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  • 界面上方下方左方隐藏

    try (destroyDialog cytool) Catch ()
    global cytool,minicytool
    rollout minicytool "test" 190 height:150
     local wa = (GetDialogSize cytool).x
     local ws = (getMAXWindowsize()).x
     --[scr.Width, scr.Height]
     label kk "" 200 height:200 pos:[2,2]
     fn hidedialog vol = (                --//移动窗口函数
      mp = GetDialogPos cytool
      vpos = case cytool.chkooo of (
       "top": [mp.x,vol]
      )--end case
      SetDialogPos cytool vpos
     fn fn_MiniRoll width1 height2 Key cPos clr labPos=( --创建小窗口
      createdialog minicytool width1 height2 pos:cPos style:#() bgcolor:clr fgcolor:white
      minicytool.kk.text = Key
      minicytool.kk.pos = labPos
     on  minicytool mousemove pos do(
      --ws = ((getMAXWindowsize()) -(GetDialogSize cytool)).x -2
       case cytool.chkooo of (
        "top": hidedialog 2
        "left": hidedialog 2
        "right": hidedialog (ws-wa-2)
       )--end case
      try destroyDialog minicytool catch()       --//关闭小窗口
    )--end rollout
    rollout cytool "test" 190 height:150
     local chkooo = "hello"
     local tt = 1
     timer clock "testClock" interval:1000            --//计时器 必需的
     button bt_1 "点击隐藏"  64 height:22 pos:[60,60]
      on cytool moved pos do  
       tt = 1
       ws = (getMAXWindowSize()).x-(GetDialogSize cytool).x
      --//靠近屏幕上端 1像素以内 自动隐藏
       if pos.x >1 and pos.y < 1 then minicytool.hidedialog -2000 --//left hide     
       else if pos.x < 1 and pos.y >10 then minicytool.hidedialog  -2000  --//hide from top
       else if pos.x > ws and pos.y >10 then minicytool.hidedialog 2000  --//hide from top
       else ()
      --//set dialog position as name
       if pos.y < 100 then chkooo = "top"
       else if pos.x <100 and pos.y >100 then chkooo = "left"
       else if pos.x >(ws-100) and pos.y >100 then chkooo = "right"
       else chkooo = ""
      on cytool mousemove pos do
      --//鼠标在窗口上时始终保持tt= 1 防止计时 必需的。。
       tt = 1   
      on clock tick do
       mousePos = mouse.screenpos
       dialogPos = GetDialogPos cytool
       dialogSize = GetDialogSize cytool
       maxSize = (getMAXWindowsize())
       if tt < 4 then (
        if chkooo == "top" and mousePos.y > dialogSize.y and dialogPos.y < 8 then ( 
         valUp = tt+1 ;tt = valUp
         if valUp == 2 then (
          minicytool.hidedialog  -2000
          minicytool.fn_MiniRoll 160 14 "I'm Here" [dialogPos.x,0] red [64,2]
        else if chkooo == "left" and  mousePos.x > (dialogSize.x+8) and dialogPos.x < 8 then (
         valUp = tt+1 ;tt = valUp
         if valUp == 2 then (
          minicytool.hidedialog -2000
          minicytool.fn_MiniRoll 14 160 "In'nmn nHnenrne" [0,dialogPos.y] green [2,32]
        else if chkooo == "right" and mousePos.x < (maxSize.x-dialogSize.x+60) and dialogPos.x > (maxSize.x-dialogSize.x-8) then (
         valUp = tt+1 ;tt = valUp
         if valUp == 2 then (
          minicytool.hidedialog 2000
          minicytool.fn_MiniRoll 14 160 "In'nmn nHnenrne" [(maxSize.x-24),dialogPos.y] blue [2,32]
        else ()
      --print chkooo
      on cytool close do (
       try destroyDialog minicytool catch()
      on bt_1 pressed do
       minicytool.hidedialog  -1000
    )--end rollout
    createdialog cytool
  • 相关阅读:
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    2.1 Nginx服务器安装
    2.4 Nginx服务器基础配置指令
    第十七章 程序管理与SELinux初探--进程、进程管理(ps、top)
    第十五章 例行性工作(crontab)--循环执行的例行性工作调度 crontab(定时任务)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/humd/p/12110049.html
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