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  • Core Java 简单谈谈HashSet


    1. HashSet为什么添加元素时不能添加重复元素?
    2. HashSet是否添加null元素?

      打开源码, 我们看到如下代码,我们看到HashSet也有一个HashMap做为属性,HashSet()的构造方法就是将这个map实例化。如果大家对HashMap还不了解话,可以看我的这篇博文。还要注意有一个静态final的对象PRESENT,这个是干什么用的,咱们继续往下看。

        private transient HashMap<E,Object> map;
        // Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map
        private static final Object PRESENT = new Object();
         * Constructs a new, empty set; the backing <tt>HashMap</tt> instance has
         * default initial capacity (16) and load factor (0.75).
        public HashSet() {
            map = new HashMap<>();

      然后我们再打开其add方法,其就是将元素e放到HashMap中,然后将静态final对象PRESENT作为value放到里边,如果添加成功,那么HashMap返回null,然后也就是添加成功了,上一篇博文也讲到了,咱们再讲一次作为复习。如果将element放到HashMap里边,首先判断其hashCode,如果hashCode没有找到,就根据hashCode计算index放到对应的bucket中,如果hashCode相同的话,那么再根据key的是否equals作为第二判断,放到相应的linked list里边了。

         * Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
         * More formally, adds the specified element <tt>e</tt> to this set if
         * this set contains no element <tt>e2</tt> such that
         * <tt>(e==null&nbsp;?&nbsp;e2==null&nbsp;:&nbsp;e.equals(e2))</tt>.
         * If this set already contains the element, the call leaves the set
         * unchanged and returns <tt>false</tt>.
         * @param e element to be added to this set
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if this set did not already contain the specified
         * element
        public boolean add(E e) {
            return map.put(e, PRESENT)==null;


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