Title:PIC16F877A TIMER1定时操作
0 0 1 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*1)
0 1 2 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*2)
1 0 4 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*4)
1 1 8 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*8)
bit7-6 unimplemented :Read as ‘0’
bit5-4 T1CKPS1:T1CKPS0:Timer1 input Clock Prescale Select bits
11=1:8 prescale value
10=1:4 prescale value
01=1:2 prescale value
00=1:1 prescale value
bit3 T1OSCEN:Timer1 Oscillator Enable Control bit
1 = Oscillator is enable
0 = Oscillator is shut-off
bit2 T1SYNC:Timer1 External Clock Input Synchronization Control bit
when TMR1CS = 1
1= Do not synchronize external clock input
0= Synchronize external clock input
when TMR1CS = 0
This bit is ignored .Timer1 uses the internal clock when TMR1CS = 0.
bit1 TMR1CS:Timer1 Clock Source Select bit
1 = External clock from pin RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI
0 = Internal clock
bit0 TMR1ON:Timer1 on bit
1 = enables timer1
0 = stops timer1
#include <pic.h>
#include "../head/config.h"
void Delayms(uint16 dly);
void main(void)
T1CKPS1 = 1;
T1CKPS0 = 1;
TMR1CS = 0;
TMR1L = (65536 - 37500)%256;
TMR1H = (65536 - 37500)/256;
GIE = 1;
PEIE = 1;
TMR1IE = 1;
TMR1ON = 1;
PORTD = 0x00;
TRISD = 0x00;
void interrupt ISR(void)
TMR1L = (65536 - 37500)%256;
TMR1H = (65536 - 37500)/256;
TMR1IF = 0;
/********************** Title:PIC16F877A TIMER1定时操作 Author:hnrain Date:2010-12-28 使用前置分频器 T1CKPS1 T1CKPS1 0 0 1 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*1) 0 1 2 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*2) 1 0 4 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*4) 1 1 8 分频 TMR1时钟为晶振时钟/(4*8) TMR1是16位宽度的TMR1由2个8位的可读写的寄存器TMR1H和TMR1L组成。 TMR1有专门的启停控制位TMR1ON,通过软件可以任意启动或暂停TMR1计数功能。 T1CON:TIMER1 CONTROL REGISTER bit7-6 unimplemented :Read as ‘0’ bit5-4 T1CKPS1:T1CKPS0:Timer1 input Clock Prescale Select bits 11=1:8 prescale value 10=1:4 prescale value 01=1:2 prescale value 00=1:1 prescale value bit3 T1OSCEN:Timer1 Oscillator Enable Control bit 1 = Oscillator is enable 0 = Oscillator is shut-off bit2 T1SYNC:Timer1 External Clock Input Synchronization Control bit when TMR1CS = 1 1= Do not synchronize external clock input 0= Synchronize external clock input when TMR1CS = 0 This bit is ignored .Timer1 uses the internal clock when TMR1CS = 0. bit1 TMR1CS:Timer1 Clock Source Select bit 1 = External clock from pin RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI 0 = Internal clock bit0 TMR1ON:Timer1 on bit 1 = enables timer1 0 = stops timer1 ***********************/ #include <pic.h> #include "../head/config.h" __CONFIG(HS&WDTDIS&LVPDIS&PWRTEN); void Delayms(uint16 dly); void main(void) { T1CKPS1 = 1; T1CKPS0 = 1; TMR1CS = 0; TMR1L = (65536 - 37500)%256; TMR1H = (65536 - 37500)/256; GIE = 1; PEIE = 1; TMR1IE = 1; TMR1ON = 1; PORTD = 0x00; TRISD = 0x00; while(1){} } void interrupt ISR(void) { TMR1L = (65536 - 37500)%256; TMR1H = (65536 - 37500)/256; if(TMR1IF&&TMR1IE) { TMR1IF = 0; PORTD = ~PORTD; } }