function [p,h] = mynormspec(specs,mu,sigma,region,color) %NORMSPEC Plots normal densit between specification limits. % NORMSPEC(SPECS) plots the standard normal density, shading the % portion inside the spec limits. SPECS is a two element vector % containing the lower and upper specification limits. % Set SPECS(1)=-Inf if there is no lower limit, and SPECS(2)=Inf % if there is no upper limit. % % NORMSPEC(SPECS,MU,SIGMA) shades the portion inside the spec limits of % a normal density with parameters MU and SIGMA. The defaults are MU=0 and % SIGMA=1. % % NORMSPEC(SPECS,MU,SIGMA,REGION) shades either the portion 'inside' or % 'outside' of the spec limits. The default is REGION='inside'. % % [P] = NORMSPEC(...) returns the probability, P, of the shaded area. % % [P,H] = NORMSPEC(...) returns a handle H to the line objects. % % Copyright 1993-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. %fill in default args if nargin<2 mu=0; end if nargin<3 sigma=1; end if nargin<4 region='inside'; end %test for invalid args if numel(specs) ~= 2 || ~isnumeric(specs), error(message('stats:normspec:BadSpecsSize')); end if max(size(mu)) > 1 || max(size(sigma)) > 1 , error(message('stats:normspec:ScalarRequired')); end if ~strcmp(region,'inside') && ~strcmp(region,'outside') error(message('stats:normspec:BadRegion')); end %swap the specs if they are reversed lb = specs(1); ub = specs(2); if lb > ub lb = specs(2); ub = specs(1); end lbinf = isinf(lb); ubinf = isinf(ub); %continue checking for invalid args if lbinf && ubinf error(message('stats:normspec:BadSpecsInfinite')); end %compute normal curve prob = (0.0002:0.0004:0.9998)'; x = norminv(prob,mu,sigma); y = normpdf(x,mu,sigma); %compute p if strcmp(region,'outside') if lbinf, p = normcdf(-ub,-mu,sigma); % P(t > ub) elseif ubinf, p = normcdf(lb,mu,sigma); % P(t < lb) else p = sum(normcdf([lb -ub],[mu -mu],sigma)); % P(t < lb) + Pr(t > ub) end else if lbinf, p = normcdf(ub,mu,sigma); % P(t < ub) elseif ubinf, p = normcdf(-lb,-mu,sigma); % P(t > lb) else p = diff(normcdf([lb ub],mu,sigma)); % P(lb < t < ub) end end hh = plot(x,y,'black-'); xlims = 4*[specs(1) specs(2)]; %compute the endpoints of the spec limit lines and plot limit lines %lower limit line goes up, and upper limit line goes down pll = [xlims(1);xlims(1)]; ypll = [0;eps]; if lbinf, ll = pll; yll = ypll; else ll = [lb; lb]; yll = [0; normpdf(lb,mu,sigma)]; end pul = [xlims(2);xlims(2)]; ypul = [eps;0]; if ubinf, ul = pul; yul = ypul; else ul = [ub; ub]; yul = [normpdf(ub,mu,sigma); 0]; end %create title, draw spec lines, and shade area switch region case 'inside' if ubinf str = sprintf('%s',getString(message('stats:normspec:ProbGTlb',num2str(p)))); k = find(x > lb); hh1 = plot(ll,yll,'black-'); elseif lbinf str = sprintf('%s',getString(message('stats:normspec:ProbLTub',num2str(p)))); k = find(x < ub); hh1 = plot(ul,yul,'black-'); else str = sprintf('%s',getString(message('stats:normspec:ProbBetweenBounds',num2str(p)))); k = find(x > lb & x < ub); hh1 = plot(ll,yll,'black-',ul,yul,'black-'); end xfill = [ll; x(k); ul]; yfill = [yll; y(k); yul]; fill(xfill,yfill,color); case 'outside' if ubinf str = sprintf('%s',getString(message('stats:normspec:ProbLTlb',num2str(p)))); k1 = find(x < lb); k2=[]; hh1 = plot(ll,yll,'black-'); elseif lbinf str = sprintf('%s',getString(message('stats:normspec:ProbGTub',num2str(p)))); k1=[]; k2 = find(x > ub); hh1 = plot(ul,yul,'black-'); else str = sprintf('%s',getString(message('stats:normspec:ProbOutsideBounds',num2str(p)))); k1 = find(x < lb ); k2=find(x > ub); hh1 = plot(ll,yll,'black-',ul,yul,'black-'); end xfill = [pll; x(k1); ll ; ul; x(k2); pul ]; yfill = [ypll; y(k1); flipud(yll) ; flipud(yul); y(k2); ypul ]; fill(xfill,yfill,color); otherwise error(message('stats:normspec:BadRegion')); end %return line handles, if requested if nargout > 1 h = [hh; hh1]; end
figure mynormspec([-inf, 3], 0, 1.5, 'outside', 'w') hold on mynormspec([3, 8], 0, 1.5, 'inside', 'b') % 表示[3, inf] hold on mynormspec([-10, 3], 4.5, 2, 'inside', 'r') % 表示[-inf, 3] hold on mynormspec([3, inf], 4.5, 2, 'outside', 'w') xlim([-8, 13]) xlabel('x') ylabel('PDF') % 求对应的阴影面积 p1 = diff(normcdf([3, inf], 0, 1.5)); p2 = diff(normcdf([-inf, 3], 4.5, 2));