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  • 数据库连接字符串大全

      •  OLE DB
         Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA):

    "Provider=ASAProv;Data source=myASA"

    Read more in the ASA User Guide >>

      •  Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) with Data Source .IDS file:

    "Provider=Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider; Data source=myASE"

    Note that you must create a Data Source .IDS file using the Sybase Data Administrator. These .IDS files resemble ODBC DSNs.

      •  Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE):
        < DIV>"Provider=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider;Srvr=myASEserver,5000;Catalog= myDBname;UserId=username;Password=password"
           - some reports on problem using the above one, try the following as an alternative -

        "Provider=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider;Server Name=myASEserver,5000;Initial Catalog= myDBname;UserId=username;Password=password"

    This one works only from Open Client 12.5 where the server port number feature works,llowing fully qualified connection strings to be used without definingny .IDS Data Source files.

    ·  Informix

      •  ODBC
         Informix 3.30:

    "Dsn='';Driver={INFORMIX 3.30 32 BIT};Host=hostname;Server=myserver;Service=service-name;Protocol=olsoctcp;Database=mydb;UID=username;PWD=myPwd

      •  Informix-CLI 2.5:

    "Driver={Informix-CLI 2.5 (32 Bit)};Server=myserver;Database=mydb;Uid=username;Pwd=myPwd"

      •  OLE DB
         IBM Informix OLE DB Provider:

    "Provider=Ifxoledbc.2;password=myPw;User ID=myUser;Data Source=dbName@serverName;Persist Security Info=true"

    ·  Mimer SQL

      •  ODBC
         Standard Security:


      •  Prompt for username and password:


    ·  PostgreSQL

      •  Core Labs PostgreSQLDirect (.NET)

    "User ID=root; Password=pwd; Host=localhost; Port= 5432;Database=testdb;Pooling=true; Min Pool Size=0; Max Pool Size=100; Connection Lifetime=0"

    Read more at Core Lab and the product page.

    ·  DSN

      •  ODBC


      •  File DSN:


    ·  Excel

      •  ODBC

    "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DriverId=790;Dbq=C:"MyExcel.xls;DefaultDir=c:"mypath;"

      •  OLE DB

    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:"MyExcel.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""

    "HDR=Yes;" indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not data

    "IMEX=1;" tells the driver to always read "intermixed" data columns as text

    TIP! SQL syntax: "SELECT * FROM [sheet1$]" - i.e. worksheet name followed by a "$" and wrapped in "[" "]" brackets.

    ·  Text

      •  ODBC

    "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=c:"txtFilesFolder";Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;"

      •  OLE DB
        < DIV> "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:"txtFilesFolder";ExtendedProperties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"""

    "HDR=Yes;" indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not data

    ·  DBF / FoxPro

      •  ODBC

    "Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=c:"mydbpath;"

      •  OLE DB, OleDbConnection (.NET)

    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:"folder;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;User ID=Admin;Password="

    ·  Visual FoxPro

      •  OLE DB, OleDbConnection (.NET)
         Database container (.DBC):

    "Provider=vfpoledb.1;Data Source=C:"MyDbFolder"MyDbContainer.dbc;Password=MyPassWord;Collating Sequence=machine"

      •  Free table directory:

    "Provider=vfpoledb.1;Data Source=C:"MyDataDirectory";Password=MyPassWord;Collating Sequence=general"

    Read more (Microsoft msdn) >>

      •  ODBC
         Database container (.DBC):

    "Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};SourceType=DBC;SourceDB=c:"myvfpdb.dbc;Exclusive=No;Collate=Machine;"

      •  Free Table directory:

    "Driver= {MicrosoftVisualFoxProDriver};SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=c:"myvfpdbfolder;Exclusive=No;Collate=Machine;"

    "Collate=Machine" is the default setting, for other settings check the list of supported collating sequences >>

    ·  Pervasive

      •  ODBC

    "Driver= {Pervasive ODBC ClientInterface};ServerName=srvname;dbq=@dbname"

    Pervasive ODBC info >>

      •  OLE DB

    "Provider=PervasiveOLEDB;Data Source=C:"path"

    Pervasive OLE DB info >>

    ·  UDL

      •  UDL

    "File Name=c:"myDataLink.udl;"

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jacker1979/p/1106168.html
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