DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议)是一个局域网的网络协议(计算机网络应用层协议 ),使用UDP协议工作。
DHCP协议采用客户端/服务器模型,主机地址的动态分配任务由网络主机(Client)驱动。当DHCP服务器接收到来自网络主机申请地址的信息时,才会向网络主机发送相关的地址配置等信息,以实现网络主机地址信息的动态配置。DHCP有3个端口,其中UDP 67(DHCPServer)和UDP 68(DHCPClient)为正常的DHCP服务端口;546号端口用于DHCPv6 Client,而不用于DHCPv4,是为DHCP failover服务,这是需要特别开启的服务,DHCP failover是用来做“双机热备”的。
DHCP Relay
DHCP Relay(DHCPR):DHCP中继服务,也叫做DHCP中继代理可以实现在不同子网和物理网段之间处理和转发dhcp信息的功能。如果DHCP客户机与DHCP服务器在同一个物理网段,则客户机可以正确地获得动态分配的ip地址。如果不在同一个物理网段,则需要DHCP Relay Agent(中继代理)。用DHCP Relay代理可以去掉在每个物理的网段都要有DHCP服务器的必要,它可以传递消息到不在同一个物理子网的DHCP服务器,也可以将服务器的消息传回给不在同一个物理子网的DHCP客户机。
Setup DHCPServer
Software: dhcp.x86.64
ServiceName: dhcpd
step1. Install dhcp
yuminstall -y dhcpd
step2. Service config file (DHCPServer use static IP)
cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.1.1/dhcp.conf.sample /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
#one networkSegment one subnet
subnet subnetIPsegment netmask subnetNetmask{
range addressPool
option domain-name-servers DNS1,DNS2
option domain-name "domain.org" #default domain
option routes routesIP
default-lease-time leaseTime
max-lease-time leaseTime
step3. Start DHCP server
service dhcpdstart
netstat -lpntu | grep :67 #Ensure the DHCP service start successfully
Setup ClientPort
We can check the leaseFile,URL: /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
Generally DHCPrelay and DHCP will bond in one server.Realize one DHCPServer satisfy more IP request of different networkSegment.DHCPRelayServer will receive the IP request of different networkSegment then give it to DHCP server deal with.
Setup DHCPRelay service
step1. We need three networkCard and delete VMware own dhcp service. And set the static ip for networkCard.
step2. Open system forward function.
vim /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
Load sysctl configuration
step3. Set relay interface and DHCPServer IP.
vim /etc.sysconfig/dhcrelay
INTERFACES="eth0 eth1 eth2" #Relay interfacee
step4. Start dhcprelay service
service dhcrelaystart
step5. Add three subnetSetting in the DHCPServer config file with /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf and restart service of dhcpd.
step6. Setup the static route rules in the DHCPServer.
Because the DHCPServer’s gatewayIP need assign to the internel gateway, so the DHCPRelayServer have to assign the route rules that the different subnetSegment computer can find the DHCPServer subnet interface.
For example:
route add-net subnet1SegmentPool gw DHCPServerSegmentInterfaceIP
#subnet1SegmentPool eg:
route add -net subnet2SegmentPool gw DHCPServerSegmentInterfaceIP
route -n #check the route rules.
step7. Check the route relay
ping -C 1 otherSubnetSegmentIP
Attantion:General DHCPServer’s gateway assign to the internel GatewayServer, so need to set the static route rules that DHCPServer can send the response to DHCPServerSubnetSegmentInterface then other subnetSegment will give the DHCPServer’s response.