高阶函数+嵌套函数==》装饰器import time #计算一个函数的运行时间的装饰器 def timer(func): def wrapper(*kargs,**kwargs): start_time=time.time() func() end_time=time.time() print("the func runtime is %s"%(end_time-start_time)) return wrapper @timer def test1(): time.sleep(3) print("in the test1....") test1()
#高阶函数 def bar(): print("in the bar...") def test(func): print(func)#打印出该函数变量的地址 func() test(bar)
# 把一个函数名当做实参传递给另一个函数 import time def bar(): time.sleep(2) print("in the bar...") def test(func): start_time=time.time() func() #run bar() end_time=time.time() print(" the func runtime is %s"%(end_time-start_time)) test(bar)
# 返回值中包含函数名 import time def bar(): time.sleep(2) print("in the bar...") def test2(func): print(func) return func bar2=test2(bar) bar2()
#嵌套函数 #局部作用域和全局作用域的访问顺序 x=0 def grandpa(): x=1 print("grandpa:",x) def dad(): x=2 print("dad:",x) def son(): x=3 print("son:",x) son() dad() grandpa()
#匿名函数:没有定义函数名字的函数 calc=lambda x,y:x+y print(calc(13,15))import time def timer(func): def deco(*kargs,**kwargs): start_time=time.time() func(*kargs,**kwargs) end_time=time.time() print(" the func runtime is %s"%(end_time-start_time)) return deco @timer # test1=timer(test1) def test1(): time.sleep(2) print("in the test1.....") # test1=timer(test1) test1() @timer def test2(name,age): time.sleep(3) print("in the test2:",name,age) test2("Jean_V",20)
#装饰器进阶版 #对各个页面添加用户认证 username,password="admin","123" def auth(auth_type): print("auth_type:",auth_type) def out_wrapper(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if auth_type=="local": uname=input("请输入用户名:").strip() passwd=input("请输入密码:").strip() if uname==username and passwd==password: print("