DOS 选择跳转实现、dos + bcp 双击导入和导出数据
- option.bat
@echo off :Start2 cls goto Start :Start title Frequently Used Websites echo Please select a website from the list echo with the corresponding key echo -------------------------------------- echo [1] Google echo [2] Wikipedia echo [3] Facebook echo [4] Youtube echo [5] Yahoo set input= set /p input= Choice: if "%input%" =="" goto N if %input%==1 goto Z if NOT goto Start2 if %input%==2 goto X if NOT goto Start2 if %input%==3 goto C if NOT goto Start2 if %input%==4 goto V if NOT goto Start2 if %input%==5 goto B if NOT goto Start2 if %input% gtr 5 goto N :Z cls echo You have selected Google pause start exit :X cls echo You have selected Wikipedia pause start exit :C cls echo You have selected Facebook pause start exit :V cls echo You have selected Youtube pause start exit :B cls echo You have selected Yahoo pause start exit :N cls echo Invalid Selection! Try again pause goto :start2
- Mantis0000225_ExportSalesOrder_Autosys.cmd
@cls @echo OFF @set "endfix=%date:~,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%" @SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS @SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION @echo ... @echo VALIDATE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | VALIDATE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @set MSBACKUP=D:SalesOrder_NEWDRM @set MSLOG=D:SalesOrder_NEWDRM @set MSTMP=D:SalesOrder_NEWDRM @echo ... @echo DECLARE ALL GLOBAL VARIABLES... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | DECLARE ALL GLOBAL VARIABLES. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @set FILENAME=SALESORDER @set DB_USERNAME=DRMPOS @set DB_PASSWORD=DRMPOS @set TNS_ALIAS=DRMPROD @set LOGFILE=%MSLOG%\%FILENAME%_%TNS_ALIAS%.log @set DUMPFILE=%MSBACKUP%\%FILENAME%_%TNS_ALIAS%.dat rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | WRITE EXPORT PARAMETER FILE. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @echo ... @echo MOVE OLD EXPORT (DUMP) FILE.... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | MOVE OLD EXPORT (DUMP) FILE. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @if exist "%DUMPFILE%.backup" (del /q "%DUMPFILE%.backup") @if exist %DUMPFILE% (echo f|@xcopy /y %DUMPFILE% %DUMPFILE%.backup) @if exist %LOGFILE% (echo f|xcopy /y %LOGFILE% "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%") @if exist "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%" (echo f | xcopy /y "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%" D:SalesOrder_NEWDRMlogfile&del /q "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%") @if exist %LOGFILE% (del /q %LOGFILE%) @echo ... @echo PERFORM EXPORT... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | PERFORM EXPORT. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem exp parfile=%PARFILE% @bcp " select * from drmpos.SALESORDER where orderdate >= convert(DATE,getdate()-10)" queryout %DUMPFILE% -T -c -t^| -d apoms -e %LOGFILE% @IF not EXIST %LOGFILE% GOTO end @echo ...error occured @echo SCAN THE EXPORT LOGFILE FOR ERRORS... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | SCAN THE EXPORT LOGFILE FOR ERRORS. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @echo ... @echo Analyzing log file for errors... @findstr /I /C:"Export terminated unsuccessfully" %LOGFILE% @if errorlevel 1 (goto good1) else (goto exception) :END @echo ... @echo finished WITHOUT errorlog @exit /b 0 :good1 @echo ... @echo Analyzing log file for MS-errors... @findstr /I /C:"invalid" %LOGFILE% @if errorlevel 1 (goto good2) else (goto exception) :good2 @echo ... @echo Analyzing log file for warnings... @findstr /I /C:"error" %LOGFILE% @if errorlevel 1 (goto good3) else (goto exception) :good3 @echo ... @echo Analyzing log file for warnings... @findstr /I /C:"rows" %LOGFILE% @if errorlevel 1 (cmd /c exit 0) else (goto exception) @exit /b 0 :exception @exit /b 1
- Mantis0000227_ImportSalesOrder_Autosys.cmd
@cls @echo OFF @set "endfix=%date:~,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%" @SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS @SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION @echo ... @echo VALIDATE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | VALIDATE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @set MSBACKUP=D:SalesOrder_NEWDRM @set MSLOG=D:SalesOrder_NEWDRM @set MSTMP=D:SalesOrder_NEWDRM @echo ... @echo DECLARE ALL GLOBAL VARIABLES... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | DECLARE ALL GLOBAL VARIABLES. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @set FILENAME=SALESORDER @set DB_USERNAME=DRMPOS @set DB_PASSWORD=DRMPOS @set TNS_ALIAS=DRMPROD @set LOGFILE=%MSLOG%IMP_%FILENAME%_%TNS_ALIAS%.log @set DUMPFILE=%MSBACKUP%\%FILENAME%_%TNS_ALIAS%.dat rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | WRITE EXPORT PARAMETER FILE. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @echo ... @echo MOVE OLD EXPORT (DUMP) FILE.... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | MOVE OLD EXPORT (DUMP) FILE. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @if exist "%DUMPFILE%.backup" (del /q "%DUMPFILE%.backup") @if exist %DUMPFILE% (echo f|@xcopy /y %DUMPFILE% %DUMPFILE%.backup) @if exist %LOGFILE% (echo f|xcopy /y %LOGFILE% "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%") @if exist "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%" (echo f | xcopy /y "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%" D:SalesOrder_NEWDRMlogfile&del /q "%LOGFILE%.%endfix%") @if exist %LOGFILE% (del /q %LOGFILE%) @echo ... @echo PERFORM EXPORT... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | PERFORM EXPORT. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem exp parfile=%PARFILE% @bcp apoms.drmpos.SALESORDER in %DUMPFILE% -T -c -t^| -e %LOGFILE% @IF not EXIST %LOGFILE% GOTO end @echo ...error occured @echo SCAN THE EXPORT LOGFILE FOR ERRORS... rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ rem | SCAN THE EXPORT LOGFILE FOR ERRORS. | rem +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @echo ... @echo Analyzing log file for errors... @findstr /I /C:"Export terminated unsuccessfully" %LOGFILE% @if errorlevel 1 (goto good1) else (goto exception) :END @echo ... @echo finished WITHOUT errorlog @exit /b 0 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for errors... findstr /I /C:"Import terminated unsuccessfully" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good1) else (goto exception) :good1 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"communication" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good2) else (goto exception) :good2 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"errors" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good3) else (goto exception) :good3 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"Snapshot" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good4) else (goto exception) :good4 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"TNS" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good5) else (goto exception) :good5 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"resource" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good6) else (goto exception) :good6 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"deadlock" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good7) else (goto exception) :good7 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"identifier" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good8) else (goto exception) :good8 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"maximum" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good9) else (goto exception) :good9 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for ORA- errors... findstr /I /C:"shutdown" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (goto good10) else (goto exception) :good10 echo ... echo Analyzing log file for warnings... findstr /I /C:"unable" %LOGFILE% if errorlevel 1 (cmd /c exit 0) else (goto exception) exit /b 0 :exception exit /b 1