public static class Cryptography
/// <summary>
/// Incrypt the input using password provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">Input string to encrypt</param>
/// <param name="password">Password to use</param>
/// <returns>Encrypted string</returns>
public static string Encrypt(string input, string password)
string data = input;
byte[] utfdata = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
byte[] saltBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
// Our symmetric encryption algorithm
AesManaged aes = new AesManaged();
// We're using the PBKDF2 standard for password-based key generation
Rfc2898DeriveBytes rfc = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltBytes);
// Setting our parameters
aes.BlockSize = aes.LegalBlockSizes[0].MaxSize;
aes.KeySize = aes.LegalKeySizes[0].MaxSize;
aes.Key = rfc.GetBytes(aes.KeySize / 8);
aes.IV = rfc.GetBytes(aes.BlockSize / 8);
// Encryption
ICryptoTransform encryptTransf = aes.CreateEncryptor();
// Output stream, can be also a FileStream
MemoryStream encryptStream = new MemoryStream();
CryptoStream encryptor = new CryptoStream(encryptStream, encryptTransf, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
encryptor.Write(utfdata, 0, utfdata.Length);
byte[] encryptBytes = encryptStream.ToArray();
string encryptedString = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptBytes);
return encryptedString;
/// <summary>
/// Decrypt string using password provided
/// </summary>
/// <param name="base64Input">Input to decrypt</param>
/// <param name="password">Password to use</param>
/// <returns>Decrypted string</returns>
public static string Decrypt(string base64Input, string password)
byte[] encryptBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Input);
byte[] saltBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password);
// Our symmetric encryption algorithm
AesManaged aes = new AesManaged();
// We're using the PBKDF2 standard for password-based key generation
Rfc2898DeriveBytes rfc = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, saltBytes);
// Setting our parameters
aes.BlockSize = aes.LegalBlockSizes[0].MaxSize;
aes.KeySize = aes.LegalKeySizes[0].MaxSize;
aes.Key = rfc.GetBytes(aes.KeySize / 8);
aes.IV = rfc.GetBytes(aes.BlockSize / 8);
// Now, decryption
ICryptoTransform decryptTrans = aes.CreateDecryptor();
// Output stream, can be also a FileStream
MemoryStream decryptStream = new MemoryStream();
CryptoStream decryptor = new CryptoStream(decryptStream, decryptTrans, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
decryptor.Write(encryptBytes, 0, encryptBytes.Length);
byte[] decryptBytes = decryptStream.ToArray();
string decryptedString = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptBytes, 0, decryptBytes.Length);
return decryptedString;