A step execution listener can change the exit status of a step. The job can then use the exit status for the transition decision to the next step。我们通过job传递参数来模拟不同的退出状态,从而来验证和加强非线性流程的学习。
<!--一个非线性流程的job--> <job id="noLinerJob"> <step id="firstStep"> <tasklet transaction-manager="transactionManager" ref="firstStepTasklet"> <listeners> <listener ref="firstStepListener"/> </listeners> </tasklet> <next on="COMPLETED" to="completedStep"/> <next on="OWN STATUS" to="ownStatusStep"/> <next on="*" to="allStatusStep"/> </step> <step id="completedStep"> <tasklet ref="completedTasklet"/> </step> <step id="ownStatusStep"> <tasklet ref="ownStatusTasklet"/> </step> <step id="allStatusStep"> <tasklet ref="allStatusTasklet"/> </step> </job>
在step层面上的监听器中会有不同的返回状态,根据不同的状态我们做不同的流程处理。比如如果是COMPLETED,我们就执行completedStep。如果是OWN STATUS(我们自定义的变量),就执行ownStatusStep。如果上述变量都没有,那么我们执行正则匹配所有的allStatusStep。下面我们列出firstStepListener的定义与实现。
<bean id="firstStepListener" class="spring.batch.noLiner.FirstStepListener" scope="step"> <property name="status" value="#{jobParameters['status']}"/> </bean>
package spring.batch.noLiner; import org.springframework.batch.core.ExitStatus; import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution; import org.springframework.batch.core.listener.StepExecutionListenerSupport; /** * @Author: huhx * @Date: 2017-11-02 下午 7:35 */ public class FirstStepListener extends StepExecutionListenerSupport { private String status; public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } @Override public ExitStatus afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution) { if (status.equals("1")) { return new ExitStatus("OWN STATUS"); } else if (status.equals("2")) { return new ExitStatus("NO STATUS"); } return ExitStatus.COMPLETED; } }
// 当sttus= != '1' && sttus= != '2' first step tasklet. completed status. // 当sttus='1' first step tasklet. own status. // 当sttus='2' first step tasklet. all status.
关于batch status与 exit status的区别:
Spring Batch uses two concepts to represent the status of an execution: the batch sta- tus and the exit status. Both step execution and job execution have their own batch and exit statuses property. The batch status describes the status of the execution of a job or a step. The exit status represents the status of the job/step once the execution is finished.
<step id="firstStep"> <tasklet transaction-manager="transactionManager" ref="firstStepTasklet"> <listeners> <listener ref="firstStepListener"/> </listeners> </tasklet> <next on="COMPLETED" to="completedStep"/> <end on="OWN STATUS"/> <fail on="*"/> </step>