1.stop failover
2.stop scheduler
3.clear failover meta
4.start failover
. /data/venv/bin/activate
supervisorctl status
supervisorctl stop airflow_failover
supervisorctl stop airflow_scheduler
scheduler_failover_controller clear_metadata
supervisorctl start airflow_failover
scheduler_failover_controller metadata #Get the Metadata from Metastore
scheduler_failover_controller clear_metadata #Clear the Metadata in Metastore
scheduler_failover_controller is_scheduler_running
#Checks if the Scheduler is running on the machines you have listed in 'scheduler_nodes_in_cluster' config
scheduler_failover_controller get_current_host #Get the Current Hostname
scheduler日志满了清理: 这是作业的日志
find /root/airflow/logs/* -type f -mtime +7 | xargs rm -f
cd /var/opt/tableau
cp -rp ./tableau_server /data
ln -s /data/tableau_server/ /var/opt/tableau/
vim /hongfeng/scrit/status_check.sh
ansible airflow -m shell -a '. /data/venv/bin/activate && supervisorctl status'