urllib2.urlopen(url[, data[, timeout[, cafile[, capath[, cadefault[, context]]]]])
2、函数的返回值。函数返回一个类文件的东西,which means,函数返回的值可以当一个文件类来操作,只是多了三个方法:
- geturl()返回这个html对应的url
- info() 返回这个html文件的元信息例如headers
- getcode()返回网站的返回的状态码,如200表示OK,404表示not found之类。
1 import urllib2 2 import socket 3 def gethtml(url): 4 try: 5 f = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=10) 6 data = f.read() 7 except socket.timeout, e: 8 data = None 9 print "time out!" 10 with open("timeout",'a') as log: 11 log.write(url+' ') 12 except urllib2.URLError,ee: 13 data = None 14 print "url error" 15 finally: 16 return data
1 from HTMLParser import HTMLParser 2 3 # create a subclass and override the handler methods 4 class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): 5 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): 6 print "Encountered a start tag:", tag 7 def handle_endtag(self, tag): 8 print "Encountered an end tag :", tag 9 def handle_data(self, data): 10 print "Encountered some data :", data
1 <html> 2 <head> 3 <title>Test</title> 4 </head> 5 <body> 6 <h1>Parse me!</h1> 7 </body> 8 </html>
#例如借用上面的gethtml函数 def parse(): html = gethtml("http://baidu.com",timeout=10) parser = MyParser() parser.feed(html) parser.close()
f = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=10) data = f.read() # decode the html contentType = f.headers.get('Content-Type') if contentType.find("gbk"): data = unicode(data, "GBK").encode("utf-8") elif contentType.find("utf-8"): pass
1 import StringIO, gzip 2 3 f = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=10) 4 # consider some html is compressed by server with gzip 5 isGzip = f.headers.get('Content-Encoding') 6 if isGzip: 7 compressedData = f.read() 8 compressedStream = StringIO.StringIO(compressedData) 9 gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedStream) 10 data = gzipper.read() 11 else: 12 data = f.read()
import time for url in urllist: f = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=10) ... time.sleep(1)
schoollist = ['1','2','3']
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'holmes' from HTMLParser import HTMLParser import urllib2 import StringIO, gzip import threading import os import time import sys import socket # hard code LOCATION = ("北京", "天津", "辽宁", "吉林", "黑龙江", "上海", "江苏", "浙江", "安徽", "福建", "山东", "湖北", "湖南", "广东", "重庆", "四川", "陕西", "甘肃", "河北", "山西", "内蒙古", "河南", "海南", "广西", "贵州", "云南", "西藏", "青海", "宁夏", "新疆", "江西",) # hard code SUBJECT = ("理科", "文科",) '''Rules for URL http://college.gaokao.com/school/tinfo/%d/result/%d/%d/ %(schoolID,localID,subID) where localID from 1 to 31 where subID from 1 to 2 ''' SEED = "http://college.gaokao.com/school/tinfo/%s/result/%s/%s/" SID = "schoolID" # file name contains school IDs class SpiderParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self, subject=1, location=1): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.campus_name = "" self.subject = SUBJECT[subject - 1] self.location = LOCATION[location - 1] self.table_content = [[], ] self.line_no = 0 self.__in_h2 = False self.__in_table = False self.__in_td = False def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == "h2": self.__in_h2 = True if tag == "table": self.__in_table = True if tag == "tr" and len(attrs) != 0: if self.__in_table: self.table_content[self.line_no].append(self.campus_name) self.table_content[self.line_no].append(self.subject) self.table_content[self.line_no].append(self.location) if tag == "td": if self.__in_table: self.__in_td = True def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == "h2": self.__in_h2 = False if tag == "table": self.__in_table = False if tag == "tr": if self.__in_table: self.line_no += 1 self.table_content.append([]) if tag == "td": if self.__in_table: self.__in_td = False def handle_data(self, data): if self.__in_h2: self.campus_name = data if self.__in_td: self.table_content[self.line_no].append(data) def getschoolID(): with open(SID, mode='r') as rf: idlist = rf.readlines() print idlist return idlist def gethtml(url): try: f = urllib2.urlopen(url,timeout=10) # consider some html is compressed by server with gzip isGzip = f.headers.get('Content-Encoding') if isGzip: compressedData = f.read() compressedStream = StringIO.StringIO(compressedData) gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressedStream) data = gzipper.read() else: data = f.read() # decode the html contentType = f.headers.get('Content-Type') if contentType.find("gbk"): data = unicode(data, "GBK").encode("utf-8") elif contentType.find("utf-8"): pass except socket.timeout, e: data = None print "time out!" with open("timeout",'a') as log: log.write(url+' ') finally: return data def parseandwrite((slID, lID, sID), wfile): try: url = SEED % (slID, lID, sID) html = gethtml(url) if html is None: print "pass a timeout" return parser = SpiderParser(sID, lID) parser.feed(html) parser.close() if parser.line_no != 0: for line in parser.table_content: for item in line: if "--" in item: item = "NULL" wfile.write(item + ',') wfile.write(' ') except urllib2.URLError, e: print "url error in parseandwrite()" raise def thread_task(idlist, name): try: print "thread %s is start" % name wf = open(name, mode='w') wf.write("大学名称,文理,省份,年份,最低分,最高分,平均分,录取人数,录取批次") for sID in idlist: print name + ":%s" % idlist.index(sID) sID = sID.strip(' ') i = 1.0 for localID in range(1, 32): for subID in range(1, 3): parseandwrite((sID, localID, subID), wf) sys.stdout.write(" process:%.2f%%" % (i / 62.0 * 100)) sys.stdout.flush() i += 1.0 time.sleep(1) except urllib2.URLError: with open("errorlog_" + name, 'w') as f: f.write("schoolID is %s , locationID is %s ,subID is %s" % (sID, localID, subID)) print "schoolID is %s ,locationID is %s ,subID is %s" % (sID, localID, subID) finally: wf.close() THREAD_NO = 1 def master(): school = getschoolID() for i in range(THREAD_NO): path = os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "errorlog_" + str(i)) if os.path.exists(path): with open("errorlog_" + str(i), 'r') as rf: sID = rf.readline().split()[2] start = school.index(sID) else: start = len(school) / THREAD_NO * i end = len(school) / THREAD_NO * (i + 1) - 1 if i == THREAD_NO - 1: end = len(school) - 1 t = threading.Thread(target=thread_task, args=(school[start:end], "thread" + str(i),)) t.start() print "start:%s end:%s" % (start, end) t.join() print "finish" if __name__ == '__main__': # thread_task(["1"],"test") master() # gethtml("http://www.baidu.com")