program game; Type gjd=record len:longint; d:array[0..2000] of longint; end; Var n,i:longint; a,b:array[0..10002] of longint; now,max,q:gjd; Procedure fopen; begin assign(input,'game.in'); assign(output,'game.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); end; Procedure fclose; begin close(input); close(output); end; Procedure swap(var p,q:longint); var y:longint; begin y:=p; p:=q; q:=y; end; Procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j,x:longint; begin i:=l;j:=r;x:=a[(l+r) div 2]*b[(l+r) div 2]; repeat while a[i]*b[i]<x do inc(i); while a[j]*b[j]>x do dec(j); if i<=j then begin swap(a[i],a[j]); swap(b[i],b[j]); inc(i); dec(j); end; until i>j; if l<j then qsort(l,j); if i<r then qsort(i,r); end; Procedure print(P:gjd); var i:longint; begin for i:=p.len downto 1 do begin if i<>p.len then begin if p.d[i]<10 then write(0); if p.d[i]<100 then write(0); if p.d[i]<1000 then write(0); end; write(p.d[i]); end; end; Function more(p,q:gjd):boolean; var i:longint; begin if p.len>q.len then exit(true); for i:=p.len downto 1 do begin if p.d[i]>q.d[i] then exit(true); if p.d[i]<q.d[i] then exit(false); end; exit(false); end; Function cheng(p:gjd;q:longint):gjd; var i,jw:longint; begin cheng:=p; jw:=0; for i:=1 to cheng.len do begin cheng.d[i]:=cheng.d[i]*q+jw; jw:=cheng.d[i] div 10000; cheng.d[i]:=cheng.d[i] mod 10000; end; while jw>0 do begin inc(cheng.len); cheng.d[cheng.len]:=jw; jw:=cheng.d[cheng.len] div 10000; cheng.d[cheng.len]:=cheng.d[cheng.len] mod 10000; end; while (cheng.len>1) and (cheng.d[cheng.len]=0) do dec(cheng.len); end; Function divide(P:gjd;q:longint):gjd; var ans:gjd; i,jw:longint; begin ans:=p; jw:=0; for i:=ans.len downto 1 do begin ans.d[i]:=(ans.d[i]+jw*10000) div q; jw:=(p.d[i]+jw*10000)-ans.d[i]*q; end; while (ans.len>1) and (ans.d[ans.len]=0) do dec(ans.len); exit(ans); end; begin fopen; readln(n); for i:=0 to n do readln(a[i],b[i]); qsort(1,n); now.len:=1; now.d[1]:=a[0]; max.len:=1; max.d[1]:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin q:=divide(now,b[i]); if more(q,max) then max:=q; now:=cheng(now,a[i]); end; print(max); fclose; end.