分析asp.net web caching的缓存类,我们大致可以抽象出如下几个接口方法:
Contractnamespace DotNet.Common.EnyimCache { /// <summary> /// memcached公共缓存调用方法接口(读) /// </summary> public interface ICacheReaderService { /// <summary> /// 返回指定key的对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> object Get(string key); /// <summary> /// 返回指定key的对象 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> T Get<T>(string key); /// <summary> /// 是否存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool isExists(string key); } /// <summary> /// memcached公共缓存调用方法接口(写) /// </summary> public interface ICacheWriterService { /// <summary> /// 缓存有效间隔时间 (以分钟为单位) /// </summary> int TimeOut { set; get; } /// <summary> /// 添加指定key的对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="obj"></param> void Add(string key, object obj); /// <summary> /// 添加指定key的对象 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="obj"></param> void Add<T>(string key, T obj); /// <summary> /// 移除指定key的对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> bool Remove(string key); /// <summary> /// 修改指定key的对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool Modify(string key, object destObj); /// <summary> /// 清空缓存 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> bool Release(); } }
Implementusing System; namespace DotNet.Common.EnyimCache { using Enyim.Caching.Memcached; public class CacheReaderService : BaseService, ICacheReaderService { public int TimeOut { get; set; } public CacheReaderService() { } public object Get(string key) { object obj = null; Client.TryGet(key, out obj); return obj; } public T Get<T>(string key) { object obj = Get(key); T result = default(T); if (obj != null) { result = (T)obj; } return result; } public bool isExists(string key) { object obj = Get(key); return (obj == null) ? false : true; } } public class CacheWriterService : BaseService, ICacheWriterService { public int TimeOut { get; set; } public CacheWriterService() { } public CacheWriterService(int timeOut) { this.TimeOut = timeOut; } public void Add(string key, object obj) { if (TimeOut > 0) { Client.Store(StoreMode.Add, key, obj, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(TimeOut)); } else { Client.Store(StoreMode.Add, key, obj); } } public void Add<T>(string key, T obj) { if (TimeOut > 0) { Client.Store(StoreMode.Add, key, obj, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(TimeOut)); } else { Client.Store(StoreMode.Add, key, obj); } } public bool Remove(string key) { return Client.Remove(key); } public bool Modify(string key, object destObj) { return Client.Store(StoreMode.Set, key, destObj); } /// <summary> /// 清空缓存 TO DO /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Release() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }
基类里初始化一个MemcachedClient示例Client,这个Client的方法里封装了较多的函数。查看源码可以知道,它们本质上都是向Memcached服务端发送相关指令(run command),然后解析返回的二进制数据,如果您熟悉memcached所使用的协议,理解起来应该会相当简单。本文示例只使用了客户端提供的几个方法。
CRUD ICacheWriterService writer = CacheBuilder.GetWriterService();//writer 使用memcached默认过期时间 ICacheReaderService reader = CacheBuilder.GetReaderService();//reader #region 字符串 string strKey = "hello"; bool isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); //移除 Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); writer.Add(strKey, "hello world"); //添加 Console.WriteLine("Add key {0}, value:hello world", strKey); bool isExists = reader.isExists(strKey);//是否存在 Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); string result = reader.Get(strKey) as string;//查询 Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, result); bool isModify = writer.Modify(strKey, "Hello Memcached!");//修改 Console.WriteLine("Modify key {0}, value:Hello Memcached. The result is:{1}", strKey, isModify); result = reader.Get<string>(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, result); isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); result = reader.Get(strKey) as string; Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, result); result = reader.Get<string>(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, result); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); Console.Read(); #endregion #region 时间 DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; strKey = "datetime"; isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); //移除 Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); writer.Add(strKey, dtNow); //添加 Console.WriteLine("Add key {0}, value:{1}", strKey, dtNow); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey);//是否存在 Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); DateTime dt = (DateTime)reader.Get(strKey);//查询 Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, dt); dt = reader.Get<DateTime>(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, dt); isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get(strKey)); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get<DateTime>(strKey));//default(datetime) Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); Console.Read(); #endregion #region 类 dtNow = DateTime.Now; Province province = new Province(13579, "江苏", dtNow, dtNow); strKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", province.GetType().Name, province.Id);//省 isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); //移除 Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); writer.Add(strKey, province); //添加 Console.WriteLine("Add key {0}, value:{1}", strKey, dtNow); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey);//是否存在 Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); Province queryProvince = (Province)reader.Get(strKey);//查询 Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, queryProvince.ProvinceName); queryProvince = reader.Get<Province>(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, queryProvince.ProvinceName); isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get(strKey)); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get<Province>(strKey)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); Console.Read(); #endregion #region 集合(列表) dtNow = DateTime.Now; IList<City> listCities = new List<City>(); City city = new City(135, province.Id, "南京", "210000", dtNow, dtNow); listCities.Add(city); city = new City(246, province.Id, "苏州", "215000", dtNow, dtNow); listCities.Add(city); strKey = string.Format("List_{0}_{1}_{2}", province.GetType().Name, province.Id, city.GetType().Name);//省份对应城市 isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); //移除 Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); writer.Add(strKey, listCities); //添加 Console.WriteLine("Add key {0}, value:", strKey); foreach (var item in listCities) { Console.WriteLine("CityId:{0} CityName:{1}", item.Id, item.CityName); } isExists = reader.isExists(strKey);//是否存在 Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); IList<City> queryCities = reader.Get(strKey) as IList<City>;//查询 Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:", strKey); foreach (var item in queryCities) { Console.WriteLine("CityId:{0} CityName:{1}", item.Id, item.CityName); } queryCities = reader.Get<IList<City>>(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:", strKey); foreach (var item in queryCities) { Console.WriteLine("CityId:{0} CityName:{1}", item.Id, item.CityName); } isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get(strKey)); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get<IList<City>>(strKey)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); Console.Read(); #endregion #region 集合(字典) dtNow = DateTime.Now; IDictionary<int, City> dictCities = new Dictionary<int, City>(); city = new City(123, province.Id, "镇江", "212000", dtNow, dtNow); dictCities.Add(city.Id, city); city = new City(321, province.Id, "扬州", "225000", dtNow, dtNow); dictCities.Add(city.Id, city); strKey = string.Format("Dictionary_{0}_{1}_{2}", province.GetType().Name, province.Id, city.GetType().Name);//省份对应城市 isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); //移除 Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); writer.Add(strKey, dictCities); //添加 Console.WriteLine("Add key {0}, value:", strKey); foreach (var item in dictCities) { Console.WriteLine("CityId:{0} CityName:{1}", item.Key, item.Value.CityName); } isExists = reader.isExists(strKey);//是否存在 Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); IDictionary<int, City> queryDictCities = reader.Get(strKey) as IDictionary<int, City>;//查询 Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:", strKey); foreach (var item in queryDictCities) { Console.WriteLine("CityId:{0} CityName:{1}", item.Key, item.Value.CityName); } queryDictCities = reader.Get<IDictionary<int, City>>(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:", strKey); foreach (var item in queryDictCities) { Console.WriteLine("CityId:{0} CityName:{1}", item.Key, item.Value.CityName); } isOK = writer.Remove(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Removed key {0}:{1}", strKey, isOK); isExists = reader.isExists(strKey); Console.WriteLine("Key {0} exists:{1}", strKey, isExists); Console.WriteLine("Get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get(strKey)); Console.WriteLine("Generic get key {0}:{1}", strKey, reader.Get<IDictionary<int, City>>(strKey)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("==========================================="); Console.Read(); #endregion