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  • Sql Server 创建高级联结

    --自联结 :自己和自己进行连接 如一个表进行自己对自己联结。
    select * from Products

    select prod_id+vend_id from Products;

    select RTRIM(Prod_id) + RTRIM(vend_id) from Products;

    select RTRIM(Prod_id) + '('+ ltrim(vend_id)+')' from Products; --RTRIM 去除右侧多余空白 LTRIM 去除左侧多余空白

    select RTRIM(Prod_id) + '('+ rtrim(vend_id)+')' from Products;

    select cust_id,cust_name,cust_contact from Customers where cust_contact='Jim Jones'

    select cust_id,cust_name,cust_contact from Customers where CUST_NAME=(select cust_name from customers where cust_contact='Jim Jones')
    select * from Customers;

    --自联结 :自己和自己进行连接 如一个表进行自己对自己联结。

    select c1.cust_id,c1.cust_name,c1.cust_contact from Customers c1,Customers c2 where c1.cust_name=c2.cust_name and c2.cust_contact='Jim Jones'

    select * from Customers c1,Customers c2 where c1.cust_name=c2.cust_name and c2.cust_contact='Jim Jones'

    select * from Customers c1,Customers c2 where c1.cust_id=c2.cust_id and c2.cust_contact='Jim Jones'

    --自然联结:自然的检索出数据,没有重复的列。 一般用于 对第一个表使用 (SELECT *) 其他表明确列出子集。
    select C.*,O.order_num,O.order_date,OI.item_price,OI.quantity,OI.prod_id from Customers AS C,OrderItems AS OI,Orders AS O WHERE C.cust_id=O.cust_id AND O.order_num=OI.order_num AND OI.prod_id='RGAN01'

    select cust_name ,(select COUNT(*) from Orders where Orders.cust_id=Customers.cust_id) from Customers
    select cust_name ,(select COUNT(*) from Orders where Orders.cust_id=Customers.cust_id) from Customers group by cust_name ,cust_id;

    select cust_name from Customers where cust_id in(select Orders.cust_id from Orders)

    select Orders.order_num ,(select COUNT(*) from Customers where Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id) from Orders

    select * from Products;

    select * from OrderItems;

    --select P.*,(SELECT quantity FROM OrderItems WHERE OrderItems.prod_id = P.prod_id) from Products P

    SELECT O.quantity ,(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products WHERE Products.prod_id=O.prod_id) FROM OrderItems O

    SELECT O.prod_id, O.quantity , P.prod_name,P.prod_price FROM OrderItems O ,Products P WHERE P.prod_id=O.prod_id
    SELECT O.prod_id, O.quantity , P.prod_name,P.prod_price FROM OrderItems O ,Products P

    select Customers.cust_name,orders.order_num from Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id;

    select cust_name ,(select COUNT(*) from Orders where Orders.cust_id=Customers.cust_id) from Customers

    --外联结 和内联结 外联结: 检索出的数据还包括没有关联行的行。 内联结:只检索关联行的数据。
    --可以理解为 联结时 联结的行不成立也可以检索出来。 比如NULL。
    --如果是用的左外联结 以左表为主, 右外联结 以右表为主。

    --全外联结: FULL OUTER JOIN ON full outer join on

    --左联结和右联结可以互换使用。 可以调整表名的顺序来变化使用。 A表和B表, 左联结 A,B 右联结 B,A
    -- 语法 左外联结: LEFT OUTER JOIN ON left outer join on 右外联结: RIGHT OUTER JOIN ON right outer on
    select cust_name,order_num from Customers LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders ON Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id; --左外联结

    select cust_name ,order_num from Orders LEFT OUTER JOIN Customers ON Orders.cust_id=Customers.cust_id;

    select cust_name ,order_num from Customers RIGHT OUTER JOIN Orders ON Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id; --右外联结

    select cust_name ,order_num from Customers FULL OUTER JOIN Orders ON Customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id; --全外联结

    select cust_name ,order_num from Orders FULL OUTER JOIN Customers ON Orders.cust_id=Customers.cust_id; --全外联结
    select * from Orders;


    select Customers.cust_id,COUNT(Orders.order_num) from Customers inner join orders on customers.cust_id=Orders.cust_id group by customers.cust_id

    select * from Customers;

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