Hive --hiveconf v1="test" --hiveconf v2 -e "select * from ${hiveconf:v1} where col1='${hiveconf:v2}' ";
When we run this in linux, shell will parse the ${hiveconf:v1} as a linux variable. It will cause hive error.
Can not parse exception in put …
You can add before $ in -e to escapes this.
The another issue is in linux shell, * will parse to everything in current folder.
Pay attention to this.
when we change environment to cdh 5.3, then we use beeline.
beeline -n user -n url -e "select * from length(regex_replace('\D','')>10"
it doesn't work .
we should replace to
beeline -n user -n url -e "select * from length(regex_replace('\\D','')>10"
when you execute in beeline console like:
***********************database>select * from length(regex_replace('\D','')>10;
it will work.
it is wierd.