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  • C#委托复习

    The concept of delegates is a very powerful feature in many programming languages,including C#.


    I believe that the discussion of advanced programming in C# cannot start without delegates.


    In this chapter, you learn about delegates and why they are essential.

    Let's recall the fundamentals of class and object.

    让我们回忆一下class 和 object的基础知识。

    To create an object—let's say, obA from a class A, you can write something like the following.

    创建一个object,例如 从类A中实例化一个obA,你可以写下如下:
    A obA=new A();

    Here, the object reference obA points to an object of A.

    Similar to this, delegates are reference types, but the key difference is that they point to methods.


    Simply put,a delegate is an object that knows how to invoke a method.


    A delegate derives from System.Delegate class.

    委托delegates 从System.Delegate派生的。
    Let's look at it from another point of view.

    You know what a variable is and how it behaves. You have seen that you can put different boolean values (true/false), strings (or, words), numbers (integer, double, etc.) in respective types of variables. But when you use delegates, you can assign a method to a variable and pass it around.
    In short, by using delegates, you can treat your methods like objects. So, you can store a delegate in a variable, pass it as method parameter, and return it from a method.
    The use of delegates can help promote type-safety. (In a broad sense, the term typesafety simply tells you that you cannot assign one type to another type if they are not compatible. The check for type-safety may appear both at compile time and runtime).
    This is why delegates are often referred to as type-safe function pointers


    为什么说delegates是类型安全的,type-safe function pointer 类型安全指针,其实就是规避了指针乱指的问题,因为C++里面函数指针不保证类型的。

    Int string之类的可以切换的。C#的delegates 委托,进一步改进了一下,只能同一个类型。









    Delegate is a type, similar to function pointers in C/C++.

    Delegate 是一个类型,和C/C++的函数指针类似。

    It stores the reference of a method inside a delegate object, to invoke the referenced method anywhere in the code.

    在delegate对象内部,Delegate 储存了方法(函数)的引用(reference),并且可以在代码的任何位置,invoke 这个引用。

    It also allows the method to be passed as an argument of another method.


    Unlike function pointers in C++, delegates are type-safe function pointers.


    Delegate declaration determines a type that can refer to a method, which has the same set of arguments and returns a type.

    A single delegate object can hold the reference of multiple methods that can be called on a single event.


    using System;


    class Program


    //declare a delegate 声明一个委托

    public delegate void delegateName(string msg);

    // Declare a method with the same signature as the delegate. 声明一个方法和委托相同的签名

    static void display(string msg)





    static void Main(string[] args)


    // Create an instance of the delegate 新建并实例化一个委托

    delegateName del = new delegateName(display);

    //Calling the delegate call这个委托

    del("Ali Asad");





    • new delegateName(display); pass "display" method's reference in the delegateName constructor.
    • del("Ali Asad"); call "del" which invokes the "display" method.

    MultiCast 这个单词怎么翻译?



    using System;

    //declare a delegate 声明一个delegate

    public delegate void delegateName(string msg);


    class MyClass


    // Declare a method with the same signature as the delegate.

    // 声明一个方法,和delegates相同的签名

    static void display(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("display: {0}", msg);



    static void show(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("show: {0}", msg);



    static void screen(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("screen: {0}", msg);



    static void Main(string[] args)


    delegateName del = display;

    //Multicast delegate 多播委托

    del += show;

    del += screen;

    //calling delegate 调用委托







    using System;

    //declare a delegate 声明一个delegate

    public delegate void delegateName(string msg);


    class MyClass


    // Declare a method with the same signature as the delegate.

    // 声明一个方法,和delegates相同的签名

    static void display(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("display: {0}", msg);



    static void show(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("show: {0}", msg);



    static void screen(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("screen: {0}", msg);



    static void Main(string[] args)


    delegateName del = display;

    //Multicast delegate 多播委托

    del += show;

    del += screen;

    //calling delegate 调用委托




    //remove method's reference

    del -= show;





    Listing 5-6. Loop over each method by using getinvocationlist method


    using System;

    //declare a delegate 声明一个delegate

    public delegate void delegateName(string msg);


    class MyClass


    // Declare a method with the same signature as the delegate.

    // 声明一个方法,和delegates相同的签名

    static void display(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("display: {0}", msg);



    static void show(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("show: {0}", msg);



    static void screen(string msg)


    Console.WriteLine("screen: {0}", msg);



    static void Main(string[] args)


    delegateName del = display;

    //Multicast delegate 多播委托

    del += show;

    del += screen;

    //calling delegate 调用委托




    //remove method's reference

    del -= show;



    foreach (delegateName item in del.GetInvocationList())


    //invoke each method, and display return value






    del.GetInvocationList(); returns a list of all referenced methods stored in "del"




    First parameter in func<> determines the method return type and the remaining are considered as a list of the argument type of method.


    using System;

    //declare a delegate

    //public delegate void Action();

    public delegate void Func();


    class MyClass


    // Declare a method with the same signature as the delegate.



    static int Add(int x, int y)


    Console.Write("{0} + {1} = ", x, y);

    return (x + y);



    static int Min(int x, int y)


    Console.Write("{0} - {1} = ", x, y);

    return (x - y);



    static int Mul(int x, int y)


    Console.Write("{0} * {1} = ", x, y);

    return (x * y);



    static string Name()


    Console.Write("My name is = ");

    return "Ali Asad";



    static string DynamicName(string name)


    Console.Write("My name is = ");

    return name;



    static void Main(string[] args)


    //return string value

    Func<string> info = Name;


    //return string, and take string as parameter

    Func<string, string> dynamicInfo = DynamicName;

    Console.WriteLine(dynamicInfo("Hamza Ali"));

    //return int, and take two int as parameter

    Func<int, int, int> calculate = Add;

    calculate += Min;

    calculate += Mul;

    foreach (Func<int, int, int> item in calculate.GetInvocationList())


    Console.WriteLine(item(10, 5));






    using System;

    class Parent{}

    class Child: Parent{}


    delegate Parent CovarianceHandle();

    class Program


    static Child CovarianceMethod(){

    Console.WriteLine("Covariance Method");

    return new Child();


    static void Main(string[] args){


    CovarianceHandle del = CovarianceMethod;





    Covariance 协变指的是 子类 继承了 父类 可以调用父类的东西(大致这个意思)


    using System;

    class Parent { }

    class Child : Parent { }

    delegate void ContravarianceHandle(Child c);


    class Program


    static void ContravarianceMethod(Parent p)


    Child ch = p as Child;

    Console.WriteLine("Contravariance Method");



    static void Main(string[] args)


    ContravarianceHandle del = ContravarianceMethod;

    Child child = new Child();





    逆变 Contravariance



    Problems with Delegate

    Delegates have a few problems which events have overcome. These problems are:
    1. Anyone can use an assignment operator which may overwrite the references of

    Listing 5-13. Overwrite the references of methods in Delegate


    using System;

    public delegate void Action();

    class Program


    static void Display()





    static void Show()





    static void Main(string[] args)


    Action act = Display;

    act += Show;

    act = Display;




    2. Delegate can be called anywhere in code, which may break the rule of



    using System;


    class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


    //Anonymous method that doesn't return value

    Action act = delegate ()


    Console.WriteLine("Inside Anonymous method");


    //Anonymous method that does return value

    Func<int, int> func = delegate (int num)


    Console.Write("Inside Func: ");

    return (num * 2);







    using System;


    class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


    //Lambda Expression that doesn't return value

    Action act = () =>


    Console.WriteLine("Inside Lambda Expression");


    //Lambda Expression that does have return value

    Func<int, int> func = (int num) =>


    Console.Write("Inside Func: ");

    return (num * 2);







    using System;

    delegate void MyDel(int value);//声明委托类型

    class Program{

    static void Main(){

    Program program = new Program();

    MyDel del; //声明委托变量


    Random rand = new Random();

    int randomValue = rand.Next(99);


    del = randomValue < 50 ? new MyDel(program.PrintLow):new MyDel(program.PrintHigh);




    void PrintLow(int value){



    void PrintHigh(int value){




    1. 声明委托类型

      关键词 delegate



    1. 创建委托对象

      Mydel delVar;




    Although the term combining delegates might give the impression that the operand delegates are
    modified, they are not changed at all. In fact, delegates are immutable. After a delegate object is created,
    it cannot be changed

    Immutable 不可改变的。




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