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  • DisplayTag应用实践



    Property Default Valid Values Description Can be set using file/setProperty
    css.tr.even even any valid css class name css class automatically added to even rows yes/yes
    css.tr.odd odd any valid css class name css class automatically added to odd rows yes/yes
    css.th.sorted sorted any valid css class name css class automatically added to the header of sorted columns yes/yes
    css.th.ascending order1 any valid css class name css class automatically added to the header of a column sorted is ascending order yes/yes
    css.th.descending order2 any valid css class name css class automatically added to the header of a column sorted is descending order yes/yes
    css.table none any valid css class name css class automatically added to the main table tag yes/yes
    css.th.sortable none any valid css class name css class automatically added to any sortable column yes/yes



    Property Default Valid Values Description Can be set using file/setProperty
    basic.show.header true true, false Indicates if you want the header to appear at the top of the table, the header contains the column names, and any additional action banners that might be required (like paging, export, etc...) yes/yes
    basic.empty.showtable false true, false Indicates if you want the table to show up also if the list is empty yes/yes
    basic.msg.empty_list Nothing found to display Any string The message that is displayed if the list that this table is associated with is either null, or empty. Used only if basic.empty.showtable is false . yes/yes
    basic.msg.empty_list_row <tr class="empty"><td colspan="{0}">Nothing found to display.</td></tr> Any string The message that is displayed into the first table row if the list that this table is associated with is either null, or empty. {0} is replaced with the total column number to generate a correct colspan. Used only if basic.empty.showtable is true . yes/yes
    sort.amount page page, list Indicates if the full list should be sorted before paging or if the sorting only affects items in the current page. Default behaviour is to sort only items in the current page (first paging, then sorting). yes/no
    export.banner <div class="exportlinks"> Export options: {0} </div> Any string in a message format with 1 placeholder Contains the string that is displayed in the table footer when the user indicates that they want to enable the export function. The placeholder is replaced with links to the various export formats that are support. yes/yes
    export.banner.sepchar | Any string Used to separate the valid export type (typically would be a bar, a comma, or a dash). yes/yes
    paging.banner.placement top top, bottom, both When the table tag has to show the header for paging through a long list, this option indicates where that header should be shown in relation to the table yes/yes
    paging.banner.item_name item Any string What the various objects in the list being displayed should be referred to as (singular) yes/yes
    paging.banner.items_name items Any string What the various objects in the list being displayed should be referred to as (plural) yes/yes
    paging.banner.no_items_found <span class="pagebanner"> No {0} found. </span> Any string in a message format with 1 placeholder What is shown in the pagination header when no objects are available in the list to be displayed. The single placeholder is replaced with the name of the items in the list (plural) yes/yes
    paging.banner.one_item_found <span class="pagebanner"> One {0} found. </span> Any string in a message format with 1 placeholder What is shown in the pagination header when one object is available in the list to be displayed. The single placeholder is replaced with the name of the items in the list (singular) yes/yes
    paging.banner.all_items_found <span class="pagebanner"> {0} {1} found, displaying all {2}. </span> Any string in a message format with 3 placeholders What is shown in the pagination header when all the objects in the list are being shown. {0} and {2} are replaced with the number of objects in the list, {1} is replaced with the name of the items {plural} yes/yes
    paging.banner.some_items_found <span class="pagebanner"> {0} {1} found, displaying {2} to {3}. </span> Any string What is shown in the pagination header when a partial list of the objects in the list are being shown. Parameters:
    • {0}: total number of objects in the list
    • {1}: name of the items (plural)
    • {2}: start index of the objects being shown
    • {3}: end index of the objects being shown
    • {4}: current page
    • {5}: total number of pages
    paging.banner.group_size 8 Any reasonable number The number of pages to show in the header that this person can instantly jump to yes/yes
    paging.banner.full <span class="pagelinks"> [<a href="{1}">First</a>/ <a href="{2}">Prev</a>] {0} [ <a href="{3}">Next</a>/ <a href="{4}">Last </a>]</span> What is shown in the pagination bar when there are more pages and the selected page is not the first or the last one. Parameters:
    • {0}: numbered pages list
    • {1}: link to the first page
    • {2}: link to the previous page
    • {3}: link to the next page
    • {4}: link to the last page
    • {5}: current page
    • {6}: total number of pages
    paging.banner.first <span class="pagelinks"> [First/Prev] {0} [ <a href="{3}">Next</a>/ <a href="{4}">Last</a>] </span> What is shown in the pagination bar when the first page is being shown. Placeholders are the same as for paging.banner.full . yes/yes
    paging.banner.last <span class="pagelinks">[ <a href="{1}">First</a>/ <a href="{2}">Prev</a>] {0} [Next/Last] </span> What is shown in the pagination bar when the last page is being shown. Placeholders are the same as for paging.banner.full . yes/yes
    paging.banner.onepage <span class="pagelinks">{0}</span> What is shown in the pagination bar when only one page is returned. Placeholders are the same as for paging.banner.full . yes/yes
    paging.banner.page.selected <strong>{0}</strong> selected page. {0} is replaced with the page number, {1} with the page url. yes/yes
    paging.banner. page.link <a href="{1}" title="Go to page {0}">{0}</a> link to a page. {0} is replaced with the page number, {1} with the page url. yes/yes
    paging.banner.page.separator , separator between pages yes/yes
    factory.requestHelper org.displaytag.util.DefaultRequestHelperFactory Class name for a valid RequestHelperFactory implementation RequestHelperFactory to be used. You can replace the default one if you need to generate links with a different format (for example in portal applications). yes/no

    修改 org.displaytag.properties.TableProperties.java ,把

        private String getProperty(String key)
          return this.properties.getProperty(key);

        private String getProperty(String key)
            String s = null;
            try {
              s = new String(this.properties.getProperty(key).getBytes("8859_1"), "GBK");
            }catch(Exception e) {
              s = null;
          return s;

    <sql:query var="query" dataSource="${bookdev}">
      select *  from ebook

    <display-el:table name="pageScope.query.rows" />
    用<display-el:table name="${query.rows}" />好像不行;

    <display-el:table name="pageScope.query.rows" id="item" >
      <display-el:column property="title" title="题名" group="1" sortable="true" headerClass="sortable"/>
      <display-el:column property="creator" title="作者" group="2" sortable="true" headerClass="sortable"/>
      <display-el:column property="format" title="格式"/>
      <display-el:column title="删除"><a href="delete.jsp?id=${item.Id}" target="_blank">删除</a></display-el:column>

    我把查询表单的form method 由原来的post改为get,翻页就没有问题了,不过这个方法好像蹩脚了点,只能暂时这样了.
    下面是我的一些测试: (配置了export的filter后)
    <form action="receive.jsp?cs=1" method="POST">
      <input name="key" type="text" value="中文" />
      <input name="sb" value="submit" type="submit"/>
    结果:cs=1,但key=????即使前面用了<%request.setCharacterEncoding("GBK"); %>也不行
    只有用<% String key = new String(request.getParameter("key").getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));out.println(key);%>或类似的编码处理才能得到正确结果.
    将send.jsp的form method改为get

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huhu/p/126785.html
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