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  • leetcode_1187. Make Array Strictly Increasing 使数组严格递增_[DP]

    给你两个整数数组 arr1 和 arr2,返回使 arr1 严格递增所需要的最小「操作」数(可能为 0)。

    每一步「操作」中,你可以分别从 arr1 和 arr2 中各选出一个索引,分别为 i 和 j,0 <= i < arr1.length 和 0 <= j < arr2.length,然后进行赋值运算 arr1[i] = arr2[j]。

    如果无法让 arr1 严格递增,请返回 -1。


    示例 1:

    输入:arr1 = [1,5,3,6,7], arr2 = [1,3,2,4]
    解释:用 2 来替换 5,之后 arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 6, 7]。
    示例 2:

    输入:arr1 = [1,5,3,6,7], arr2 = [4,3,1]
    解释:用 3 来替换 5,然后用 4 来替换 3,得到 arr1 = [1, 3, 4, 6, 7]。
    示例 3:

    输入:arr1 = [1,5,3,6,7], arr2 = [1,6,3,3]
    解释:无法使 arr1 严格递增。


    1 <= arr1.length, arr2.length <= 2000
    0 <= arr1[i], arr2[i] <= 10^9




    For any operation, we need to pick the smallest possible element from the second array. So, we can start by sorting the second array.


    Run the search with two branches:


    • Keep the current element (if increasing),
    • add an operation.


    Return the minimum of these branches. For memoisation, use indexes of the first and second arrays.

    基于上述思路,状态应表示为[i1, i2, prev],但是由于i2与prev有直接关系,因此状态可以简化为[i1, i2],关于这点,题解作者是这样解释的: i2 is in the direct correlation with prev. We could also memoise on [i1][prev] but prev can be quite large (so we would use a hash map).

    class Solution {
        int makeArrayIncreasing(vector<int>& arr1, vector<int>& arr2) {
            int len1 = arr1.size(), len2 = arr2.size();
            sort(arr2.begin(), arr2.end());
            vector<vector<int>> dp(len1+1, vector<int>(len2+1, -1));
            int result = dfs(0, 0, INT_MIN, arr1, arr2, dp);
            return result < 2001 ? result : -1;
        int dfs(int idx1, int idx2, int prev, vector<int> &arr1, vector<int> &arr2, vector<vector<int>> &dp){
            if(idx1 >= arr1.size())
                return 0;
            if(dp[idx1][idx2] >= 0)
                return dp[idx1][idx2];
            int result = 2001;
            if(arr1[idx1] > prev)
                result = min(result, dfs(idx1+1, idx2, arr1[idx1], arr1, arr2, dp));
            idx2 = upper_bound(arr2.begin()+idx2, arr2.end(), prev) - arr2.begin();
            if(idx2 < arr2.size())
                result = min(result, dfs(idx1+1, idx2+1, arr2[idx2], arr1, arr2, dp)+1);
            return dp[idx1][idx2] = result;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jasonlixuetao/p/12735083.html
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