatorBase类 /// </summary> public class HashOperator : RedisOperatorBase { public HashOperator() : base() { } /// <summary> /// 判断某个数据是否已经被缓存 /// </summary> public bool Exist<T>(string hashId, string key) { return Redis.HashContainsEntry(hashId, key); } /// <summary> /// 存储数据到hash表 /// </summary> public bool Set<T>(string hashId, string key, T t) { var value = JsonSerializer.SerializeToString<T>(t); return Redis.SetEntryInHash(hashId, key, value); } /// <summary> /// 移除hash中的某值 /// </summary> public bool Remove(string hashId, string key) { return Redis.RemoveEntryFromHash(hashId, key); } /// <summary> /// 移除整个hash /// </summary> public bool Remove(string key) { return Redis.Remove(key); } /// <summary> /// 从hash表获取数据 /// </summary> public T Get<T>(string hashId, string key) { string value = Redis.GetValueFromHash(hashId, key); return JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<T>(value); } /// <summary> /// 获取整个hash的数据 /// </summary> public List<T> GetAll<T>(string hashId) { var result = new List<T>(); var list = Redis.GetHashValues(hashId); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { list.ForEach(x => { var value = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<T>(x); result.Add(value); }); } return result; } /// <summary> /// 设置缓存过期 /// </summary> public void SetExpire(string key, DateTime datetime) { Redis.ExpireEntryAt(key, datetime); } } }</span>
- <span style="color:#000000;">using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- namespace RedisStudy
- {
- [Serializable]
- public class UserInfo
- {
- public int Id;
- public string UserName;
- public int Age;
- }
- }</span>
<span style="color:#000000;">using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace RedisStudy { [Serializable] public class UserInfo { public int Id; public string UserName; public int Age; } }</span>
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <configuration>
- <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup>
- <appSettings>
- <add key="RedisPath" value=""/>
- </appSettings>
- </configuration>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup> <appSettings> <add key="RedisPath" value=""/> </appSettings> </configuration>