# A.Find the twins
# 题意
# 题解
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
2 #define ll long long
3 using namespace std;
4 const int N=2e5+10;
5 int a[15];
6 int n;
7 int main(){
8 n=10;
9 int t;
10 cin>>t;
12 for(int k=1;k<=t;k++){
13 bool z=0,m=0;
14 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
15 cin>>a[i];
16 if(a[i]==18)
17 m=1;
18 if(a[i]==17)
19 z=1;
20 }
22 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
23 if(i!=n)
24 printf("%d ",a[i]);
25 else
26 printf("%d",a[i]);
27 }
28 puts("");
29 if(m&&z) {
30 puts("both");
31 }
32 else if(m) {
33 puts("mack");
34 }
35 else if(z) {
36 puts("zack");
37 }
38 else {
39 puts("none");
40 }
41 puts("");
42 }
44 }
# B.Medal Ranking
# 题解
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
2 #define ll long long
3 using namespace std;
4 const int N=2e5+10;
5 int a[15];
6 int n;
7 int main(){
8 n=10;
9 int t;
10 cin>>t;
12 for(int k=1;k<=t;k++){
13 bool cnt=0,col=0;
14 int m1,m2,m3;
15 int r1,r2,r3;
16 cin>>m1>>m2>>m3;
17 cin>>r1>>r2>>r3;
18 int summ=m1+m2+m3;
19 int sumr=r1+r2+r3;
20 if(summ>sumr)
21 cnt=1;
23 if(m1 > r1)
24 col=1;
25 if(m1 == r1){
26 if(m2>r2)
27 col=1;
28 if(m2==r2){
29 if(m3>r3)
30 col=1;
31 }
32 }
34 cout<<m1<<' '<<m2<<' '<<m3<<' '<<r1<<' '<<r2<<' '<<r3<<endl;
35 if(col && cnt)
36 cout<<"both"<<endl;
37 else if(cnt)
38 cout<<"count"<<endl;
39 else if(col)
40 cout<<"color"<<endl;
42 else cout<<"none"<<endl;
43 puts("");
44 }
46 }
# C. Cookies
# 题解
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
2 #define ll long long
3 using namespace std;
4 const int N=2e5+10;
5 int main(){
6 int t;
7 cin>>t;
8 for(int i=1;i<=t;i++){
9 int n,cnt;
10 cin>>n>>cnt;
11 printf("Practice #%d: %d %d
12 int m;
13 cin>>m;
14 for(int j=1;j<=m;j++){
15 int x;
16 cin>>x;
17 while(x>=cnt)
18 cnt*=2;
19 cnt-=x;
20 cout<<x<<' '<<cnt<<endl;
21 }
22 puts("");
23 }
25 }
# D. Lemonade Stand
# 题意
每天可以买任意多的和任意少的,每天的所有客人都要被满足,每天的价格是单个柠檬的价格和80 盎司糖的价格,剩下的原料第二天可以使用。
# 题解
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define ll long long 3 using namespace std; 4 struct node{ 5 ll cnt,pl,ps; 6 }day[1010]; 7 void work(){ 8 ll d,x,y; 9 cin>>d>>x>>y; 10 day[0].pl=INT_MAX; 11 day[0].ps=INT_MAX; 12 for(int i=1;i<=d;i++){ 13 cin>>day[i].cnt>>day[i].pl>>day[i].ps; 14 day[i].pl=min(day[i].pl,day[i-1].pl); 15 day[i].ps=min(day[i].ps,day[i-1].ps); 16 } 17 18 ll ans=0,now_r=0; 19 for(int i=1;i<=d;i++){ 20 21 ans+=day[i].cnt*x*day[i].pl; 22 now_r-=day[i].cnt * y; 23 while(now_r<0){ 24 now_r+=80; 25 ans+=day[i].ps; 26 } 27 //ll need=day[i].cnt*y; 28 //need-=now_r; 29 30 /*if(need > 80 && need % 80){ 31 now_r = (need/80+1)*80 - need; 32 ans+=(need / 80 +1) * day[i].ps; 33 } 34 else if(need > 80 && !(need % 80)){ 35 now_r= 0; 36 ans+=need/80 * day[i].ps; 37 } 38 else if(need<80){ 39 now_r=80-need; 40 ans+=day[i].ps; 41 } 42 */ 43 44 } 45 cout<<ans<<endl; 46 } 47 int main(){ 48 int t; 49 cin>>t; 50 while(t--){ 51 work(); 52 } 53 }
# E.Rain Gauge
# 题意
# 题解
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
2 #define ll long long
3 using namespace std;
4 const double pi=3.14159265358979;
5 int main(){
6 int t;
7 cin>>t;
8 for(int i=1;i<=t;i++){
9 double s,r;
10 cin>>s>>r;
11 double d=s/2;
12 double p=sqrt(2)*d;
13 double ans;
14 if(r>=p) {
15 ans = s*s;
16 }
17 else if(r<=d)
18 ans=pi*r*r;
19 else if(r<p && r>d){
20 double c= sqrt(r*r-d*d);
21 double rec=c*d;
22 double jd=2*acos(d/r);
23 double cir=jd*r*r/2;
24 double la=cir-rec;
25 ans = pi*r*r-4*la;
26 }
27 cout<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<ans<<endl;
28 }
30 }
# G.Towers of Hanoi grid
# 题意
# 题解
1 #include<iostream>
2 #include<cstring>
3 #include<cstdio>
4 using namespace std;
5 int main(){
6 int t;
7 cin>>t;
8 for(int i=1;i<=t;i++){
9 int d,n;
10 cin>>d>>n;
11 if(d > (n-1)*(n-1)+1)
12 cout<<"Grid #"<<i<<": "<<"impossible"<<endl;
13 else
14 cout<<"Grid #"<<i<<": "<<d*(n-1)*2<<endl;
15 puts("");
16 }
17 return 0;
19 }