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  • ORACLE EBS BOM 展开(使用标准程序bompexpl.exploder_userexit展开)

    create or replace package cux_bom_pub is

    PROCEDURE bom_expand_to_temp(
    p_organization_id number,
    p_item_id VARCHAR2,
    p_levels_to_explode NUMBER);
    end cux_bom_pub;

    create or replace package body cux_bom_pub is
    --g_session_id NUMBER;
    g_bom_cnt NUMBER := 0;
    PROCEDURE bom_expand_to_temp(
    p_organization_id number,
    p_item_id VARCHAR2,
    p_levels_to_explode NUMBER) IS
    --v_cnt number;
    l_grp_id number ;
    l_session_id number ;
    -- l_org_id number ;
    l_levels_to_explode number;
    l_module number default 2 ; -- bom = 2
    l_cst_type_id number default -1 ; -- all cost = -1 else 0
    l_item_id number ;
    l_bom_or_eng number:=1 ;--1 bom 2 eng
    l_rev_date varchar2(30):= to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'); --Must be this
    l_err_msg varchar2(250) ;
    l_error_code number ;
    -- l_cnt NUMBER;
    -- 首先要有一个group id
    select bom_explosion_temp_s.nextval
    into l_grp_id
    from dual ;

    -- 其次要得到一个session id
    select bom_explosion_temp_session_s.nextval
    into l_session_id
    from dual ;

    -- Find item_id
    l_item_id := p_item_id;
    /*select inventory_item_id
    into l_item_id
    from mtl_system_items_b -- mtl_item_flexfields
    where organization_id = p_organization_id and segment1 = p_item_no;
    -- determine maximum levels to explode from bom_explosions
    IF p_levels_to_explode IS NULL THEN
    select maximum_bom_level
    into l_levels_to_explode
    from bom_parameters
    where organization_id = p_organization_id;
    l_levels_to_explode := p_levels_to_explode;
    END IF;

    delete bom.bom_explosion_temp;-- where top_item_id =l_item_id;

    --delete bom_explosion_temp;
    -- commit;

    verify_flag =>0, -- DEFAULT 0
    org_id =>p_organization_id,
    order_by =>1, -- DEFAULT 1
    grp_id =>l_grp_id,
    session_id =>l_session_id,
    levels_to_explode => l_levels_to_explode,
    bom_or_eng =>l_bom_or_eng,
    impl_flag =>1, -- DEFAULT 1
    plan_factor_flag =>2, -- DEFAULT 2
    explode_option =>2, -- DEFAULT 2
    module =>l_module, -- DEFAULT 2
    cst_type_id =>l_cst_type_id,
    std_comp_flag =>0,
    expl_qty =>1, -- DEFAULT 1
    item_id =>l_item_id,
    alt_desg =>'',
    comp_code =>'',
    rev_date =>l_rev_date,
    err_msg =>l_err_msg,
    error_code =>l_error_code

    if ( l_error_code <> 0 ) then
    -- rollback;
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: ' || l_err_msg);

    INSERT INTO cux_explosion_temp(
    top_bill_sequence_id ,
    bill_sequence_id ,
    organization_id ,
    component_sequence_id ,
    component_item_id ,
    plan_level ,
    extended_quantity ,
    sort_order ,
    request_id ,
    program_application_id ,
    program_id ,
    program_update_date ,
    group_id ,
    session_id ,
    select_flag ,
    select_quantity ,
    extend_cost_flag ,
    top_alternate_designator ,
    top_item_id ,
    context ,
    attribute1 ,
    attribute2 ,
    attribute3 ,
    attribute4 ,
    attribute5 ,
    attribute6 ,
    attribute7 ,
    attribute8 ,
    attribute9 ,
    attribute10 ,
    attribute11 ,
    attribute12 ,
    attribute13 ,
    attribute14 ,
    attribute15 ,
    header_id ,
    line_id ,
    list_price ,
    selling_price ,
    component_yield_factor ,
    item_cost ,
    include_in_rollup_flag ,
    based_on_rollup_flag ,
    actual_cost_type_id ,
    component_quantity ,
    shrinkage_rate ,
    so_basis ,
    optional ,
    mutually_exclusive_options ,
    check_atp ,
    shipping_allowed ,
    required_to_ship ,
    required_for_revenue ,
    include_on_ship_docs ,
    include_on_bill_docs ,
    low_quantity ,
    high_quantity ,
    pick_components ,
    primary_uom_code ,
    primary_unit_of_measure ,
    base_item_id ,
    atp_components_flag ,
    atp_flag ,
    bom_item_type ,
    pick_components_flag ,
    replenish_to_order_flag ,
    shippable_item_flag ,
    customer_order_flag ,
    internal_order_flag ,
    customer_order_enabled_flag ,
    internal_order_enabled_flag ,
    so_transactions_flag ,
    stock_enabled_flag ,
    description ,
    assembly_item_id ,
    alternate_bom_designator ,
    configurator_flag ,
    price_list_id ,
    rounding_factor ,
    pricing_context ,
    pricing_attribute1 ,
    pricing_attribute2 ,
    pricing_attribute3 ,
    pricing_attribute4 ,
    pricing_attribute5 ,
    pricing_attribute6 ,
    pricing_attribute7 ,
    pricing_attribute8 ,
    pricing_attribute9 ,
    pricing_attribute10 ,
    pricing_attribute11 ,
    pricing_attribute12 ,
    pricing_attribute13 ,
    pricing_attribute14 ,
    pricing_attribute15 ,
    component_code ,
    loop_flag ,
    inventory_asset_flag ,
    planning_factor ,
    operation_seq_num ,
    parent_bom_item_type ,
    wip_supply_type ,
    item_num ,
    effectivity_date ,
    disable_date ,
    implementation_date ,
    supply_subinventory ,
    supply_locator_id ,
    component_remarks ,
    change_notice ,
    operation_lead_time_percent ,
    rexplode_flag ,
    common_bill_sequence_id ,
    common_organization_id ,
    primary_path_flag ,
    auto_request_material ,
    explosion_type ,
    creation_date ,
    created_by ,
    last_update_date ,
    last_updated_by ,
    comp_bill_seq_id ,
    comp_common_bill_seq_id ,
    num_col1 ,
    num_col2 ,
    num_col3 ,
    date_col1 ,
    date_col2 ,
    date_col3 ,
    char_col1 ,
    char_col2 ,
    char_col3 ,
    include_in_cost_rollup ,
    parent_sort_order ,
    structure_type_id ,
    obj_name ,
    pk1_value ,
    pk2_value ,
    pk3_value ,
    pk4_value ,
    pk5_value ,
    hgrid_flag ,
    operation_offset ,
    current_revision ,
    locator ,
    suggested_vendor_name ,
    unit_price ,
    vendor_id ,
    from_end_item_unit_number ,
    to_end_item_unit_number ,
    from_end_item_rev_id ,
    from_end_item_minor_rev_id ,
    to_end_item_rev_id ,
    to_end_item_minor_rev_id ,
    new_component_code ,
    from_bill_revision_id ,
    to_bill_revision_id ,
    revision_id ,
    revision_label ,
    effectivity_control ,
    access_flag ,
    eng_item_flag ,
    assembly_type ,
    from_object_revision_id ,
    from_minor_revision_id ,
    to_object_revision_id ,
    to_minor_revision_id ,
    object_revision_id ,
    minor_revision_id ,
    minor_revision_code ,
    component_item_revision_id ,
    component_minor_revision_id ,
    bom_implementation_date ,
    gtin_number ,
    gtin_description ,
    trade_item_descriptor ,
    top_gtin_number ,
    top_gtin_description ,
    top_trade_item_descriptor ,
    parent_gtin_number ,
    parent_gtin_description ,
    trade_item_descriptor_desc ,
    gtin_publication_status ,
    quantity_of_children ,
    total_qty_at_next_level ,
    change_id ,
    acd_type ,
    quantity_related ,
    change_policy_value ,
    exploded_date ,
    exploded_unit_number ,
    exploded_end_item_rev ,
    exploded_option ,
    SELECT top_bill_sequence_id,
    bill_sequence_id ,
    organization_id ,
    component_sequence_id ,
    component_item_id ,
    plan_level ,
    extended_quantity ,
    sort_order ,
    request_id ,
    program_application_id ,
    program_id ,
    program_update_date ,
    group_id ,
    session_id ,
    select_flag ,
    select_quantity ,
    extend_cost_flag ,
    top_alternate_designator ,
    top_item_id ,
    context ,
    attribute1 ,
    attribute2 ,
    attribute3 ,
    attribute4 ,
    attribute5 ,
    attribute6 ,
    attribute7 ,
    attribute8 ,
    attribute9 ,
    attribute10 ,
    attribute11 ,
    attribute12 ,
    attribute13 ,
    attribute14 ,
    attribute15 ,
    header_id ,
    line_id ,
    list_price ,
    selling_price ,
    component_yield_factor ,
    item_cost ,
    include_in_rollup_flag ,
    based_on_rollup_flag ,
    actual_cost_type_id ,
    component_quantity ,
    shrinkage_rate ,
    so_basis ,
    optional ,
    mutually_exclusive_options ,
    check_atp ,
    shipping_allowed ,
    required_to_ship ,
    required_for_revenue ,
    include_on_ship_docs ,
    include_on_bill_docs ,
    low_quantity ,
    high_quantity ,
    pick_components ,
    primary_uom_code ,
    primary_unit_of_measure ,
    base_item_id ,
    atp_components_flag ,
    atp_flag ,
    bom_item_type ,
    pick_components_flag ,
    replenish_to_order_flag ,
    shippable_item_flag ,
    customer_order_flag ,
    internal_order_flag ,
    customer_order_enabled_flag ,
    internal_order_enabled_flag ,
    so_transactions_flag ,
    stock_enabled_flag ,
    description ,
    assembly_item_id ,
    alternate_bom_designator ,
    configurator_flag ,
    price_list_id ,
    rounding_factor ,
    pricing_context ,
    pricing_attribute1 ,
    pricing_attribute2 ,
    pricing_attribute3 ,
    pricing_attribute4 ,
    pricing_attribute5 ,
    pricing_attribute6 ,
    pricing_attribute7 ,
    pricing_attribute8 ,
    pricing_attribute9 ,
    pricing_attribute10 ,
    pricing_attribute11 ,
    pricing_attribute12 ,
    pricing_attribute13 ,
    pricing_attribute14 ,
    pricing_attribute15 ,
    component_code ,
    loop_flag ,
    inventory_asset_flag ,
    planning_factor ,
    operation_seq_num ,
    parent_bom_item_type ,
    wip_supply_type ,
    item_num ,
    effectivity_date ,
    disable_date ,
    implementation_date ,
    supply_subinventory ,
    supply_locator_id ,
    component_remarks ,
    change_notice ,
    operation_lead_time_percent ,
    rexplode_flag ,
    common_bill_sequence_id ,
    common_organization_id ,
    primary_path_flag ,
    auto_request_material ,
    explosion_type ,
    creation_date ,
    created_by ,
    last_update_date ,
    last_updated_by ,
    comp_bill_seq_id ,
    comp_common_bill_seq_id ,
    num_col1 ,
    num_col2 ,
    num_col3 ,
    date_col1 ,
    date_col2 ,
    date_col3 ,
    char_col1 ,
    char_col2 ,
    char_col3 ,
    include_in_cost_rollup ,
    parent_sort_order ,
    structure_type_id ,
    obj_name ,
    pk1_value ,
    pk2_value ,
    pk3_value ,
    pk4_value ,
    pk5_value ,
    hgrid_flag ,
    operation_offset ,
    current_revision ,
    locator ,
    suggested_vendor_name ,
    unit_price ,
    vendor_id ,
    from_end_item_unit_number ,
    to_end_item_unit_number ,
    from_end_item_rev_id ,
    from_end_item_minor_rev_id ,
    to_end_item_rev_id ,
    to_end_item_minor_rev_id ,
    new_component_code ,
    from_bill_revision_id ,
    to_bill_revision_id ,
    revision_id ,
    revision_label ,
    effectivity_control ,
    access_flag ,
    eng_item_flag ,
    assembly_type ,
    from_object_revision_id ,
    from_minor_revision_id ,
    to_object_revision_id ,
    to_minor_revision_id ,
    object_revision_id ,
    minor_revision_id ,
    minor_revision_code ,
    component_item_revision_id ,
    component_minor_revision_id ,
    bom_implementation_date ,
    gtin_number ,
    gtin_description ,
    trade_item_descriptor ,
    top_gtin_number ,
    top_gtin_description ,
    top_trade_item_descriptor ,
    parent_gtin_number ,
    parent_gtin_description ,
    trade_item_descriptor_desc ,
    gtin_publication_status ,
    quantity_of_children ,
    total_qty_at_next_level ,
    change_id ,
    acd_type ,
    quantity_related ,
    change_policy_value ,
    exploded_date ,
    exploded_unit_number ,
    exploded_end_item_rev ,
    exploded_option ,
    FROM bom_explosion_temp t;-- WHERE t.session_id = l_session_id;
    g_bom_cnt := g_bom_cnt + 1;
    IF g_bom_cnt = 1000 THEN
    g_bom_cnt := 0;
    END IF;
    end if;
    end cux_bom_pub;

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huak/p/3736994.html
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