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  • ng2 父子组件传值

    一. 父子组件之间进行直接通话

        <app-li  [value] = "value" (liClick) = "liClick($event)">
    //子组件  app-li  的 component.ts
    import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core';
    @Input  current: string;  // Input 用于变量传递
    @Output appClick = new EventEmitter<string>(); // Output 用于函数传递
    //子组件 app-li 的html
    <li (click) = "appClick.emit(li.innerText)" #li1>{{current | async}}</li>

    二.通过向服务注入来实现组件通话 - 也就是外部状态和函数

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
      providedIn: 'root'
    export class HeroService {
         public  value1: number;
         public  string1: number;
        setValue(value1): void {
            this.value1 = value;
        setString(string1): void {
            this.string1 = string1;
    string$: string;
    number$: number;
     constructor(private testService: TestService) {
        this.string$ = testService.string1;
        this.number$ = testService.number1;
    <input (keyup) = "testService.setValue(input1.value)"  #input1/>
    <input (keyup) = "testService.setString(input2.value)"  #input2/>

    三. ngrx 状态管理

    import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
    export enum ActionTypes {
      Increment = '[Counter Component] Increment',
      Decrement = '[Counter Component] Decrement',
      Reset = '[Counter Component] Reset',
    export class Increment implements Action {
      readonly type = ActionTypes.Increment;
    export class Decrement implements Action {
      readonly type = ActionTypes.Decrement;
    export class Reset implements Action {
      readonly type = ActionTypes.Reset;
    //reducer.ts   纯函数
    import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
    import { ActionTypes } from './hero.actions';
    export const initialState = 0;
    export function counterReducer(state = initialState, action: Action) {
      switch (action.type) {
        case ActionTypes.Increment:
          return state + 1;
        case ActionTypes.Decrement:
          return state - 1;
        case ActionTypes.Reset:
          return 0;
          return state;
    import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store';
    import { Observable , of , interval} from 'rxjs';
    import { Increment, Decrement, Reset } from '../hero.ngrx/hero.actions';
    count$: Observable<number>;
    constructor(private store: Store<{ count: number }>) {
        this.count$ = store.pipe(select('count'));
     increment() {
        this.store.dispatch(new Increment());
      decrement() {
        this.store.dispatch(new Decrement());
      reset() {
        this.store.dispatch(new Reset());
    <button (click)="increment()">Increment</button>
    <div>Current Count: {{ count$ | async }}</div>
    <button (click)="decrement()">Decrement</button>
    <button (click)="reset()">Reset Counter</button>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/honkerzh/p/10956923.html
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