Nutch 2.0 的主要一些变化
1. Storage Abstraction
initially with back end implementations for HBase and HDFS
extend it to other storages later e.g. MySQL etc...
这里说的是一个存储层的抽象,因为原来nutch的链接与数据的存储都是在HDFS上的,新的Nutch 2.0准备把存储层进行抽象,使用的是新的NoSql的ORM框架,叫做GORA,下面地址中有其说明,主页在,目前支持数据库为Apache HBase and Apache Cassandra,Hypertable,以后可能会支持MySQL
2. Plugin cleanup : Tika only for parsing document formats (see
keep only stuff HtmlParseFilters (probably with a different API) so that we can post-process the DOM created in Tika from whatever original format.
Modify code so that parser can generate multiple documents which is what 1.x does but not 2.0
3. Externalize functionalities to crawler-commons project []
robots handling, url filtering and url normalization, URL state management, perhaps deduplication. We should coordinate our efforts, and share code freely so that other projects (bixo, heritrix,droids) may contribute to this shared pool of functionality, much like Tika does for the common need of parsing complex formats.
4. Remove index / search and delegate to SOLR
we may still keep a thin abstract layer to allow other indexing/search backends (ElasticSearch?), but the current mess of indexing/query filters and competing indexing frameworks (lucene, fields, solr) should go away. We should go directly from DOM to a NutchDocument, and stop there.
这一部分是对索引的重构,把索引的建立与查询移到SOLR架构上去,这样可以和搜索进行很好的隔离,现在的nutch 1.3 已经可以使用Solr建立索引与查询,可能Nutch 2.0的功能或者使用上会有一个更加的改进。
5. Rewrite SOLR deduplication : do everything using the webtable and avoid retrieving content from SOLR
6. Various new functionalities
e.g. sitemap support, canonical tag, better handling of redirects, detecting duplicated sites, detection of spam cliques, tools to manage the webgraph, etc.
总之,Nutch2.0 的改进还是比较多的,主要是体现在存储层的抽象、抓取功能的扩展抽象、引入SOLR框架。看来Nutch的路还有很长啊。
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记三(Inject)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记三(Inject CrawlDB Reader)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记四(Generate)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记四(SegmentReader分析)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记五(FetchThread)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记五(Fetcher流程)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记六(ParseSegment)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记七(CrawlDb - updatedb)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记八(LinkDb)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记九(SolrIndexer)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记十(Ntuch 插件机制简单介绍)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记十(插件扩展)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记十(插件机制分析)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记十一(页面评分机制 OPIC)》
《Apache Nutch 1.3 学习笔记十一(页面评分机制 LinkRank 介绍)》