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  • [MFC]两个GetCurrentTime()的区别


    CTime  currentTime  =  GetCurrentTime();
    CTime  currentTime2 =  CTime::GetCurrentTime();

    GetCurrentTime()在文件winbase.h中,实际执行的是GetTickCount(),这是Windows API,用来返回从系统开机到现在间隔的毫秒数,超过49天之后,将会溢出。winbase.h中对该函数宏定义如下,建议采用GetTickCount64代替GetTickCount

    Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started, up to 49.7 days.
    #define GetCurrentTime()                GetTickCount()

    __drv_preferredFunction("GetTickCount64", "GetTickCount overflows roughly every 49 days.  Code that does not take that into account can loop indefinitely.  GetTickCount64 operates on 64 bit values and does not have that problem")

    CTime::GetCurrentTime() 函数的定义在atltime.inl文件中,实际通过调用::_time64()函数来获取时间
    ATLTIME_INLINE CTime WINAPI CTime::GetCurrentTime() throw()
        return( CTime( ::_time64( NULL ) ) );

    *__time64_t _time64(timeptr) - Get current system time and convert to a
    *       __time64_t value.
    *       Gets the current date and time and stores it in internal 64-bit format
    *       (__time64_t). The time is returned and stored via the pointer passed in
    *       timeptr. If timeptr == NULL, the time is only returned, not stored in
    *       *timeptr. The internal (__time64_t) format is the number of seconds
    *       since 00:00:00, Jan 1 1970 (UTC).
    *       __time64_t *timeptr - pointer to long to store time in.
    *       returns the current time.

    __time64_t __cdecl _time64 (
            __time64_t *timeptr
            __time64_t tim;
            FT nt_time;

            GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &(nt_time.ft_struct) );

            tim = (__time64_t)((nt_time.ft_scalar - EPOCH_BIAS) / 10000000i64);

            if (tim > _MAX__TIME64_T)
                    tim = (__time64_t)(-1);

            if (timeptr)
                    *timeptr = tim;         /* store time if requested */

            return tim;

    _time64() 实际上是调用GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()来获取系统时间


    Retrieves the current system date and time. The information is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format.

    void WINAPI GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(
      _Out_  LPFILETIME lpSystemTimeAsFileTime
    typedef struct _FILETIME {
      DWORD dwLowDateTime;
      DWORD dwHighDateTime;

    GetCurrentTime() 返回的是距离系统启动时的微秒数
    CTime::GetCurrentTime() 才是返回的当前系统时间

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ityujian/p/3025246.html
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