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  • opencv 图像仿射变换 计算仿射变换后对应特征点的新坐标 图像旋转、缩放、平移


    仿射变换在:http://blog.csdn.net/xiaowei_cqu/article/details/7616044 这位大牛的博客中已经介绍的非常清楚。



    ** 在原文中,很多功能函数都是使用的cvXXX,例如cv2DRotationMatrix( center, degree,1, &M);  这些都是老版本的函数,在opencv2以后,应该尽量的使用全新的函数,所以在我的代码中,都是使用的最新的函数,不再使用 cvMat, 而是全部使用 Mat 类型。 **

    1. 特征点对应的新的坐标计算

    假设已经有一个原图像中的特征点的坐标 CvPoint point;  那么计算这个point的对应的仿射变换之后在新的图像中的坐标位置,使用的方法如下函数:

    // 获取指定像素点放射变换后的新的坐标位置
    CvPoint getPointAffinedPos(const CvPoint &src, const CvPoint ¢er, double angle)
    	CvPoint dst;
    	int x = src.x - center.x;
    	int y = src.y - center.y;
    	dst.x = cvRound(x * cos(angle) + y * sin(angle) + center.x);
    	dst.y = cvRound(-x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle) + center.y);
    	return dst;



    // AffineTransformation.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include "iostream"
    #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    // 获取指定像素点放射变换后的新的坐标位置
    CvPoint getPointAffinedPos(const CvPoint &src, const CvPoint ¢er, double angle);
    Mat ImageRotate(Mat & src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle);
    Mat ImageRotate2NewSize(Mat& src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	string image_path = "D:/lena.jpg";
    	Mat img = imread(image_path);
    	cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    	Mat src;
    	CvPoint Leye;
    	Leye.x = 265;
    	Leye.y = 265;
    	CvPoint Reye;
    	Reye.x = 328;
    	Reye.y = 265;
    	// draw pupil
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Leye.y, Leye.x) = 255;
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Reye.y, Reye.x) = 255;
    	imshow("src", src);
    	CvPoint center;
    	center.x = img.cols / 2;
    	center.y = img.rows / 2;
    	double angle = 15L;
    	Mat dst = ImageRotate(img, center, angle);
    	// 计算原特征点在旋转后图像中的对应的坐标
    	CvPoint l2 = getPointAffinedPos(Leye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180);
    	CvPoint r2 = getPointAffinedPos(Reye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180);
    	// draw pupil
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(l2.y, l2.x) = 255;
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(r2.y, r2.x) = 255;
    	//Mat dst = ImageRotate2NewSize(img, center, angle);
    	imshow("dst", dst);
    	return 0;
    Mat ImageRotate(Mat & src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle)
    	CvPoint2D32f center;
    	center.x = float(_center.x);
    	center.y = float(_center.y);
    	Mat M = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1);
    	// rotate
    	Mat dst;
    	warpAffine(src, dst, M, cvSize(src.cols, src.rows), CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    	return dst;
    // 获取指定像素点放射变换后的新的坐标位置
    CvPoint getPointAffinedPos(const CvPoint &src, const CvPoint ¢er, double angle)
    	CvPoint dst;
    	int x = src.x - center.x;
    	int y = src.y - center.y;
    	dst.x = cvRound(x * cos(angle) + y * sin(angle) + center.x);
    	dst.y = cvRound(-x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle) + center.y);
    	return dst;





    2. 旋转中心对于旋转的影响



    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	string image_path = "D:/lena.jpg";
    	Mat img = imread(image_path);
    	cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    	Mat src;
    	CvPoint Leye;
    	Leye.x = 265;
    	Leye.y = 265;
    	CvPoint Reye;
    	Reye.x = 328;
    	Reye.y = 265;
    	// draw pupil
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Leye.y, Leye.x) = 255;
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Reye.y, Reye.x) = 255;
    	imshow("src", src);
    	/*CvPoint center;
    	center.x = img.cols / 2;
    	center.y = img.rows / 2;*/
    	CvPoint center;
    	center.x = 0;
    	center.y = 0;
    	double angle = 15L;
    	Mat dst = ImageRotate(img, center, angle);
    	// 计算原特征点在旋转后图像中的对应的坐标
    	CvPoint l2 = getPointAffinedPos(Leye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180);
    	CvPoint r2 = getPointAffinedPos(Reye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180);
    	// draw pupil
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(l2.y, l2.x) = 255;
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(r2.y, r2.x) = 255;
    	//Mat dst = ImageRotate2NewSize(img, center, angle);
    	imshow("dst", dst);
    	return 0;



    	CvPoint center;
    	center.x = 0;
    	center.y = img.rows;


    3. 缩放因子对于旋转图像的影响


    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include "iostream"
    #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
    using namespace std;
    using namespace cv;
    // 获取指定像素点放射变换后的新的坐标位置
    CvPoint getPointAffinedPos(const CvPoint &src, const CvPoint ¢er, double angle, double scale);
    Mat ImageRotate(Mat & src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle, double scale);
    Mat ImageRotate2NewSize(Mat& src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle, double scale);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	string image_path = "D:/lena.jpg";
    	Mat img = imread(image_path);
    	cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    	double scale = 0.5;
    	Mat src;
    	CvPoint Leye;
    	Leye.x = 265;
    	Leye.y = 265;
    	CvPoint Reye;
    	Reye.x = 328;
    	Reye.y = 265;
    	// draw pupil
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Leye.y, Leye.x) = 255;
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Reye.y, Reye.x) = 255;
    	imshow("src", src);
    	CvPoint center;
    	center.x = img.cols / 2;
    	center.y = img.rows / 2;
    	double angle = 15L;
    	Mat dst = ImageRotate(img, center, angle, scale);
    	// 计算原特征点在旋转后图像中的对应的坐标
    	CvPoint l2 = getPointAffinedPos(Leye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180, scale);
    	CvPoint r2 = getPointAffinedPos(Reye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180, scale);
    	// draw pupil
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(l2.y, l2.x) = 255;
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(r2.y, r2.x) = 255;
    	//Mat dst = ImageRotate2NewSize(img, center, angle);
    	imshow("dst", dst);
    	return 0;
    Mat ImageRotate(Mat & src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle, double scale)
    	CvPoint2D32f center;
    	center.x = float(_center.x);
    	center.y = float(_center.y);
    	Mat M = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale);
    	// rotate
    	Mat dst;
    	warpAffine(src, dst, M, cvSize(src.cols, src.rows), CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    	return dst;
    // 获取指定像素点放射变换后的新的坐标位置
    CvPoint getPointAffinedPos(const CvPoint &src, const CvPoint ¢er, double angle, double scale)
    	CvPoint dst;
    	int x = src.x - center.x;
    	int y = src.y - center.y;
    	dst.x = cvRound(x * cos(angle) * scale  + y * sin(angle) * scale + center.x);
    	dst.y = cvRound(-x * sin(angle) * scale + y * cos(angle) * scale + center.y);
    	return dst;


    4.  根据旋转与缩放尺度获得与原始图像大小不同的图像大小(新的合适的大小)



    	double angle2 = angle * CV_PI / 180;
    	int width = src.cols;
    	int height = src.rows;
    	double alpha = cos(angle2) * scale; 
    	double beta = sin(angle2) * scale;
    	int new_width = (int)(width * fabs(alpha) + height * fabs(beta));
    	int new_height = (int)(width * fabs(beta) + height * fabs(alpha));



    	Mat M = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale);
    	// 给计算得到的旋转矩阵添加平移
    	M.at<double>(0, 2) += (int)((new_width - width )/2);
    	M.at<double>(1, 2) += (int)((new_height - height )/2);


    // 获取指定像素点放射变换后的新的坐标位置
    CvPoint getPointAffinedPos(Mat & src, Mat & dst, const CvPoint &src_p, const CvPoint ¢er, double angle, double scale)
    	double alpha = cos(angle) * scale; 
    	double beta = sin(angle) * scale;
    	int width = src.cols;
    	int height = src.rows;
    	CvPoint dst_p;
    	int x = src_p.x - center.x;
    	int y = src_p.y - center.y;
    	dst_p.x = cvRound(x * alpha  + y * beta + center.x);
    	dst_p.y = cvRound(-x * beta + y * alpha + center.y);
    	int new_width = dst.cols;
    	int new_height = dst.rows;
    	int movx = (int)((new_width - width)/2);
    	int movy = (int)((new_height - height)/2);
    	dst_p.x += movx;
    	dst_p.y += movy;
    	return dst_p;


    Mat ImageRotate2NewSize(Mat& src, const CvPoint &_center, double angle, double scale)
    	double angle2 = angle * CV_PI / 180;
    	int width = src.cols;
    	int height = src.rows;
    	double alpha = cos(angle2) * scale; 
    	double beta = sin(angle2) * scale;
    	int new_width = (int)(width * fabs(alpha) + height * fabs(beta));
    	int new_height = (int)(width * fabs(beta) + height * fabs(alpha));
    	CvPoint2D32f center;
    	center.x = float(width / 2);
    	center.y = float(height / 2);
    	Mat M = getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, scale);
    	// 给计算得到的旋转矩阵添加平移
    	M.at<double>(0, 2) += (int)((new_width - width )/2);
    	M.at<double>(1, 2) += (int)((new_height - height )/2);
    	// rotate
    	Mat dst;
    	warpAffine(src, dst, M, cvSize(new_width, new_height), CV_INTER_LINEAR);
    	return dst;


    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	string image_path = "D:/lena.jpg";
    	Mat img = imread(image_path);
    	cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    	double scale = 0.5;
    	Mat src;
    	CvPoint Leye;
    	Leye.x = 265;
    	Leye.y = 265;
    	CvPoint Reye;
    	Reye.x = 328;
    	Reye.y = 265;
    	// draw pupil
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Leye.y, Leye.x) = 255;
    	src.at<unsigned char>(Reye.y, Reye.x) = 255;
    	imshow("src", src);
    	CvPoint center;
    	center.x = img.cols / 2;
    	center.y = img.rows / 2;
    	double angle = 15L;
    	//Mat dst = ImageRotate(img, center, angle, scale);
    	Mat dst = ImageRotate2NewSize(img, center, angle, scale);
    	// 计算原特征点在旋转后图像中的对应的坐标
    	CvPoint l2 = getPointAffinedPos(src, dst, Leye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180, scale);
    	CvPoint r2 = getPointAffinedPos(src, dst, Reye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180, scale);
    	// draw pupil
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(l2.y, l2.x) = 255;
    	dst.at<unsigned char>(r2.y, r2.x) = 255;
    	imshow("dst", dst);
    	return 0;


    5. 根据三个点进行仿射变换

    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    	string image_path = "D:/lena.jpg";
    	Mat img = imread(image_path);
    	Point2f src_points[3];
    	src_points[0] = Point2f(100, 100);
    	src_points[1] = Point2f(400, 100);
    	src_points[2] = Point2f(250, 300);
    	Point2f dst_points[3];
    	dst_points[0] = Point2f(100, 100);
    	dst_points[1] = Point2f(400, 300);
    	dst_points[2] = Point2f(100, 300);
    	Mat M1 = getAffineTransform(src_points, dst_points);
    	Mat dst;
    	warpAffine(img, dst, M1, cvSize(img.cols, img.rows), INTER_LINEAR);
    	imshow("dst", dst);
    	//cvtColor(img, img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    	//double scale = 1.5;
    	//Mat src;
    	//CvPoint Leye;
    	//Leye.x = 265;
    	//Leye.y = 265;
    	//CvPoint Reye;
    	//Reye.x = 328;
    	//Reye.y = 265;
    	//// draw pupil
    	//src.at<unsigned char>(Leye.y, Leye.x) = 255;
    	//src.at<unsigned char>(Reye.y, Reye.x) = 255;
    	//imshow("src", src);
    	//CvPoint center;
    	//center.x = img.cols / 2;
    	//center.y = img.rows / 2;
    	//double angle = 15L;
    	////Mat dst = ImageRotate(img, center, angle, scale);
    	//Mat dst = ImageRotate2NewSize(img, center, angle, scale);
    	//// 计算原特征点在旋转后图像中的对应的坐标
    	//CvPoint l2 = getPointAffinedPos(src, dst, Leye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180, scale);
    	//CvPoint r2 = getPointAffinedPos(src, dst, Reye, center, angle * CV_PI / 180, scale);
    	//// draw pupil
    	//dst.at<unsigned char>(l2.y, l2.x) = 255;
    	//dst.at<unsigned char>(r2.y, r2.x) = 255;
    	//imshow("dst", dst);
    	return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/james1207/p/3278499.html
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