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  • [py]django第三方分页器django-pure-pagination实战

    第三方分页模块: django-pure-pagination 是基于django的pagination做的一款更好用的分页器



    • 安装
    pip install django-pure-pagination
    • 添加pure_pagination app


    from users import views
    urlpatterns = [
        path('', views.index, name="index"),
        path('admin/', admin.site.urls),


    from pure_pagination import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger
    def index(request):
            page = request.GET.get('page', 1)
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            page = 1
        # 要返回的所有数据
        objects = ['john', 'edward', 'josh', 'frank','john', 'edward', 'josh', 'frank','john', 'edward', 'josh', 'frank']
        # 分页器分页后的数据返回,Provide Paginator with the request object for complete querystring generation
        p = Paginator(objects, 5, request=request)
        people = p.page(page)
        return render(request, 'index.html', {"poeple": people})


    {% for p in poeple.object_list %}
            First name: {{ p }}
    {% endfor %}
    {# The following renders the pagination html #}
    <div id="pagination">
        {{ poeple.render }} {# 渲染页码 #}

    <div id="pagination">
        {{ poeple.render }} {# 渲染页码 #}


    <div class="pagination">
        <span class="disabled prev">&lsaquo;&lsaquo; previous</span>
            <span class="current page">1</span>
            <a href="?page=2" class="page">2</a>
            <a href="?page=3" class="page">3</a>
        <a href="?page=2" class="next">next &rsaquo;&rsaquo;</a>


    参考: https://github.com/jamespacileo/django-pure-pagination

    {% for p in people.object_list %}
            First name: {{ p }}
    {% endfor %}
    {#  这是默认样式 The following renders the pagination html #}
    {#<div id="pagination">#}
    {#    {{ poeple.render }}#}
    <div class="pagination">
        {#  如果有前一页,显示前一页,如果没有,则啥都不显示 #}
        {% if people.has_previous %}
            <a href="?{{ people.previous_page_number.querystring }}" class="prev">上一页</a>
    {#    {% else %}#}
    {#        <span class="disabled prev">&lsaquo;&lsaquo; {% trans "previous" %}</span>#}
        {% endif %}
        {# 当前页显示 #}
        {% for page in people.pages %}
            {% if page %}
                {% ifequal page people.number %} {# 如果是当前页,就显示当前页 #}
                    <span class="current page">{{ page }}</span>
                {% else %}
                    <a href="?{{ page.querystring }}" class="page">{{ page }}</a>
                {% endifequal %}
            {% else %}
                ... {# 如果 #}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {# 下一页的显示逻辑 #}
        {% if people.has_next %}
            <a href="?{{ people.next_page_number.querystring }}" class="next">下一页</a>
        {% endif %}


    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
            .pageturn {
                clear: both;
                height: 30px;
                margin: 50px auto;
                display: table;
                text-align: center;
            .pageturn .pagelist {
                display: table-cell;
                vertical-align: middle;
                overflow: hidden;
            .pageturn li {
                height: 30px;
                line-height: 30px;
                margin-left: 10px;
                float: left;
                text-align: center;
            .pageturn li:first-child {
                margin-left: 0;
            .pageturn li:hover a, .pageturn .active a {
                background: #717171;
                color: #fff;
                border-color: #eaeaea;
            .pageturn a {
                border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
                display: block;
                height: 28px;
                color: #6c6c6c;
            .pageturn .long {
            .pageturn .none a {
                border: 0;
            .pageright {
                float: right;
                display: inline;
                clear: none;
                margin-top: 10px;
    {% for p in people.object_list %}
            First name: {{ p }}
    {% endfor %}
    <div class="pageturn">
        <ul class="pagelist">
            {% if people.has_previous %}
                <li class="long"><a href="?{{ people.previous_page_number.querystring }}">上一页</a></li>
            {% endif %}
            {% for page in people.pages %}
                {% if page %}
                    {% ifequal page people.number %}
                        <li class="active"><a href="?{{ page.querystring }}">{{ page }}</a></li>
                    {% else %}
                        <li><a href="?{{ page.querystring }}" class="page">{{ page }}</a></li>
                    {% endifequal %}
                {% else %}
                    <li class="none"><a href="">...</a></li>
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% if people.has_next %}
                <li class="long"><a href="?{{ people.next_page_number.querystring }}">下一页</a></li>
            {% endif %}


    不会干掉原来的url的参数, 会连同当前url+page=页一同带回,这样给筛选和排序带来了一定的好处.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/iiiiiher/p/8413918.html
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