在xilinx ZC7020的片子上做的实验;
普通IO可以通过BUFG再连到PLL的时钟输入上,但要修改PLL的设置 input clk的选项中要选择"No Buffer";
具体内部布局分配可以通过 Xilinx的FPGA Editor来查看,
ZYNQ的时钟管理也和之前的片子略有不同,之后在另一篇介绍,相关文档 <ug472_7Series_Clocking.pdf>
1 // demo1 two bufg connect 2 3 module iobuf( 4 5 input clk, 6 7 input rst, 8 9 output led 10 11 ); 12 13 wire clkin_w; 14 15 BUFG BUFG_inst ( 16 17 .O(clkin_w), // Clock buffer output 18 19 .I(clk) // Clock buffer input 20 21 ); 22 23 pll0 u_pll0( 24 25 .CLK_IN1(clkin_w), // IN 26 27 .CLK_OUT1(clkout), // OUT 28 29 .RESET(rst)); // IN 30 31 assign led = clkout; 32 33 endmodule
ERROR:NgdBuild:770 - IBUFG 'u_pll0/clkin1_buf' and BUFG 'BUFG_inst' on net
'clkin_w' are lined up in series. Buffers of the same direction cannot be
placed in series.
ERROR:NgdBuild:924 - input pad net 'clkin_w' is driving non-buffer primitives:
1 // demo2 regular io directly connect to PLL 2 3 module iobuf( 4 5 input clk, 6 7 input rst, 8 9 output led 10 11 ); 15 wire clkin_w; 16 17 /* 18 19 BUFG BUFG_inst ( 20 21 .O(clkin_w), // Clock buffer output 22 23 .I(clk) // Clock buffer input 24 25 ); 26 27 */ 28 29 pll0 u_pll0( 30 31 .CLK_IN1(clk), // IN 32 33 .CLK_OUT1(clkout), // OUT 34 35 .RESET(rst)); // IN 36 37 assign led = clkout; 38 39 endmodule
ERROR:Place:1397 - A clock IOB / MMCM clock component pair have been found that
are not placed at an optimal clock IOB / MMCM site pair. The clock IOB
component <clk> is placed at site <A18>. The corresponding MMCM component
<u_pll0/mmcm_adv_inst> is placed at site <MMCME2_ADV_X0Y0>. The clock IO can
use the fast path between the IOB and the MMCM if the IOB is placed on a
Clock Capable IOB site that has dedicated fast path to MMCM sites within the
same clock region. You may want to analyze why this problem exists and
correct it. If this sub optimal condition is acceptable for this design, you
may use the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint in the .ucf file to demote this
message to a WARNING and allow your design to continue. However, the use of
this override is highly discouraged as it may lead to very poor timing
results. It is recommended that this error condition be corrected in the
design. A list of all the COMP.PINs used in this clock placement rule is
ERROR:Pack:1654 - The timing-driven placement phase encountered an error.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:2256 - Unsupported MMCME2_ADV configuration. The signal
u_pll0/clkin1 on the CLKIN1 pin of MMCME2_ADV comp u_pll0/mmcm_adv_inst with
COMPENSATION mode ZHOLD must be driven by a clock capable IOB.
ERROR:Pack:1642 - Errors in physical DRC.
ERROR:NgdBuild:770 - IBUFG 'u_pll0/clkin1_buf' and BUFG 'BUFG_inst' on net
'clkin_w' are lined up in series. Buffers of the same direction cannot be
placed in series.
ERROR:NgdBuild:924 - input pad net 'clkin_w' is driving non-buffer primitives:
// dem3 regular io with BUFG then connect to PLL which with"No Buffer" setting module iobuf( input clk, input rst, output led ); wire clkin_w; BUFG BUFG_inst ( .O(clkin_w), // Clock buffer output .I(clk) // Clock buffer input ); pll0 u_pll0( .CLK_IN1(clkin_w), // IN .CLK_OUT1(clkout), // OUT .RESET(rst)); // IN assign led = clkout; endmodule
zc702里没有global clock的概念了,但有了很多专用时钟脚,用起来一样;