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  • 支持向量的DES加密单元

    View Code
      1 unit Unit_Des_XE2;
      3 { ********************************************************* }
      4 { * DELPHI、PHP、C#通用DES编码解码单元 * }
      5 { * 由TurboPower LockBox部分代码改写 * }
      6 { * 滕州市东鸣软件工作室制作 ZWF 2011-12-27 *
      7   * update by wh 2012-12-13 仅限英文及数字,中文不匹配 for delphi xe2 * }
      8 { * EncryDes为编码函数,DecryDes为解码函数,keystr为密码,ivstr为偏移量,
      9   一般设置keystr,ivstr相同,内容为八位字节长度的字符串,编码结果为十六进制字串 * }
     10 { ********************************************************* }
     11 // 附:测试代码如下
     12 // uses dmdes_xe2, Soap.EncdDecd;
     13 //
     14 // procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
     15 // var
     16 // str1, str2: AnsiString;
     17 // keyAnsiStr, ivAnsiStr: AnsiString;
     18 // begin
     19 // keyAnsiStr := '11111111';
     20 // ivAnsiStr := AnsiChar($12) + AnsiChar($34) + AnsiChar($56) + AnsiChar($78) +
     21 // AnsiChar($90) + AnsiChar($AB) + AnsiChar($CD) + AnsiChar($EF);
     22 // str1 := AnsiString(Edit1.Text);
     23 // str2 := EncryDes(str1, keyAnsiStr, ivAnsiStr);
     24 // Edit2.Text := EncodeString(string(str2));
     25 // end;
     27 interface
     29 uses
     31   Windows, SysUtils, System.Math;
     33 type
     35   PKey64 = ^TKey64;
     36   TKey64 = array [0 .. 7] of Byte;
     38 type
     40   TDESBlock = array [0 .. 7] of Byte;
     42   TDESContext = packed record
     43     TransformedKey: array [0 .. 31] of LongInt;
     44     Encrypt: Boolean;
     45   end;
     47 function EncryDes(const str: AnsiString; const keystr: AnsiString; const ivstr: AnsiString)
     48   : AnsiString;
     50 function DecryDes(const str: AnsiString; const keystr: AnsiString; const ivstr: AnsiString)
     51   : AnsiString;
     53 function DecryDessec(const str: AnsiString; const keystr: AnsiString; const ivstr: AnsiString)
     54   : AnsiString;
     56 implementation
     58 uses System.AnsiStrings;
     60 procedure XorMemPrim(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count: Cardinal); register;
     61 asm
     62   push esi
     63   push edi
     64   mov esi, eax // esi = Mem1
     65   mov edi, edx // edi = Mem2
     66   push ecx // save byte count
     67   shr ecx, 2 // convert to dwords
     68   jz @Continue
     69   cld
     70 @Loop1: // xor dwords at a time
     71   mov eax, [edi]
     72   xor [esi], eax
     73   add esi, 4
     74   add edi, 4
     75   dec ecx
     76   jnz @Loop1
     77 @Continue: // handle remaining bytes (3 or less)
     78   pop ecx
     79   and ecx, 3
     80   jz @Done
     81 @Loop2: // xor remaining bytes
     82   mov al, [edi]
     83   xor [esi], al
     84   inc esi
     85   inc edi
     86   dec ecx
     87   jnz @Loop2
     88 @Done:
     89   pop edi
     90   pop esi
     91 end;
     93 { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
     95 procedure XorMem(var Mem1; const Mem2; Count: Cardinal);
     96 begin
     97   XorMemPrim(Mem1, Mem2, Count);
     98 end;
    100 { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
    102 procedure EncryptDES(const Context: TDESContext; var Block: TDESBlock);
    103 const
    104   SPBox: array [0 .. 7, 0 .. 63] of DWord = (($01010400, $00000000, $00010000, $01010404, $01010004,
    105     $00010404, $00000004, $00010000, $00000400, $01010400, $01010404, $00000400, $01000404,
    106     $01010004, $01000000, $00000004, $00000404, $01000400, $01000400, $00010400, $00010400,
    107     $01010000, $01010000, $01000404, $00010004, $01000004, $01000004, $00010004, $00000000,
    108     $00000404, $00010404, $01000000, $00010000, $01010404, $00000004, $01010000, $01010400,
    109     $01000000, $01000000, $00000400, $01010004, $00010000, $00010400, $01000004, $00000400,
    110     $00000004, $01000404, $00010404, $01010404, $00010004, $01010000, $01000404, $01000004,
    111     $00000404, $00010404, $01010400, $00000404, $01000400, $01000400, $00000000, $00010004,
    112     $00010400, $00000000, $01010004),
    114     ($80108020, $80008000, $00008000, $00108020, $00100000, $00000020, $80100020, $80008020,
    115     $80000020, $80108020, $80108000, $80000000, $80008000, $00100000, $00000020, $80100020,
    116     $00108000, $00100020, $80008020, $00000000, $80000000, $00008000, $00108020, $80100000,
    117     $00100020, $80000020, $00000000, $00108000, $00008020, $80108000, $80100000, $00008020,
    118     $00000000, $00108020, $80100020, $00100000, $80008020, $80100000, $80108000, $00008000,
    119     $80100000, $80008000, $00000020, $80108020, $00108020, $00000020, $00008000, $80000000,
    120     $00008020, $80108000, $00100000, $80000020, $00100020, $80008020, $80000020, $00100020,
    121     $00108000, $00000000, $80008000, $00008020, $80000000, $80100020, $80108020, $00108000),
    123     ($00000208, $08020200, $00000000, $08020008, $08000200, $00000000, $00020208, $08000200,
    124     $00020008, $08000008, $08000008, $00020000, $08020208, $00020008, $08020000, $00000208,
    125     $08000000, $00000008, $08020200, $00000200, $00020200, $08020000, $08020008, $00020208,
    126     $08000208, $00020200, $00020000, $08000208, $00000008, $08020208, $00000200, $08000000,
    127     $08020200, $08000000, $00020008, $00000208, $00020000, $08020200, $08000200, $00000000,
    128     $00000200, $00020008, $08020208, $08000200, $08000008, $00000200, $00000000, $08020008,
    129     $08000208, $00020000, $08000000, $08020208, $00000008, $00020208, $00020200, $08000008,
    130     $08020000, $08000208, $00000208, $08020000, $00020208, $00000008, $08020008, $00020200),
    132     ($00802001, $00002081, $00002081, $00000080, $00802080, $00800081, $00800001, $00002001,
    133     $00000000, $00802000, $00802000, $00802081, $00000081, $00000000, $00800080, $00800001,
    134     $00000001, $00002000, $00800000, $00802001, $00000080, $00800000, $00002001, $00002080,
    135     $00800081, $00000001, $00002080, $00800080, $00002000, $00802080, $00802081, $00000081,
    136     $00800080, $00800001, $00802000, $00802081, $00000081, $00000000, $00000000, $00802000,
    137     $00002080, $00800080, $00800081, $00000001, $00802001, $00002081, $00002081, $00000080,
    138     $00802081, $00000081, $00000001, $00002000, $00800001, $00002001, $00802080, $00800081,
    139     $00002001, $00002080, $00800000, $00802001, $00000080, $00800000, $00002000, $00802080),
    141     ($00000100, $02080100, $02080000, $42000100, $00080000, $00000100, $40000000, $02080000,
    142     $40080100, $00080000, $02000100, $40080100, $42000100, $42080000, $00080100, $40000000,
    143     $02000000, $40080000, $40080000, $00000000, $40000100, $42080100, $42080100, $02000100,
    144     $42080000, $40000100, $00000000, $42000000, $02080100, $02000000, $42000000, $00080100,
    145     $00080000, $42000100, $00000100, $02000000, $40000000, $02080000, $42000100, $40080100,
    146     $02000100, $40000000, $42080000, $02080100, $40080100, $00000100, $02000000, $42080000,
    147     $42080100, $00080100, $42000000, $42080100, $02080000, $00000000, $40080000, $42000000,
    148     $00080100, $02000100, $40000100, $00080000, $00000000, $40080000, $02080100, $40000100),
    150     ($20000010, $20400000, $00004000, $20404010, $20400000, $00000010, $20404010, $00400000,
    151     $20004000, $00404010, $00400000, $20000010, $00400010, $20004000, $20000000, $00004010,
    152     $00000000, $00400010, $20004010, $00004000, $00404000, $20004010, $00000010, $20400010,
    153     $20400010, $00000000, $00404010, $20404000, $00004010, $00404000, $20404000, $20000000,
    154     $20004000, $00000010, $20400010, $00404000, $20404010, $00400000, $00004010, $20000010,
    155     $00400000, $20004000, $20000000, $00004010, $20000010, $20404010, $00404000, $20400000,
    156     $00404010, $20404000, $00000000, $20400010, $00000010, $00004000, $20400000, $00404010,
    157     $00004000, $00400010, $20004010, $00000000, $20404000, $20000000, $00400010, $20004010),
    159     ($00200000, $04200002, $04000802, $00000000, $00000800, $04000802, $00200802, $04200800,
    160     $04200802, $00200000, $00000000, $04000002, $00000002, $04000000, $04200002, $00000802,
    161     $04000800, $00200802, $00200002, $04000800, $04000002, $04200000, $04200800, $00200002,
    162     $04200000, $00000800, $00000802, $04200802, $00200800, $00000002, $04000000, $00200800,
    163     $04000000, $00200800, $00200000, $04000802, $04000802, $04200002, $04200002, $00000002,
    164     $00200002, $04000000, $04000800, $00200000, $04200800, $00000802, $00200802, $04200800,
    165     $00000802, $04000002, $04200802, $04200000, $00200800, $00000000, $00000002, $04200802,
    166     $00000000, $00200802, $04200000, $00000800, $04000002, $04000800, $00000800, $00200002),
    168     ($10001040, $00001000, $00040000, $10041040, $10000000, $10001040, $00000040, $10000000,
    169     $00040040, $10040000, $10041040, $00041000, $10041000, $00041040, $00001000, $00000040,
    170     $10040000, $10000040, $10001000, $00001040, $00041000, $00040040, $10040040, $10041000,
    171     $00001040, $00000000, $00000000, $10040040, $10000040, $10001000, $00041040, $00040000,
    172     $00041040, $00040000, $10041000, $00001000, $00000040, $10040040, $00001000, $00041040,
    173     $10001000, $00000040, $10000040, $10040000, $10040040, $10000000, $00040000, $10001040,
    174     $00000000, $10041040, $00040040, $10000040, $10040000, $10001000, $10001040, $00000000,
    175     $10041040, $00041000, $00041000, $00001040, $00001040, $00040040, $10000000, $10041000));
    177 var
    178   I, L, R, Work: DWord;
    179   CPtr: PDWord;
    180   procedure SplitBlock(const Block: TDESBlock; var L, R: DWord); register;
    181   asm
    182     push ebx
    183     push eax
    184     mov eax, [eax]
    185     mov bh, al
    186     mov bl, ah
    187     rol ebx, 16
    188     shr eax, 16
    189     mov bh, al
    190     mov bl, ah
    191     mov [edx], ebx
    192     pop eax
    193     mov eax, [eax+4]
    194     mov bh, al
    195     mov bl, ah
    196     rol ebx, 16
    197     shr eax, 16
    198     mov bh, al
    199     mov bl, ah
    200     mov [ecx], ebx
    201     pop ebx
    202   end;
    204   procedure JoinBlock(const L, R: LongInt; var Block: TDESBlock); register;
    205   asm
    206     push ebx
    207     mov bh, al
    208     mov bl, ah
    209     rol ebx, 16
    210     shr eax, 16
    211     mov bh, al
    212     mov bl, ah
    213     mov [ecx+4], ebx
    214     mov bh, dl
    215     mov bl, dh
    216     rol ebx, 16
    217     shr edx, 16
    218     mov bh, dl
    219     mov bl, dh
    220     mov [ecx], ebx
    221     pop ebx
    222   end;
    224   procedure IPerm(var L, R: DWord);
    225   var
    226     Work: DWord;
    227   begin
    228     Work := ((L shr 4) xor R) and $0F0F0F0F;
    229     R := R xor Work;
    230     L := L xor Work shl 4;
    231     Work := ((L shr 16) xor R) and $0000FFFF;
    232     R := R xor Work;
    233     L := L xor Work shl 16;
    234     Work := ((R shr 2) xor L) and $33333333;
    235     L := L xor Work;
    236     R := R xor Work shl 2;
    237     Work := ((R shr 8) xor L) and $00FF00FF;
    238     L := L xor Work;
    239     R := R xor Work shl 8;
    240     R := (R shl 1) or (R shr 31);
    241     Work := (L xor R) and $AAAAAAAA;
    242     L := L xor Work;
    243     R := R xor Work;
    244     L := (L shl 1) or (L shr 31);
    245   end;
    247   procedure FPerm(var L, R: DWord);
    248   var
    249     Work: DWord;
    250   begin
    251     L := L;
    252     R := (R shl 31) or (R shr 1);
    253     Work := (L xor R) and $AAAAAAAA;
    254     L := L xor Work;
    255     R := R xor Work;
    256     L := (L shr 1) or (L shl 31);
    257     Work := ((L shr 8) xor R) and $00FF00FF;
    258     R := R xor Work;
    259     L := L xor Work shl 8;
    260     Work := ((L shr 2) xor R) and $33333333;
    261     R := R xor Work;
    262     L := L xor Work shl 2;
    263     Work := ((R shr 16) xor L) and $0000FFFF;
    264     L := L xor Work;
    265     R := R xor Work shl 16;
    266     Work := ((R shr 4) xor L) and $0F0F0F0F;
    267     L := L xor Work;
    268     R := R xor Work shl 4;
    269   end;
    271 begin
    272   SplitBlock(Block, L, R);
    273   IPerm(L, R);
    274   CPtr := @Context;
    275   for I := 0 to 7 do
    276   begin
    277     Work := (((R shr 4) or (R shl 28)) xor CPtr^);
    278     inc(CPtr);
    279     L := L xor SPBox[6, Work and $3F];
    280     L := L xor SPBox[4, Work shr 8 and $3F];
    281     L := L xor SPBox[2, Work shr 16 and $3F];
    282     L := L xor SPBox[0, Work shr 24 and $3F];
    283     Work := (R xor CPtr^);
    284     inc(CPtr);
    285     L := L xor SPBox[7, Work and $3F];
    286     L := L xor SPBox[5, Work shr 8 and $3F];
    287     L := L xor SPBox[3, Work shr 16 and $3F];
    288     L := L xor SPBox[1, Work shr 24 and $3F];
    289     Work := (((L shr 4) or (L shl 28)) xor CPtr^);
    290     inc(CPtr);
    291     R := R xor SPBox[6, Work and $3F];
    292     R := R xor SPBox[4, Work shr 8 and $3F];
    293     R := R xor SPBox[2, Work shr 16 and $3F];
    294     R := R xor SPBox[0, Work shr 24 and $3F];
    295     Work := (L xor CPtr^);
    296     inc(CPtr);
    297     R := R xor SPBox[7, Work and $3F];
    298     R := R xor SPBox[5, Work shr 8 and $3F];
    299     R := R xor SPBox[3, Work shr 16 and $3F];
    300     R := R xor SPBox[1, Work shr 24 and $3F];
    301   end;
    302   FPerm(L, R);
    303   JoinBlock(L, R, Block);
    305 end;
    307 procedure InitEncryptDES(const Key: TKey64; var Context: TDESContext; Encrypt: Boolean);
    308 const
    309   PC1: array [0 .. 55] of Byte = (56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0, 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58,
    310     50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29,
    311     21, 13, 5, 60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12, 4, 27, 19, 11, 3);
    313   PC2: array [0 .. 47] of Byte = (13, 16, 10, 23, 0, 4, 2, 27, 14, 5, 20, 9, 22, 18, 11, 3, 25, 7,
    314     15, 6, 26, 19, 12, 1, 40, 51, 30, 36, 46, 54, 29, 39, 50, 44, 32, 47, 43, 48, 38, 55, 33, 52,
    315     45, 41, 49, 35, 28, 31);
    317   CTotRot: array [0 .. 15] of Byte = (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28);
    319   CBitMask: array [0 .. 7] of Byte = (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1);
    321 var
    322   PC1M: array [0 .. 55] of Byte;
    323   PC1R: array [0 .. 55] of Byte;
    324   KS: array [0 .. 7] of Byte;
    325   I, J, L, M: LongInt;
    326 begin
    328   { convert PC1 to bits of key }
    329   for J := 0 to 55 do
    330   begin
    331     L := PC1[J];
    332     M := L mod 8;
    333     PC1M[J] := Ord((Key[L div 8] and CBitMask[M]) <> 0);
    334   end;
    336   { key chunk for each iteration }
    337   for I := 0 to 15 do
    338   begin
    339     { rotate PC1 the right amount }
    340     for J := 0 to 27 do
    341     begin
    342       L := J + CTotRot[I];
    343       if (L < 28) then
    344       begin
    345         PC1R[J] := PC1M[L];
    346         PC1R[J + 28] := PC1M[L + 28];
    347       end
    348       else
    349       begin
    350         PC1R[J] := PC1M[L - 28];
    351         PC1R[J + 28] := PC1M[L];
    352       end;
    354     end;
    356     { select bits individually }
    358     FillChar(KS, SizeOf(KS), 0);
    359     for J := 0 to 47 do
    360       if Boolean(PC1R[PC2[J]]) then
    361       begin
    362         L := J div 6;
    363         KS[L] := KS[L] or CBitMask[J mod 6] shr 2;
    364       end;
    366     { now convert to odd/even interleaved form for use in F }
    368     if Encrypt then
    369     begin
    370       Context.TransformedKey[I * 2] := (LongInt(KS[0]) shl 24) or (LongInt(KS[2]) shl 16) or
    371         (LongInt(KS[4]) shl 8) or (LongInt(KS[6]));
    373       Context.TransformedKey[I * 2 + 1] := (LongInt(KS[1]) shl 24) or (LongInt(KS[3]) shl 16) or
    374         (LongInt(KS[5]) shl 8) or (LongInt(KS[7]));
    376     end
    377     else
    378     begin
    379       Context.TransformedKey[31 - (I * 2 + 1)] := (LongInt(KS[0]) shl 24) or (LongInt(KS[2]) shl 16)
    380         or (LongInt(KS[4]) shl 8) or (LongInt(KS[6]));
    382       Context.TransformedKey[31 - (I * 2)] := (LongInt(KS[1]) shl 24) or (LongInt(KS[3]) shl 16) or
    383         (LongInt(KS[5]) shl 8) or (LongInt(KS[7]));
    385     end;
    387   end;
    388   Context.Encrypt := Encrypt;
    390 end;
    392 procedure EncryptDESCBC(const Context: TDESContext; const Prev: TDESBlock; var Block: TDESBlock);
    394 begin
    395   if Context.Encrypt then
    396   begin
    397     XorMem(Block, Prev, SizeOf(Block));
    398     EncryptDES(Context, Block);
    399   end
    400   else
    401   begin
    402     EncryptDES(Context, Block);
    403     XorMem(Block, Prev, SizeOf(Block));
    404   end;
    406 end;
    408 function EncryDes(const str: AnsiString; const keystr: AnsiString; const ivstr: AnsiString)
    409   : AnsiString;
    410 var
    411   Key: TKey64;
    412   Context: TDESContext;
    413   Block, iv: TDESBlock;
    414   I, J, len, posnum: smallint;
    415   poschar, xx: AnsiChar;
    416 begin
    417   for I := 0 to 7 do
    418   begin
    419     if I > (length(keystr) - 1) then
    420       Key[I] := 0
    421     else
    422       Key[I] := Byte(keystr[I + 1]);
    423   end;
    424   for I := 0 to 7 do
    425   begin
    426     if I > (length(ivstr) - 1) then
    427       iv[I] := 0
    428     else
    429       iv[I] := Byte(ivstr[I + 1]);
    430   end;
    431   InitEncryptDES(Key, Context, true);
    432   len := length(AnsiString(str));
    433   xx := AnsiChar(8 - (len mod 8));
    435   { DELPHI下要实现相应的加密和解密,需要自己写DES代码,并加上CBC方式的异或
    436     这里要说明一点,我发现C#下DES明文在加密前,有补足8的倍数的情况,即如果
    437     如果是“11111”就会补成“11111#3#3#3”,如果是“11111111”就会“11111111#8#8#8#8#8#8#8#8”,
    438     然后在进行异或,最后加密! }
    439   for I := 0 to (len div 8) do
    440   begin
    441     for J := 0 to 7 do
    442     begin
    443       if ((I * 8 + J + 1) <= len) then // <=
    444       begin
    445         poschar := str[I * 8 + J + 1];
    446         Block[J] := Byte(poschar);
    447       end
    448       else
    449         Block[J] := Byte(xx);
    450     end;
    451     EncryptDESCBC(Context, iv, Block);
    452     for J := 0 to 7 do
    453     begin
    454       posnum := Block[J];
    455       result := result + AnsiChar(posnum); // inttohex(posnum,2);
    456     end;
    457     iv := Block;
    458   end;
    459 end;
    461 function DecryDessec(const str: AnsiString; const keystr: AnsiString; const ivstr: AnsiString)
    462   : AnsiString;
    463 var
    464   Key: TKey64;
    465   Context: TDESContext;
    466   bak, Block, iv: TDESBlock;
    467   I, J, { len, } posnum: smallint;
    468   { poschar,xx:char; }
    469   res, { lss, } temp: AnsiString;
    470 begin
    471   temp := keystr;
    472   res := '';
    473   for I := 0 to 7 do
    474   begin
    475     if I > (length(temp) - 1) then
    476       Key[I] := 0
    477     else
    478       Key[I] := Byte(temp[I + 1]);
    479   end;
    480   temp := ivstr;
    481   for I := 0 to 7 do
    482   begin
    483     if I > (length(temp) - 1) then
    484       iv[I] := 0
    485     else
    486       iv[I] := Byte(temp[I + 1]);
    487   end;
    488   InitEncryptDES(Key, Context, False);
    489   temp := str;
    490   posnum := 0;
    491   for I := 0 to length(temp) - 1 do
    492   begin
    493     Block[posnum] := Byte(temp[I + 1]);
    494     posnum := posnum + 1;
    495     if posnum = 8 then
    496     begin
    497       bak := Block;
    498       EncryptDESCBC(Context, iv, Block);
    499       for J := 0 to 7 do
    500       begin
    501         // temp := temp+inttostr(byte(block[i]))+' ';
    502         res := res + AnsiChar(Block[J]);
    503       end;
    504       iv := bak;
    505       posnum := 0;
    506     end;
    508   end;
    509   if posnum <> 0 then
    510   begin
    511     //
    512   end
    513   else
    514   begin
    515     temp := '';
    516     for I := 1 to length(res) do
    517     begin
    518       temp := temp + AnsiChar(res[I]);
    519     end;
    520     result := Trim(temp);
    521   end;
    523 end;
    525 function DecryDes(const str: AnsiString; const keystr: AnsiString; const ivstr: AnsiString)
    526   : AnsiString;
    527 var
    528   Key: TKey64;
    529   Context: TDESContext;
    530   bak, Block, iv: TDESBlock;
    531   I, J, len { ,posnum } : smallint;
    532   poschar, xx: AnsiChar;
    533   res, lss: AnsiString;
    534 begin
    535   for I := 0 to 7 do
    536   begin
    537     if I > (length(keystr) - 1) then
    538       Key[I] := 0
    539     else
    540       Key[I] := Byte(keystr[I + 1]);
    541   end;
    542   for I := 0 to 15 do
    543   begin
    544     if I > (length(ivstr) - 1) then
    545       iv[I] := 0
    546     else
    547       iv[I] := Byte(ivstr[I + 1]);
    548   end;
    549   InitEncryptDES(Key, Context, False);
    550   res := '';
    551   for J := 0 to (length(str) div 2) - 1 do
    552   begin
    553     lss := copy(str, J * 2 + 1, 2);
    554     res := res + AnsiChar(StrToInt('$' + lss));
    555   end;
    556   len := length(AnsiString(res));
    557   for I := 0 to round(len / 8) - 1 do
    558   begin
    559     for J := 0 to 7 do
    560     begin
    561       if ((I * 7 + J + 1) <= len) then
    562       begin
    563         poschar := res[I * 8 + J + 1];
    564         Block[J] := Byte(poschar);
    565       end
    566       else
    567       begin
    568         Block[J] := Byte(xx);
    569       end;
    570     end;
    571     bak := Block;
    572     EncryptDESCBC(Context, iv, Block);
    573     for J := 0 to 7 do
    574     begin
    575       result := result + AnsiChar(Block[J]);
    576     end;
    577     iv := bak;
    578   end;
    580 end;
    582 end.


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