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  • C#数据结构和算法[Preface]

    The study of data structures and algorithms is critical to the development
    of the professional programmer. There are many, many books written on
    data structures and algorithms, but these books are usually written as college
    textbooks and are written using the programming languages typically taught
    in college—Java or C++. C# is becoming a very popular language and this
    book provides the C# programmer with the opportunity to study fundamental
    data structures and algorithms.


    C# exists in a very rich development environment called the .NET Framework.
    Included in the .NET Framework library is a set of data structure classes
    (also called collection classes), which range from the Array, ArrayList, and
    Collection classes to the Stack and Queue classes and to the HashTable and
    the SortedList classes. The data structures and algorithms student can now see
    how to use a data structure before learning how to implement it. Previously,
    an instructor had to discuss the concept of, say, a stack, abstractly until the
    complete data structure was constructed. Instructors can now show students
    how to use a stack to perform some computation, such as number base conversions,
    demonstrating the utility of the data structure immediately.

    Withthis background, the student can then go back and learn the fundamentals of
    the data structure (or algorithm) and even build their own implementation.
    This book is written primarily as a practical overview of the data structures
    and algorithms all serious computer programmers need to know and
    understand. Given this, there is no formal analysis of the data structures and
    algorithms covered in the book. Hence, there is not a single mathematical
    formula and not one mention of Big Oh analysis (if you don’t know what this
    means, look at any of the books mentioned in the bibliography). Instead, the
    various data structures and algorithms are presented as problem-solving tools.
    Simple timing tests are used to compare the performance of the data structures
    and algorithms discussed in the book.
    The only prerequisite for this book is that the reader have some familiarity
    with the C# language in general, and object-oriented programming in C# in

    Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the concept of the data structure as a
    collection of data. The concepts of linear and nonlinear collections are introduced.
    The Collection class is demonstrated. This chapter also introduces the
    concept of generic programming, which allows the programmer to write one
    class, or one method, and have it work for a multitude of data types. Generic
    programming is an important new addition to C# (available in C# 2.0 and
    beyond), so much so that there is a special library of generic data structures
    found in the System.Collections.Generic namespace. When a data structure
    has a generic implementation found in this library, its use is discussed. The
    chapter ends with an introduction to methods of measuring the performance
    of the data structures and algorithms discussed in the book.

    Chapter 2 provides a review of how arrays are constructed, along with
    demonstrating the features of the Array class. The Array class encapsulates
    many of the functions associated with arrays (UBound, LBound, and so on)
    into a single package. ArrayLists are special types of arrays that provide
    dynamic resizing capabilities.
    Chapter 3 is an introduction to the basic sorting algorithms, such as the
    bubble sort and the insertion sort, and Chapter 4 examines the most fundamental
    algorithms for searching memory, the sequential and binary searches.
    Two classic data structures are examined in Chapter 5: the stack and the
    queue. The emphasis in this chapter is on the practical use of these data
    structures in solving everyday problems in data processing. Chapter 6 covers
    the BitArray class, which can be used to efficiently represent a large number
    of integer values, such as test scores.
    Strings are not usually covered in a data structures book, but Chapter 7
    covers strings, the String class, and the StringBuilder class. Because so much
    data processing in C# is performed on strings, the reader should be exposed
    to the special techniques found in the two classes. Chapter 8 examines the
    use of regular expressions for text processing and pattern matching. Regular
    expressions often provide more power and efficiency than can be had with
    more traditional string functions and methods.
    Chapter 9 introduces the reader to the use of dictionaries as data structures.
    Dictionaries, and the different data structures based on them, store data as
    key/value pairs. This chapter shows the reader how to create his or her own
    classes based on the DictionaryBase class, which is an abstract class. Chapter
    10 covers hash tables and the HashTable class, which is a special type of
    dictionary that uses a hashing algorithm for storing data internally.
    Another classic data structure, the linked list, is covered in Chapter 11.
    Linked lists are not as important a data structure in C# as they are in a
    pointer-based language such as C++, but they still have a role in C# programming.
    Chapter 12 introduces the reader to yet another classic data structure—
    the binary tree. A specialized type of binary tree, the binary search tree, is
    the primary topic of the chapter. Other types of binary trees are covered in
    Chapter 15.
    Chapter 13 shows the reader how to store data in sets, which can be useful in
    situations in which only unique data values can be stored in the data structure.
    Chapter 14 covers more advanced sorting algorithms, including the popular
    and efficient QuickSort, which is the basis for most of the sorting procedures
    implemented in the .NET Framework library. Chapter 15 looks at three data
    structures that prove useful for searching when a binary search tree is not
    called for: the AVL tree, the red-black tree, and the skip list.
    Chapter 16 discusses graphs and graph algorithms. Graphs are useful for
    representing many different types of data, especially networks. Finally, Chapter
    17 introduces the reader to what algorithm design techniques really are:
    dynamic algorithms and greedy algorithms.
    There are several different groups of people who must be thanked for helping
    me finish this book. First, thanks to a certain group of students who first
    sat through my lectures on developing data structures and algorithms. These
    students include (not in any particular order): Matt Hoffman, Ken Chen, Ken
    Cates, Jeff Richmond, and Gordon Caffey. Also, one of my fellow instructors
    at Pulaski Technical College, Clayton Ruff, sat through many of the lectures
    and provided excellent comments and criticism. I also have to thank my
    department dean, David Durr, and my department chair, Bernica Tackett, for
    supporting my writing endeavors. I also need to thank my family for putting
    up with me while I was preoccupied with research and writing. Finally, many
    thanks to my editors at Cambridge, Lauren Cowles and Heather Bergman, for
    putting up with my many questions, topic changes, and habitual lateness.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/icuit/p/1759857.html
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