正则表达式在日常开发中时不时都会遇到,我们先来看看正则表达式( Regular Expression)的定义(参考龙书英文第2版121页):
- ε是一个正则表达式,它生成的语言L(ε)等价于{ε},即L(ε)={ε},就是一个空字符串
- 如果a属于符号集Σ,那么a也是一个正则表达式,且其生成的语言L(a)={a},就是一个a字符
- 如果r和s都是正则表达式,那么r | s也是正则表达式,L(r | s) = L(r) ∪ L(s)
- 如果r和s都是正则表达式,那么r s也是正则表达式,L(r s) = L(r) L(s)
- 如果r是正则表达式,则r*也是正则表达式,L(r*)=(L(r))*
- 如果r是正则表达式,则(r)也是正则表达式,L((r))=L(r)
a abc a|b ab|bc a* (ab)* (a|b)(0|1)*都是正则表达式。
有时一个正则表达式很复杂,我们希望能够把这个正则表达式用记号记下来,以便以后使用,于是就有了正则定义(Regular Definitions)(参考龙书英文第2版123页):
d1 → r1
d2→ r2
dn→ rn
- 任一个di都是一个新的符号,它既不属于Σ,也不属于{d1,d2,d3,...,d(i-1)}
- 任一个ri都是一个正则表达式,能够由符号表Σ以及{d1,d2,d3,...,d(i-1)}所表示
上下文无关文法(Context-Free Grammar)的定义参考龙书英文第2版197页:
- 终结符号(Terminals)
- 非终结符号(Nonterminals)
- 一个非终结符号作为开始符号
- 一组产生式
稍详细的内容可见我的另一篇博文 到底什么是上下文无关文法?
正则定义与上下文无关文法的重要区别在于,在正则定义中是不允许递归定义的,例如A → aA|b不是一个正则定义,为其左边的A必须是一个新的符号,也就是说不能在其他地方定义过,胆识其右边要求每一个符号都是定义过的,因此这个定义无法满足。而上下文无关文法则没有这个约束,因此A → aA|b是一个上下文无关文法的产生式,但不是正则定义的定义式。
Regular expressions and BNF are two grammatical formalisms for describing sets of strings. Regular expressions are a concise and convenient notation for describing syntax when "nesting" is not an issue. BNF is a more powerful notation that allows for the description of nested language constructs using nonterminal symbols in arbitrary recursive combinations. Thus regular expressions are appropriate for token-level syntax of programming languages, while BNF is required for the higher-level recursive syntax of expressions, statements and so on.原文请看 http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~cameron/Teaching/D-Lib/RegExp.html
/* This file is one of the component a Context-free Grammar Parser Generator, which accept a piece of text as the input, and generates a parser for the inputted context-free grammar. Copyright (C) 2013, Junbiao Pan (Email: panjunbiao@gmail.com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package analyzer; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import abnf.Rule; import abnf.RuleName; public class RegularAnalyzer { private List<Rule> nonRegularRules = new ArrayList<Rule>(); public List<Rule> getNonRegularRules() { return nonRegularRules; } private List<Rule> regularRules = new ArrayList<Rule>(); public List<Rule> getRegularRules() { return regularRules; } private List<Rule> undefinedRules = new ArrayList<Rule>(); public List<Rule> getUndefinedRules() { return undefinedRules; } public RegularAnalyzer(List<Rule> rules) { Set<RuleName> definedRuleNames = new HashSet<RuleName>(); List<Rule> observedRules = new ArrayList<Rule>(); observedRules.addAll(rules); boolean foundRegular; do { foundRegular = false; for(int index = observedRules.size() - 1; index >= 0; index --) { Set<RuleName> dependent = observedRules.get(index).getElements().getDependentRuleNames(); if (definedRuleNames.containsAll(dependent)) { definedRuleNames.add(observedRules.get(index).getRuleName()); regularRules.add(observedRules.get(index)); observedRules.remove(index); foundRegular = true; continue; } if (!dependent.contains(observedRules.get(index).getRuleName())) { continue; } dependent.remove(observedRules.get(index).getRuleName()); if (definedRuleNames.containsAll(dependent)) { definedRuleNames.add(observedRules.get(index).getRuleName()); nonRegularRules.add(observedRules.get(index)); observedRules.remove(index); foundRegular = true; } } } while (foundRegular); undefinedRules.addAll(observedRules); observedRules.clear(); } }