Given a list of words and two words word1 and word2, return the shortest distance between these two words in the list.
For example,
Assume that words = ["practice", "makes", "perfect", "coding", "makes"]
Given word1 = “coding”
, word2 = “practice”
, return 3.
Given word1 = "makes"
, word2 = "coding"
, return 1.
You may assume that word1 does not equal to word2, and word1 and word2 are both in the list.
双指针的方法。last_word1为word1最后一次出现的坐标。last_word2为word2最后一次出现的坐标。所以当last_word1变化时,我们计算last_word1 - last_word2 + 1,并且和当前最小值比较更新。Same to last_word2.
1 class Solution(object): 2 def shortestDistance(self, words, word1, word2): 3 """ 4 :type words: List[str] 5 :type word1: str 6 :type word2: str 7 :rtype: int 8 """ 9 last_word1 = -1 10 last_word2 = -1 11 length = len(words) 12 result = length 13 for i in range(length): 14 if words[i] == word1: 15 last_word1 = i 16 if last_word2 != -1: 17 result = min(result, last_word1 - last_word2) 18 elif words[i] == word2: 19 last_word2 = i 20 if last_word1 != -1: 21 result = min(result, last_word2 - last_word1) 22 return result