#使用DocStrings def printMax(x,y): x=int(x)#convert to integers,if possible y=int(y) if x>y: print x,'is maximum' else: print y,'is maximum' printMax(3,5) print printMax #使用sys模块 import sys print 'The command line arguments are:' for i in sys.argv: print i print ' the pythonpath is',sys.path,' ' #使用模块_name_ if __name__=='__main__': print 'This program is being run by itself' else: print 'I am being imported from another module' #如何创建你自己的模块 import mymodule mymodule.sayhi() print 'Version',mymodule.version #使用dir函数 import sys dir(sys) # get list of attributes for sys module #使用列表 shoplist=['apple','mango','carrot','banana'] print 'I have',len(shoplist),'items to purchase.' print 'These items are:', for item in shoplist: print item, print ' I also have to buy rice.' shoplist.append('rice') print 'My shoppinglist is now',shoplist print 'I will sort my list now' shoplist.sort() print 'Sorted shopping list is',shoplist print 'The first item I will buy is',shoplist[0] olditem=shoplist[0] del shoplist[0] print 'I bought the',olditem print 'My shopping list is now',shoplist #使用元组 zoo =('wolf','elephant','penguin') print'Number of animals in the zoo is',len(zoo) new_zoo = ( 'monkey','dolphin',zoo) print 'Number of animals in the zoo is',len(new_zoo) print 'All naimals in new zoo are',new_zoo print 'Animals brought from old zoo are',new_zoo[2] print 'Last animal brought from old zoo is',new_zoo[2][2] #使用元组输出 age=22 name='Swaroop' print '%s is %d years old'%(name,age) print 'Why is %s playing with that python?'%name