select result from source where condition group by fileds having condition order by fields into target
select single cols .. where 当存在多条符合条件的行项目时, single随机返回其中之一
内表-当取得多条数据时, select结果会保存到内部定义的表中, 在abap里称为内表, internal table, ABAP内存中生成存储数据的虚拟表
当into语句的结果不是保存到内表时, 而是字段或者结构体时(work area),最后要加上endselect语句, 相当于在loop循环执行select语句,每读取一条,追加到结构体中,直到结束
select distinct cols ... where ...
data: gt_itab type standard table of sflight, "定义gt_itab类型与标准表sflight一致 gs_wa type sflight. "定义gs_wa变量, 数据保存到这里 select * into gs_wa from sflight where carrid eq 'AA'. "把查询结果全部保存到结构体中 write: / gs_wa-carrid, gs_wa-connid. endselect.
data: gt_itab type standard table of sflight, "定义内表,数据保存到这里 gs_wa type sflight. select * into table gt_itab from sflight where carrid eq 'AA'. "指定into到内表中,要加上关键字table loop at gt_itab into gs_wa. write: / gs_wa-carrid, gs_wa-connid. endloop.
data: gt_itab type standard table of sflight, "定义内表gt_itab gs_wa like line of gt_itab. "定义另一个变量,引用gt_itab内表的行,这不也是一张表么? data: gs_line(72) type c, "定义c类型变量,长度72 gt_list like table of gs_line(72). "定义gt_list,引用gs_line,这不也是c类型么? gs_line = 'CARRID CONNID'. "将要查询的字段放到变量中 select distinct (gs_line) into table gt_itab from sflight. "动态select条件要用括号括起来 if sy-subrc eq 0. loop at gt_itab into gs_wa. write: / gs_wa-carrid, gs_wa-connid. endloop. endif.
当查询一条数据时使用结构体,使用星号能取得所有字段的值,此时使用corresponding fileds of语句会自动查找到相同字段名匹配赋值
select ... into | corresponding fields of ..
appending 与into
内表使用appending,给内表追加数据, into是删除内表数据之后再插入数据
data: gs_wa type sflight, gt_itab type table of sflight. select carrid connid from spfli into corresponding fields of table gt_itab package size 5. loop at gt_itab into gs_wa. write: / gs_wa-carrid,gs_wa-connid. endloop. endselect.
- client specified 解除自动client设置
- bypassing buffer 绕过buffer,进行物理读
- up to n rows 限制查询条目数,不就是limits么?
parameters p_tname type char10. "定义gui上显示的输入框 data gs_wa type sflight. select single * into gs_wa from (p_tname) where carrid = 'AA'. "点击执行按钮时,动态使用p_tname,赋值用户输入的sflight
默认是inner join
types: begin of t_str, carrid type sflight-carrid, carrname type scarr-carrname, end of t_str. data: gs_str type t_str.
select single a~carrid b~carrname into corresponding fields of gs_str from sflight as a inner join scarr as b on a~carrid eq b~carrid where a~carrid = 'AA'. write: gs_str-carrid, gs_str-carrname.
data gt_spfli type table of spfli. data gt_sflight type table of sflight. data gs_sflight type sflight. * table of tab 内表类型/ standar table of tab 标准表类型,也可以是其他sort表.堆表 / type tab仅仅是类型 select * from spfli into table gt_spfli. "读取全部数据存到内表中,航班时刻表 select * from sflight into table gt_sflight for all entries in gt_spfli " select ... for all enties in <tab> where <cond> where carrid = gt_spfli-carrid and connid = gt_spfli-connid. loop at gt_sflight into gs_sflight. write: / gs_sflight-carrid, gs_sflight-connid. endloop.
data: gv_carrid type sflight-carrid, gv_connid type sflight-connid, gv_paymentsum type i. select carrid connid avg( paymentsum ) into (gv_carrid,gv_connid,gv_paymentsum) from sflight group by carrid connid.
* 选择字段居然没有逗号隔开, 结构体变量,居然可以存储多个值, 什么时候用结构体变量,什么时候用内表? write: / gv_carrid, gv_connid, gv_paymentsum. endselect.
排序语句order by
order by primary key
- 只能根据表的key值排序
- 只适用select *语句
- 在join语句和视图中无法适用
order by 字段 ascending,descending,默认升序
data: gv_carrid type sflight-carrid, gv_connid type sflight-connid, gv_paymentsum type i. select carrid connid avg( paymentsum ) as paymentsum into (gv_carrid,gv_connid,gv_paymentsum) from sflight group by carrid connid order by paymentsum. "聚合函数无法作为关键字进行排序,需要定义别名 write: / gv_carrid, gv_connid, gv_paymentsum. endselect.
Scalar Subquery
- 返回一列值中的一个字段值(或者聚合函数执行结果值),类似join
- 只能返回一个字段值
- 以嵌套循环方式执行
- 执行的次数是row行数目
- 提升效率,当查询重复的编号及主数据表时使用
data:gv_carrid type sflight-carrid, gv_connid type sflight-connid, gv_paymentsum type sflight-paymentsum. select single carrid connid paymentsum into (gv_carrid, gv_connid, gv_paymentsum) "真坑,左括号后不能有空格,右括号前不能有空格 from sflight as a where carrid in ( select carrid from spfli where carrid = a~carrid and connid = a~connid ) "内层嵌套select括号要留空格 and a~carrid = 'AA'. write: gv_carrid,gv_connid, gv_paymentsum.
Non-scalar Subquery
data:gv_carrid type sflight-carrid, gv_connid type sflight-connid, gv_paymentsum type sflight-paymentsum. select single carrid connid paymentsum into (gv_carrid, gv_connid, gv_paymentsum) "真坑,左括号后不能有空格,右括号前不能有空格 from sflight as a where exists ( select * from spfli where carrid = a~carrid and connid = a~connid ) "内层嵌套select括号要留空格 and a~carrid = 'AA'. write: gv_carrid,gv_connid, gv_paymentsum.
- 插入一条数据
insert into <target> values <wa>
insert <target> from <wa>
使用insert <dbtab>语句,需要先定义结构体 tables: <dbtab>
往scarr插入air china数据
data: gs_scarr type scarr. gs_scarr-carrid = 'CN'. gs_scarr-carrname = 'Air China'. gs_scarr-currcode = 'RMB'. gs_scarr-url = ''. insert into scarr values gs_scarr."类似python字典 values后相当于字典名
- 插入多条数据
insert <target> from table <itab>
[ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS] 主键相同会报错,加上这句允许重复主键
data: gt_spfli type table of spfli, gs_spfli type spfli. gs_spfli-carrid = 'CN'. gs_spfli-connid = '0001'. gs_spfli-cityfrom = 'beijing'. gs_spfli-cityto = 'Busan'. append gs_spfli to gt_spfli. "1.将值存在变量,变量追加内表内容 gs_spfli-carrid = 'CN'. gs_spfli-connid = '0002'. gs_spfli-cityfrom = 'beijing'. gs_spfli-cityto = 'Busan'. append gs_spfli to gt_spfli. insert spfli from table gt_spfli accepting duplicate keys. "2.将内表插入物理表
update into <taget> <lines>.
update<dbtab> [client specified] <lines>
- 修改一条数据
update <target> from <wa>.
update <dbtab> 要先定义tables: <dbtab> 结构体
- 修改多条数据
update <target> from table <itab>
修改指定字段, 比直接指定工作区的方法性能高
update <target> set <set1> <set2> where <cond> set1字段1,set2字段2
data gs_spfli type spfli. move 'CN' to gs_spfli-carrid. move '0001' to gs_spfli-connid. move 'Shanghai' to gs_spfli-cityfrom. gs_spfli-cityto = 'guangzhou'. update spfli from gs_spfli. "内表反映更新数据表 update spfli set cityto = 'beging' where carrid = 'CN' and connid = '0001'. if sy-subrc = 0. write 'update is successful'."set字段更新到数据表 endif.
- 删除一条数据
delete <target> from <wa>.
delete <dbtab> 要先定义tables: <dbtab>
- 删除多条数据
delete from <target> where <cond>.
data gs_spfli type spfli. move 'CN' to gs_spfli-carrid. move '0001' to gs_spfli-connid. delete spfli from gs_spfli. "删除一条数据 delete from spfli where carrid = 'CN'. "删除符合where子句的数据 if sy-subrc = 0. write 'delete successful'. endif.
- 以主键为基准更新数据
- 存在数据,则用update更新
- 不存在数据,则用insert插入
- 插入一条数据
modify <target> from <wa>.
modify <dbtab> 要先定义数据类型tables: <dbtab>
- 插入多条数据,一次性修改或者追加内表所有数据
modify <target> from table <itab>
data: gt_spfli type table of spfli, "定义内表 gs_spfli type spfli. "定义表数据类型 gs_spfli-carrid = 'CN'. gs_spfli-connid = '0001'. gs_spfli-cityfrom = 'beijing'. modify spfli from gs_spfli. "从普通数据类型修改数据到表 gs_spfli-carrid = 'CN'. gs_spfli-connid = '0001'. gs_spfli-cityfrom = 'shanghai'. append gs_spfli to gt_spfli. "追加数据到内表 主键是carrid connid,这条数据会覆盖上面那一条 gs_spfli-carrid = 'CN'. gs_spfli-connid = '0003'. gs_spfli-cityfrom = 'shanghai'. append gs_spfli to gt_spfli. "继续追加数据到内表 表中没有这条数据,直接插入到表 modify spfli from table gt_spfli.
- 在GUI上执行SQL命令
parameters: p_sql(255) type c. data: go_sql type ref to cl_sql_statement. "cl_sql_statement是一个类 data: gv_sql type string. data: gd_ret type i. create object go_sql. "这是实例化一个对象? gv_sql = p_sql. "GUI屏幕输入实参 translate gv_sql to upper case. "将GUI屏幕输入内容转换成大写 call method go_sql->execute_update "execute_update 是一个类方法,对象调用类方法->? 这个符号前后不能有空格 exporting statement = gv_sql "给类方法传值?输入内容?值传给谁? receiving rows_processed = gd_ret."输出结果?到哪里去?