SELECT count(*), b1.record_date FROM nk_house_use_record AS b1, ( SELECT a.theme_id, a.theme_name, b.house_id, b.house_name FROM nk_house_theme AS a, nk_house AS b WHERE a.theme_id = '08a649fd-b83e-41b5-b88b-99598d4c93fe' AND a.theme_id = b.theme_id AND a.state = '1' AND b.state = '1' ) AS a1 WHERE a1.house_id = b1.house_id AND time1 = '0' AND record_date >= CURDATE() #'2016-06-05' AND record_date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL - 60 DAY) GROUP BY b1.record_date
<select id="queryFreeHouseCalender" resultType="com.cn.front.entity.detail.FreeHouseCalender" parameterType="com.cn.front.entity.input.QueryFreeHouse"> SELECT count(*) AS num, b1.record_date FROM nk_house_use_record AS b1, ( SELECT a.theme_id, a.theme_name, b.house_id, b.house_name FROM nk_house_theme AS a, nk_house AS b WHERE a.theme_id = #{themeID} AND a.theme_id = b.theme_id AND a.state = '1' AND b.state = '1' ) AS a1 WHERE a1.house_id = b1.house_id <if test="timeKey == '1' ">and time1 = '0'</if> <if test="timeKey == '2' ">and time2 = '0'</if> <if test="timeKey == '3' ">and time3 = '0'</if> <if test="timeKey == '4' ">and time4 = '0' and time5='0'</if> <if test="startDate != null">AND record_date >= #{startDate}</if> <if test="endDate != null">AND record_date <= #{endDate}</if> <if test="startDate == null">AND Date(record_date) >= CURDATE() </if> <if test="endDate == null">AND Date(record_date) < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL - 60 DAY) </if> GROUP BY b1.record_date </select>
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