/// thread-safe dictionary to store some values from associated keys
// - will maintain a dynamic array of values, associated with a hash table
// for the keys, so that setting or retrieving values would be O(1)
// - all process is protected by a TSynLocker, so will be thread-safe
// - TDynArray is a wrapper which do not store anything, whereas this class
// is able to store both keys and values, and provide convenient methods to
// access the stored data, including JSON serialization and binary storage
TSynDictionary = class(TSynLocked)
// -将维护一个与散列表关联的动态值数组
// -所有进程都由TSynLocker保护,因此是线程安全的
// - TDynArray是一个包装器,它不存储任何东西,而这个类
procedure TTestCoreBase._TSynDictionary; type tvalue = variant; tvalues = TVariantDynArray; const MAX = 10000; var dict: TSynDictionary; procedure Test; var k: RawUTF8; v: tvalue; i: integer; begin check(dict.Count = MAX); for i := 1 to MAX do begin UInt32ToUTF8(i, k); v := 0; check(dict.Exists(k)); check(dict.FindAndCopy(k, v)); check(v = i); end; end; var v: tvalue; s, k: RawUTF8; i: integer; exists: boolean; begin dict := TSynDictionary.Create(TypeInfo(TRawUTF8DynArray), TypeInfo(tvalues)); try for i := 1 to MAX do begin UInt32ToUTF8(i, k); v := i; check(dict.Add(k, v) = i - 1); end; Test; s := dict.SaveToJSON; check(dict.Exists(k)); dict.DeleteAll; check(dict.Count = 0); check(not dict.Exists(k)); check(dict.LoadFromJSON(s)); Test; s := dict.SaveToBinary; finally dict.Free; end; dict := TSynDictionary.Create(TypeInfo(TRawUTF8DynArray), TypeInfo(tvalues)); try check(dict.LoadFromBinary(s)); Test; for i := MAX downto 1 do if i and 127 = 0 then begin UInt32ToUTF8(i, k); check(dict.Delete(k) = i - 1); check(dict.Exists(k) = false); end; for i := 1 to MAX do begin exists := (i and 127) <> 0; UInt32ToUTF8(i, k); check(dict.Exists(k) = exists); if exists then begin v := 0; check(dict.FindAndCopy(k, v)); check(v = i); if i < 10000 then begin // FindKeyFromValue() brute force is slow k := ''; check(dict.FindKeyFromValue(v, k)); check(GetInteger(pointer(k)) = i); end; end; end; finally dict.Free; end; end;