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  • Sql Server 课堂笔记



    create table student
    (sno char(8) primary key,
    sname char(8) not null unique,
    ssex char(2) default'男' check(ssex='男' or ssex='女'),
    sage tinyint check(sage>=14 and sage<=50),
    sdept char(40))


    create table course
    (cno char(2) primary key,
    cname char(30),
    cpno char(2),
    ccredit tinyint check(ccredit between 0 and 6))


    create table sc
    (sno char(8),
    cno char(2),
    grade tinyint,
    constraint pk_sc primary key(sno,cno),
    constraint fk_sno foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
    constraint fk_cno foreign key(cno) references course(cno),
    constraint ck_grade check(grade>=0 and grade<=100))


    alter table student
    add inschool datetime


    alter table student
    drop column inschool


    alter table student
    alter column sdept char(50)

    alter table sc
    drop constraint ck_grade

    alter table sc
    add constraint ck_grade check(grade>=0 and grade<=10)

    drop table student


    create table student
    (sno char(8) primary key,
    sname char(8) not null unique,
    ssex char(2) default'男' check(ssex='男' or ssex='女'),
    sage tinyint check(sage>=14 and sage<=50),
    sdept char(40))


    create table course
    (cno char(2) primary key,
    cname char(30),
    cpno char(2),
    ccredit tinyint check(ccredit between 0 and 6))


    create table sc
    (sno char(8),
    cno char(2),
    grade tinyint,
    constraint pk_sc primary key(sno,cno),
    constraint fk_sno foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
    constraint fk_cno foreign key(cno) references course(cno),
    constraint ck_grade check(grade>=0 and grade<=100))


    insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept) values (95001,'李勇','男',20,'CS');
    insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept) values (95002,'刘晨','女',19,'IS');
    insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept) values (95003,'王敏','女',18,'MA');
    insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept) values (95004,'张立','男',19,'IS');
    insert into student(sno,sname,ssex,sage,sdept) values (95005,'刘云','女',18,'CS');

    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit,cpno) values (1,'数据库',4,5);
    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit) values (2,'数学',6);
    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit,cpno) values (3,'信息系统',3,1);
    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit,cpno) values (4,'操作系统',4,6);
    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit,cpno) values (5,'数据结构',4,7);
    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit) values (6,'数据处理',3);
    insert into course(cno,cname,ccredit,cpno) values (7,'PASCAL语言',4,6);

    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95001,1,92);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95001,2,85);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95001,3,88);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95002,2,90);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95002,3,80);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95003,2,85);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95004,1,58);
    insert into sc(sno,cno,grade) values (95004,2,85);

    查询 1


    select * from student
    select sno,sname,sdept from student
    select distinct sdept from student --distinct 不同的


    select distinct cno from sc --distinct 不同的
    select * from student order by sdept asc--升序
    select * from student order by ssex desc--降序
    select distinct sage from student order by sage


    select * from sc where cno='1' or cno='3'
    select * from sc where cno in ('1','3')
    select * from sc where cno not in ('1','3')


    --select * from sc where cno='1' and cno='3' (错)


    select * from sc where grade between 80 and 90
    select * from sc where grade not between 80 and 90


    select * from sc where grade is not null


    select * from course where cpno is null


    select * from student where sname like '刘%'
    select * from student where sname like '%云%'
    select * from student where sname like '刘__'--ASCII 需要两个'' GPK 需要一个''
    select * from student where sname like 'DB_design' ESCAPE''--转义字符

    计算字段 1


    select sname,'是' + sdept+ '学院的学生'
    from student
    select sname,'是' + sdept+ '学院的学生'as ssdept
    from student


    select sname,'是' + rtrim(sdept) + '学院的学生'--右空格
    from student


    select sno,sname, 2021-sage as bornyear
    from student


    select *
    from student
    where (2021-sage) > 2000

    create table grade
    (sno char(8) primary key,
    mathgrade int,
    chinesegrade int,
    englishgrade int)

    insert into grade values('17002',80,90,100)
    insert into grade values('17003',60,68,97)
    insert into grade values('17001',99,20,88)


    select sno, mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade as totalgrade
    from grade


    select sno, mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade as totalgrade,(mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade)/3 as avgrade
    from grade

    drop table grade


    select sno,sname,upper(sdept) as ssdept
    from student


    --select getdate()
    --select year()
    --select month()
    --select day()

    select getdate()
    select year(getdate())

    select sno,sname,year(getdate())+month(getdate()) as bornyear
    from student


    select count(*) as count_row_student
    from student

    select avg(chinesegrade)
    from grade
    where sno='17001'

    计算字段 2 课前提问


    select sno,sname, 2021-sage as bornyear
    from student


    select getdate()
    select month(getdate())


    select sno, mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade as totalgrade,(mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade)/3 as avgrade
    from grade


    select count(distinct cname) from course


    select count(distinct cno) from sc


    select count() from student where sdept='CS'
    select count(
    ), avg(grade), grade from sc where cno=1
    select max(grade), min(grade) from sc where cno=1

    计算字段 3

    select sname,'是' + sdept+ '学院的学生'
    from student
    select sname,'是' + sdept+ '学院的学生'as ssdept
    from student


    select sname,'是' + rtrim(sdept) + '学院的学生'--右空格
    from student


    select sno,sname, 2021-sage as bornyear
    from student


    select *
    from student
    where (2021-sage) > 2000

    create table grade
    (sno char(8) primary key,
    mathgrade int,
    chinesegrade int,
    englishgrade int)

    insert into grade values('17002',80,90,100)
    insert into grade values('17003',60,68,97)
    insert into grade values('17001',99,20,88)


    select sno, mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade as totalgrade
    from grade


    select sno, mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade as totalgrade,(mathgrade + chinesegrade + englishgrade)/3 as avgrade
    from grade

    drop table grade


    select sno,sname,upper(sdept) as ssdept
    from student


    --select year()
    --select month()
    --select day()

    select getdate()
    select year(getdate())

    select sno,sname,year(getdate())+month(getdate()) as bornyear
    from student


    select count(*) as count_row_student --按行计数
    from student

    select avg(chinesegrade)
    from grade
    where sno='17001'


    select max(grade), min(grade)
    from sc
    where cno = '1'



    select cno, COUNT(*) as 选课人数
    from sc
    group by cno


    select COUNT(*)
    from sc
    group by sno


    select sdept, COUNT(*) as 人数
    from student
    group by sdept


    select sdept,ssex, COUNT(*)
    from student
    group by sdept,ssex
    order by sdept


    select ssex, sdept, COUNT(*)
    from student
    group by ssex, sdept
    order by ssex


    select sdept , COUNT()
    from student
    group by sdept
    having COUNT(
    )>=2 --having 对统计的值进行筛选



    select student.sno, sname, sc.cno,cname,grade
    from student,sc,course
    where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno


    select sno,sname,sdept
    from student,sc,course
    where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno
    and cname


    select student.sname,course.cname,grade
    from student,course,sc
    where course.cno=sc.cno


    select cname,grade
    from course,sc
    where course.cno=sc.cno and sc.='cs'


    select student.sno,sname,ssex,sdept,sc.cno,course.cname,sc.grade


    from sc,course,student--2
    where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno
    and cname like '%数据库%'--1

    分组、联合 查询

    --查询 张立 同学的平均选课成绩

    select avg(grade)
    from student, sc
    where student.sno=sc.sno and student.sname='张立'


    select sno,avg(grade)
    from student,sc
    where student.sno=sc.sno and sdept='cs'
    group by cno


    select COUNT(distinct sc.sno)
    from sc, student
    where sc.sno=student.sno and sdept='cs'

    --inner join

    select sname,cname,grade
    from student inner join (course


    select student.*,cno,grade
    from student inner join sc on student.sno=sc.sno


    select student.*,cno,grade
    from student left outer join sc on student.sno=sc.sno


    select cname,sno,sc.cno,grade
    from course left outer join sc on sc.cno=course.cno


    select cname,sno,sc.cno,grade
    from course left outer join sc on sc.cno=course.cno
    where sno is null

    分组查询 2

    --1 每门被选修课课程的平均成绩

    select cno,avg(grade)
    from sc
    group by cno

    --2 查找男女生人数

    select ssex,COUNT(*)
    from student
    group by ssex

    --3 查找‘95001’同学的平均选课成绩

    select avg(grade)
    from sc
    where sno='95004'

    --4 查找平均选修成绩在80分以上的课程号和平均分

    select cno, avg(grade)
    from sc
    group by cno
    having avg(grade)>80 --在查询得到的数据进行筛选

    --5 查找‘cs’学院的男女生人数

    select ssex,COUNT(*)
    from student
    where sdept='cs'
    group by ssex


    --1 查询‘张立’同学选修的课程名及成绩

    select cname,grade
    from sc,student,course
    where student.sname='张立' and sc.sno=student.sno and sc.cno=course.cno
    order by grade desc

    --2 查询'张立'同学选修的课程号及成绩,成绩按升序排序

    --3 查询'张立'同学选修的课程名及成绩

    select cname, grade
    from sc,course,student

    --3 查询选修‘数据库’课程的学生姓名和成绩

    select sname, grade
    from student,sc,course
    where course.cname='数据库' and student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno
    --4 ma sjk sname sno cname grade

    分组查询 联合查询 课前练习


    select avg(grade)
    from sc,student
    where sc.sno=student.sno and sname='刘云'


    select count(sno)
    from sc,course
    where sc.cno = course.cno and course.cname='数据库'
    group by sno


    select cno,COUNT(*) as '选课人数'
    from sc,student
    where sc.sno=student.sno and student.sdept='cs'
    group by sc.cno


    select sdept, cno, count(cno)
    from student, sc
    where student.sno=sc.sno
    group by sdept, cno


    select student.* ,cno,grade
    from student inner join sc on student.sno=sc.sno

    --加上不选课学生信息(外联结 以left为主)

    select student.* , cno, grade
    from student left outer join sc on student.sno=sc.sno


    select course.,sc.
    from course left outer join sc on course.cno=sc.cno


    select cname
    from course left outer join sc on course.cno=sc.cno

    select course.,sc.
    from course left outer join sc on course.cno=sc.cno
    where sc.sno=null



    select sname, cno
    from student inner join sc on student.sno=sc.sno
    where cno != 2

    select sname from student
    where sno not in (select sc.sno from sc where sc.cno='2')


    select sno, cname
    from sc inner join course on sc.cno=course.cno
    where cname !='数据库'

    select sno
    from student
    where sno not in (select sno from sc inner join course on sc.cno=course.cno and cname='数据库')


    select sno
    from sc
    where grade < (select avg(grade) from sc where cno='1')


    select sname
    from student inner join sc on student.sno=sc.sno
    where cno='1' and grade < (select avg(grade) from sc where cno='1')

    select * from sc


    select sno, cno, grade
    from sc
    where grade < all(select avg(grade) from sc group by cno)


    select sname
    from student
    where not exists (select * from sc where student.sno=sc.sno and cno='2')


    --from student first, student second


    select first.cname,second.cpno
    from course first, course second
    where first.cpno = second.cno

    select first.cname,third.cname
    from course first, course second, course third
    where first.cpno=second.cno and second.cpno=third.cno



    select *
    from sc
    where grade < (select avg(grade) from sc)


    select sno
    from sc
    where cno='1' and sno in (select sno from sc where sc.cno='2')


    select sno
    from sc
    where cno='1' and sno not in (select sno from sc where sc.cno='2')


    select *
    from student
    where sdept not in (select sdept from student where sname='留神')

    --ANY ALL

    select *
    from student
    where sdept<>'is' and sage<all(select sage from student where sdept='is')


    select sname
    from student
    where exists
    (select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno='1')


    insert into sc(sno, cno, grade) values('95002', '1', '36')

    select * from sc

    update sc
    set grade = grade + 5
    where cno = '2'

    update student
    set sage=sage + 1 ,sdept='is'
    where sno = '95002'

    delete from sc
    where sno in (select sno from student where sdept = 'CS')
    delete from sc
    where 'cs' = (select sdept from student where sc.sno=student.sno)



    create view IS_student2(sno, sname, sage)
    select sno, sname, sage
    from student
    where sdept='IS'

    create view v_student_count(sdept, studentcount)
    select sdept, count(*)
    from student
    group by sdept


    create view v_gradel
    select *
    from sc
    where grade<60
    with check option

    update v_gradel
    set grade = 88


    create view v_student_sage
    select *
    from IS_student
    where sage > 16

    create view v_sdept_sc_count(sdept, sc_count)
    select sdept, count(*)
    from sc, student
    where sc.sno=student.sno
    group by sdept

    select * from v_sdept_sc_count
    where sc_count > 2

    drop view view_name


    create view encryp_v_student_sage
    with encryption
    select *
    from IS_student
    where sage > 16


    create index index_sdept on student(sdept)

    select *
    from student
    where sdept='cs'

    drop index student.index_sdept

    select *
    from sys.all_objects


    grant select on student to Guest
    grant select on sc(sno, cno) to Guest
    grant select, update on sc to Guest
    revoke update on sc to Guest
    revoke select on sc to Guest

    grant all on course to Guest


    Every good deed you do will someday come back to you.

    Love you,love word !
  • 相关阅读:
    oracle的shared server模式和dedicated server模式
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hugboy/p/sql.html
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