1. 创建Workflow项目 – 选择Workflow Console Application
2. 添加CodeActivity
3. 打开CodeActivity,添加一行代码到Execute方法中
1 public sealed class CodeActivity1 : CodeActivity 2 { 3 // Define an activity input argument of type string 4 public InArgument<string> Text { get; set; } 5 6 // If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult> 7 // and return the value from the Execute method. 8 protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context) 9 { 10 Console.WriteLine("The time is {0}", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); 11 } 12 }
4. 编译,然后打开Workflow1.xaml文件,在工具栏中应该能看到新生成的CodeActivity1。
5. 依次拖动如下控件到xaml设计器上。Sequence -> CodeActivity1 -> Delay -> CodeActivity1。最终结果如下:
6. 修改Delay控件属性,将Duration改为10秒。
7. 修改Program.cs,添加读取字符代码用来暂停程序运行。
1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main(string[] args) 4 { 5 Activity workflow1 = new Workflow1(); 6 WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(workflow1); 7 8 // Pause the display 9 Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue."); 10 Console.Read(); 11 } 12 }
8. 运行。结果如下: