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  • The kite runner

    Perhaps I am a not so emotional person,I wondered when I found myself crying at many stages of the book.

    The kite runner is a story about two boys Amir-a boy from a wealthy family and Hassan -who is his best friend ,Hassan and his father works as servants in Amir's house.

    Character of Amir is so naturally portraited as when we can find him being fond of Hassan most of the time , but he also experience jealousy when Hassan was praised by his father(Baba).

    Jealousy lead to a stage where, when Hassan got raped by neighborhood boys, even though Amir witnessed the act , he remained silent without defending Hassan. The guilt made him to keep distance from Hassan

    Hassan being the most humble and innocent boy…inspired me by the level of loyalty he shows towards Amir.

    As both boys are so fond of kite and Hassan being the 'kite runner’ for Amir ,he once says to Amir while running for him in a kite tournament “For you, a thousand times over” feels so real as it hiders a deep feel.

    Story plots moves by Amir and Baba escaping to California due to war,and so many years later Amir return to his country and when he found that Hassan was dead ,his guilt became immense.

    Amir faces more troubles when he decided to take Hassan's son ,he even got deadly beaten by a Taliban leader who kept sohrab(Hassan's son) as a dancer in his house.

    Finally he manages to take Sohrab with him to United States.

    Story ends with a scene where Sohrab playing with kite and Amir run to get the kite for him by saying ”For you,a thousand times over”-The most eye drenching moment.

    Because it teaches you about courage, loyalty and the power of guilt. Standing up for your friend in front of a gang of bullies takes courage.

    Understanding that your father, the man who you idolized, was also just a man after all takes courage.

    It shows how one mistake can change the course of your entire life. It makes you realize that no matter where you're from, or who you worship, we're all human. We all make errors in judgment. What is important is letting go of your past and embracing your future.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hiszm/p/12461881.html
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