If you have multiple nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster, the easiest way to distribute Kibana requests across the nodes is to run an Elasticsearch client node on the same
machine as Kibana. Elasticsearch client nodes are essentially smart load balancers that are part of the cluster. They process incoming HTTP requests, redirect operations to the
other nodes in the cluster as needed, and gather and return the results. For more information, see Node in the Elasticsearch reference.
如果 你有多个nodes 在你的 Elasticsearch cluster,
最简单的方式是分发 Kibana requests是允许一个 Elasticsearch client node和Kibana 在相同的机器上。
Elasticsearch client nodes 本质上是只能负载均衡 是集群的一部分。
他们处理 进来的HTTP 请求, 重定向操作到其他节点在集群里如果有需要的话,
使用本地的client mode 来负载均衡Kibana 请求:
安装 Elasticsearch 和Kibana在相同的机器上
kibana 配置:
# Set this to true to log all events, including system usage information and all requests.
# logging.verbose: false
server.port: 5601
server.host: ""
kibana.index: ".kibana"
节点的集合被称为cluster.如果 你是运行一个单节点的Elasticsearch, 那么你的集群有一个几点
此外,每个节点 提供一个或者多个目的:
Master-eligible node 主节点:
一个节点有node.master 设置为true(默认),这使得被选取为master node,控制集群
Every node in the cluster can handle HTTP and Transport traffic by default.
The transport layer is used exclusively for communication between nodes and the Java TransportClient; the HTTP layer is used only by external REST clients.
All nodes know about all the other nodes in the cluster and can forward client requests to the appropriate node.
Besides that, each node serves one or more purpose: