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  • virtual pc中添加软盘支持

    最近对操作系统挺有兴趣的,实验了一下!准备找一个虚拟机,之前在xp上使用virtual pc感觉不错,准备在本机上装一下,但是发现居然不支持软盘了!


    1. 下载脚本 Scripts.zip 在如下地址:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/virtual_pc_guy/archive/2009/10/01/using-floppy-disks-with-windows-virtual-pc.aspx



    Option Explicit
    ' Define constants for floppy drive attachment types
    CONST vmFloppyDrive_None = 0
    CONST vmFloppyDrive_Image = 1
    CONST vmFloppyDrive_HostDrive = 2
    Dim namedArguments, argumentError, vpc, vm, vmName, action, floppy, vmFloppyDrive
    ' Check that the script is running at the command line.
    If UCase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 11)) = "WSCRIPT.EXE" Then
     WScript.Echo "This script must be run under CScript."
    End If
    ' Get the virtual machine name / floppy commands from the command-line arguments
    Set namedArguments = WScript.Arguments.Named
    argumentError = false
    If namedArguments.Exists("vm") Then
     vmName = namedArguments.Item("vm")
     argumentError = true
    End If
    If namedArguments.Exists("action") Then
     action = namedArguments.Item("action")
     argumentError = true
    End If
    If namedArguments.Exists("floppy") Then
     floppy = namedArguments.Item("floppy")
     If (not ((action = "info") or (action = "disconnect"))) Then
      argumentError = true
     End If
    End If
    ' Display usage information if wrong arguments are provided
    if argumentError then
     WScript.Echo "Missing command-line argument"
     WScript.Echo "Usage: FloppyDrive.vbs /vm:" & chr(34) & "Name of virtual machine to be started" & chr(34)
     WScript.Echo "                       /action:info       - to display information about the current floppy configuration"
     WScript.Echo "                               disconnect - to disconnect any attached floppy disk or floppy disk image"
     WScript.Echo "                               vfd        - to attach a virtual floppy disk image"
     WScript.Echo "                               physical   - to attach a physical floppy disk"
     WScript.Echo "                       /floppy:name       - where name is either the full name and path for a virtual"
     WScript.Echo "                                            floppy disk or the letter of a physical disk to attach"
    end if
    ' Attempt to connect to Virtual PC
    On Error Resume Next
    Set vpc = CreateObject("VirtualPC.Application")
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
     WScript.Echo "Unable to connect to Virtual PC."
    End if
    On Error Goto 0
    ' Get virtual machine object
    Set vm = vpc.FindVirtualMachine(vmName)
    ' Get the floppy drive
    set vmFloppyDrive = vm.FloppyDrives.item(1)
    ' Perform the specified action
    Select Case action
     ' Display floppy disk information
     case "info"
      wscript.echo "Floppy disk information"
      wscript.echo "======================="
      ' Different information is needed for each attachment type
      select case vmFloppyDrive.Attachment
       case vmFloppyDrive_None 
        wscript.echo "Floppy Attachment : No floppy disk attached"
        wscript.echo "Drive Number      : " & vmFloppyDrive.DriveNumber
       case vmFloppyDrive_Image 
        wscript.echo "Floppy Attachment : Floppy disk image attached"
        wscript.echo "Drive Number      : " & vmFloppyDrive.DriveNumber
        wscript.echo "Image File        : " & vmFloppyDrive.ImageFile 
       case vmFloppyDrive_HostDrive 
        wscript.echo "Floppy Attachment : Physical floppy disk attached"
        wscript.echo "Drive Number      : " & vmFloppyDrive.DriveNumber
        wscript.echo "Host Drive Letter : " & vmFloppyDrive.HostDriveLetter 
      end select
     ' Disconnect the current floppy disk
     case "disconnect"
      wscript.echo "Disconnecting the floppy disk."
      ' A different method is used to disconnect a floppy disk image than for a physical disk 
      select case vmFloppyDrive.Attachment
       case vmFloppyDrive_Image 
       case vmFloppyDrive_HostDrive 
      end select
     ' Attach a floppy disk image
     case "vfd"
      wscript.echo "Attaching " & floppy & " to the floppy drive."
     ' Attach a physical floppy disk
     case "physical"
      wscript.echo "Attaching physical disk " & floppy & ": to the floppy drive."
     ' Catch invalid actions
     case else
      wscript.echo "Invalid action provided. Info, disconnect, vfd and physical are valid options."
    end select


    param([string]$vmName, [string]$action, [string]$floppy)
    $argumentError = 0
    # Check for correct command-line arguments
    If ($vmName -eq "")
     {$argumentError = 1}
    If ($action -eq "")
     {$argumentError = 1}
    If ($floppy -eq "")
      if ((!([string]::Compare($action, "vfd", $True))) -or (!([string]::Compare($action, "physical", $True))))
      {$argumentError = 1}
    # Display usage information if wrong arguments are provided
    If ($argumentError -eq 1)
     write-host "Missing command-line argument."
     write-host "USage: FloppyDrive.ps1 -vmName `"Name of virtual machine`""
     write-host "                       -action info       - to display information about the current floppy configuration"
     write-host "                               disconnect - to disconnect any attached floppy disk or floppy disk image"
     write-host "                               vfd        - to attach a virtual floppy disk image"
     write-host "                               physical   - to attach a physical floppy disk"
     write-host "                       -floppy name       - where name is either the full name and path for a virtual"
     write-host "                                            floppy disk or the letter of a physical disk to attach"
    # Connect to Virtual PC
    $vpc=new-object 朿om VirtualPC.Application 朣trict
    # Get virtual machine object
    $vm = $vpc.FindVirtualMachine($vmName)
    # Get the floppy drive
    $vmFloppyDrive = $vm.FloppyDrives.item(1)
    # Perform the specified action
    switch ($action) 
       # Display floppy disk information
       "info" {
          write-host "Floppy disk information"
          write-host "======================="
          # Different information is needed for each attachment type
          switch ($vmFloppyDrive.Attachment)
            0 {
               write-host "Floppy Attachment : No floppy disk attached"
               write-host "Drive Number      : " $vmFloppyDrive.DriveNumber}
            1 { 
               write-host "Floppy Attachment : Floppy disk image attached"
               write-host "Drive Number      : " $vmFloppyDrive.DriveNumber
               write-host "Image File        : " $vmFloppyDrive.ImageFile }
            2 { 
               write-host "Floppy Attachment : Physical floppy disk attached"
               write-host "Drive Number      : " $vmFloppyDrive.DriveNumber
               write-host "Host Drive Letter : " $vmFloppyDrive.HostDriveLetter }
       # Disconnect the current floppy disk
       "disconnect" {
          write-host "Disconnecting the floppy disk."
          # A different method is used to disconnect a floppy disk image than for a physical disk 
          switch ($vmFloppyDrive.Attachment)
             1 {$vmFloppyDrive.ReleaseImage()}
             2 {$vmFloppyDrive.ReleaseHostDrive()}
       # Attach a floppy disk image
       "vfd" {
          write-host "Attaching " $floppy " to the floppy drive."
       # Attach a physical floppy disk
       "physical"  {
          write-host "Attaching physical disk " $floppy ": to the floppy drive."
       # Catch invalid actions
       default {write-host "Invalid action provided. Info, disconnect, vfd and physical are valid options."}

    2. 将两个脚本文件放置在同一个目录下

    3. 打开命令行,进入存放脚本文件的目录

    4. 运行如下的命令:

      cscript FloppyDrive.vbs /vm:"myTestOS" /action:vfd /floppy:"C:EworkVirtualPChelloos.vfd"


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hutou/p/VirtualPC.html
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