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  • Model View Controller (MVC) Overview

    By Rakesh Chavda  Jul 01, 2015

    What is MVC?

    Model View Controller is a type of user interface architectural application. There are three parts of the MVC and each part has his specific work. 

    1. Model

    • All data related work in this part.
    • It is used for data transfer between view and controller.

      Model has main three parts:

      1. Data Model: Any applications interact with the database.
      2. Business Model: Work with Data Model and save data in database.
      3. View Model: Pass information from controller to view.

    2. View

    • View means in simple word Action Part of application.
    • Two part of views are in ASP.NET MVC.

      1. ASPX View Engine
      2. Razor View Engine

    • This is User Interact Part.
    • Means it is a client or a customer side part.

    3. Controller

    • Controller is work between view and model for business logic and request.
    • Controller is a working with a HTTP request from User Side.

    MVC Information, Use and Benefit 

    MVC is a type of ASP.NET framework. In MVC framework any web application development use MODEL, VIEW and CONTROLLER. In this you are also using security, session, state management, etc. because MVC is a part of framework.

    1: MVC

    Many improvements were seen in this .NET Framework by Microsoft through its main purpose of designing, testing, maintainability, clean structure, etc.

    • Model is representing the application part and implements the data logic.
    • View is representing the User interface part and display data on browser using Controller part.
    • Controller is classes. In this part collect user Request.

    Easy to manage and test because every functionality is a separated part of Model, View and Controller.

    Some important features added in this framework:

    • ASP.NET Web API.
    • Default HTML5 templates for Visual Studio and Mobile Application.
    • Automatic selection of rendered views means application auto set in Desktop/Mobile/tablet browser.
    • jQuery Mobile.
    • Microsoft Windows Azure SDK support for deploying ASP.NET MVC applications to Windows Azure.
    • Social site authentication like Facebook.

    I hope you are getting basic information about MVC. We will get more information in next article with some example.

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