Essentially, if your objects are locked only by one thread, the VM can make an optimization and "bias" that object to that thread in such a way that subsequent atomic operations on the object incurs no synchronization cost. I suppose this is typically geared towards overly conservative code that performs locks on objects without ever exposing them to another thread. The actual synchronization overhead will only kick in once another thread tries to obtain a lock on the object.
It is on by default in Java 6:
-XX:+UseBiasedLocking Enables a technique for improving the performance of uncontended synchronization. An object is "biased" toward the thread which first acquires its monitor via a monitorenter bytecode or synchronized method invocation; subsequent monitor-related operations performed by that thread are relatively much faster on multiprocessor machines. Some applications with significant amounts of uncontended synchronization may attain significant speedups with this flag enabled;
3.轻量级锁(Lightweight Locking):多个线程会去竞争锁,但是尽可能地减少多线程进入互斥的几率。它并不是要替代互斥,因为随着竞争越来越激烈,它最后也会升级成重量级锁(inflated 膨胀)
线程在执行同步块之前,JVM会先在当前线程的栈桢中创建用于存储锁记录的空间,并将对象头中的Mark Word复制到锁记录中,官方称为Displaced Mark Word。然后线程尝试使用CAS将对象头中的Mark Word替换为指向锁记录的指针。如果成功,当前线程获得锁,如果失败,则自旋获取锁,当自旋获取锁仍然失败时,表示存在其他线程竞争锁(两条或两条以上的线程竞争同一个锁),则轻量级锁会膨胀成重量级锁。