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  • 获取系统cpu和内存参数

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # 获取server运行情况
    # import json
    # from datetime import datetime
    # import paramiko
    # import xlwt, xlrd
    # from xlutils.copy import copy
    # def get_host_cpu_memory():
    #     client = paramiko.SSHClient()
    #     client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
    #     print('------------开始连接服务器-----------')
    #     client.connect('', 22, username='hui', password='199317', timeout=4)
    #     print('------------认证成功!.....-----------')
    #     sheet_name = 'host-' + datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
    #     # print('本次生成的表名为{}'.format(sheet_name))
    #     # 结果写入excel中
    #     book = xlwt.Workbook()
    #     sheet = book.add_sheet(sheetname='{}'.format(sheet_name))
    #     sheet_title = ['id', 'cpu_info', 'cpu_average', 'memory_info', 'memory_average']
    #     for i in range(0, len(sheet_title)):
    #         sheet.write(0, i, sheet_title[i])
    #     book.save('{}.xls'.format(sheet_name))
    #     # 远程环境中一定要导包。循环去获取server情况。不在这里控制频率
    #     cpu_average = 0
    #     memory_average = 0
    #     id = 1
    #     while True:
    #         stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('cd Desktop/code/25_processings; python host_script.py')
    #         content = stdout.read().decode('utf-8').split('
    #         # print(content)
    #         # print(len(content))
    #         # print(type(content))
    #         cpu_info = json.loads(content[0])
    #         memory_info = float(content[1])
    #         # cpu平均使用率
    #         cpu_info = sum(cpu_info) / len(cpu_info)
    #         cpu_average = cpu_info if cpu_average == 0 else (cpu_average + cpu_info) / 2
    #         cpu_average = round(cpu_average, 4)
    #         # memory平均使用率
    #         memory_average = memory_info if memory_average == 0 else (memory_average + memory_info) / 2
    #         memory_average = round(memory_average, 4)
    #         # 数据加入表中
    #         # ret_data = [cpu_average, memory_average]
    #         # print(ret_data)
    #         data = xlrd.open_workbook('{}.xls'.format(sheet_name), formatting_info=True)
    #         excel = copy(wb=data)  # 完成xlrd对象向xlwt对象转换
    #         excel_table = excel.get_sheet(0)  # 获得要操作的页
    #         table = data.sheets()[0]
    #         nrows = table.nrows  # 获得行数
    #         ret_list = ['%.4f' % i for i in [cpu_info, cpu_average, memory_info, memory_average]]
    #         # print(ret_list)
    #         excel_table.write(nrows, 0, id)
    #         excel_table.write(nrows, 1, ret_list[0])
    #         excel_table.write(nrows, 2, ret_list[1])
    #         excel_table.write(nrows, 3, ret_list[2])
    #         excel_table.write(nrows, 4, ret_list[3])
    #         excel.save('{}.xls'.format(sheet_name))
    #         id += 1
    # get_host_cpu_memory()
    # 获取系统数据
    # import psutil
    # def get_sys_info():
    #     cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True, interval=5)
    #     rel_memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
    #     print(cpu_percent)
    #     print(rel_memory[2])
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     get_sys_info()
    # 主要的code,多进程任务
    # import time
    # from multiprocessing import Process
    # start_time = time.time()
    # def get_host_info():
    #     while True:
    #         time.sleep(0.3)
    #         print('processing---1')
    # def get_ctr_info():
    #     while True:
    #         time.sleep(0.3)
    #         print('processing---2')
    # def get_train_info():
    #     print('开始计算,用时10秒')
    #     while time.time() - start_time < 10:
    #         time.sleep(0.3)
    #         print('计算')
    #     print('结束计算,用时10秒')
    # def main():
    #     host_info = Process(target=get_host_info)
    #     ctr_info = Process(target=get_ctr_info)
    #     train_info = Process(target=get_train_info)
    #     host_info.start()
    #     ctr_info.start()
    #     train_info.start()
    #     # 等待大规模计算完成
    #     train_info.join()
    #     # 结束系统数据统计
    #     host_info.terminate()
    #     ctr_info.terminate()
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    #     main()
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    the relationship's cardinality
    the relationship's existence.
    Factory Methods
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hui-code/p/12686795.html
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