去网站下载后 dmg后 打开并把 class-dump copy 到 /usr/bin/ 目录下(这是我的bin目录,可能和你自己的路径不同),可以是使用 open -a finder /usr/bin 命令打开。
接着修改下 class-dump 权限,终端输入 chmod 777 /usr/bin/class-dump。
网上有个perl写的脚本(DumpFrameworks.pl),可以直接导出Frameworks 和 PrivateFrameworks 的头文件,2个Frameworks的路径更改下,我直接贴上DumpFrameworks.pl的源码。
#!/usr/bin/perl # # 24 November 2008 # Framework Dumping utility; requires class-dump # use strict; use Cwd; use File::Path; my $HOME = (getpwuid($<))[7] || $ENV{'HOME'} ordie"Could not find your home directory!"; # This command must be in your path. # http://www.codethecode.com/projects/class-dump/ my $CLASS_DUMP = 'class-dump'; # Public Frameworks dump_frameworks('/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks', 'Frameworks'); # Private Frameworks dump_frameworks('/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS7.1.sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks', 'PrivateFrameworks'); sub dump_frameworks { my($dir, $subdir) = @_; opendir(my $dirh, $dir) ordie"Could not opendir($dir) - $!"; # Iterate through each framework found in the directory foreach my $file (grep { /.framework$/ } readdir($dirh)) { # Extract the framework name (my $fname = $file) =~ s/.framework$//; print"Framework: $fname "; my $headers_dir = "$HOME/Headers/$subdir/$fname"; # Create the folder to store the headers mkpath($headers_dir); # Perform the class-dump my $cwd = cwd(); chdir($headers_dir) ordie"Could not chdir($headers_dir) - $!"; system($CLASS_DUMP, '-H', "$dir/$file"); if($? == -1) { die"Could not execute $CLASS_DUMP - $! "; } chdir($cwd) ordie"Could not chdir($cwd) - $!"; } }
保存好之后,终端进入DumpFrameworks.pl所在的目录 执行命令 ./DumpFrameworks.pl
命令执行完,在用户目录下 会出现 Headers,里面包括了我们导出的Frameworks 和PrivateFrameworks 文件夹,见下图: