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  • TI CC2541.h的头文件 for IAR


     *                                        - ioCC2541.h -
     * Header file with definitions for the Texas Instruments CC2541 low-power System-on-Chip:
     * an 8051-based MCU with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth low energy RF transceiver, and up to 256 kB FLASH.
     * This file supports the IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051.
    #ifndef IOCC2541_H
    #define IOCC2541_H
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                      Compiler Abstraction
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
    #pragma language=extended
    #define SFR(name,addr)   __sfr   __no_init  volatile  unsigned char  name @ addr;
    #define SFRBIT(name, addr, bit7, bit6, bit5, bit4, bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0) \
    __sfr __no_init volatile union \
    {                              \
      unsigned char name;          \
      struct {                     \
        unsigned char bit0 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit1 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit2 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit3 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit4 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit5 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit6 : 1;    \
        unsigned char bit7 : 1;    \
      };                           \
    } @ addr;
    #define SBIT(name,addr) /* not in use for IAR C Compiler */
    #define XREG(addr)       ((unsigned char volatile __xdata *) 0)[addr]
    #define PXREG(addr)      ((unsigned char volatile __xdata *) addr)
    #define VECT(num,addr)   addr
    #elif defined __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__
    #define SFR(name,addr)   name  DEFINE  addr
    SFRBITMACRO MACRO t, addr, bit7 , bit6, bit5, bit4, bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0
    t    DEFINE addr
    bit7 DEFINE addr.7
    bit6 DEFINE addr.6
    bit5 DEFINE addr.5
    bit4 DEFINE addr.4    ;; NB: do not modify indentation of this macro
    bit3 DEFINE addr.3
    bit2 DEFINE addr.2
    bit1 DEFINE addr.1
    bit0 DEFINE addr.0
    #define SFRBIT(name, addr, bit7, bit6, bit5, bit4, bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0) \
        SFRBITMACRO <name>, <addr>, <bit7>, <bit6>, <bit5>, <bit4>, <bit3>, <bit2>, <bit1>, <bit0>
    #define SBIT(name,addr)  name  DEFINE  addr
    #define XREG(addr)       addr
    #define PXREG(addr)      addr
    #define VECT(num,addr)   addr
    /* IAR assembler uses some predefined registers. The following prevents name collisions. */
    #define SP   SPx
    #define ACC  ACCx
    #define B    Bx
    #define PSW  PSWx
    #define CY   CYx
    #define AC   ACx
    #define F0   F0x
    #define RS1  RS1x
    #define RS0  RS0x
    #define OV   OVx
    #define P    Px
    #error "Unrecognized compiler."
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                        Interrupt Vectors
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #define  RFERR_VECTOR   VECT(  0, 0x03 )   /*  RF core error situation                     */
    #define  ADC_VECTOR     VECT(  1, 0x0B )   /*  ADC end of conversion                       */
    #define  URX0_VECTOR    VECT(  2, 0x13 )   /*  USART 0 RX complete                         */
    #define  URX1_VECTOR    VECT(  3, 0x1B )   /*  USART 1 RX complete                         */
    #define  ENC_VECTOR     VECT(  4, 0x23 )   /*  AES encryption/decryption complete          */
    #define  ST_VECTOR      VECT(  5, 0x2B )   /*  Sleep Timer Compare                         */
    #define  P2INT_VECTOR   VECT(  6, 0x33 )   /*  Port 2 Inputs and I2C                       */
    #define  UTX0_VECTOR    VECT(  7, 0x3B )   /*  USART0 TX Complete                          */
    #define  DMA_VECTOR     VECT(  8, 0x43 )   /*  DMA Transfer Complete                       */
    #define  T1_VECTOR      VECT(  9, 0x4B )   /*  Timer 1 (16-bit) Capture/Compare/Overflow   */
    #define  T2_VECTOR      VECT( 10, 0x53 )   /*  Timer 2                                     */
    #define  T3_VECTOR      VECT( 11, 0x5B )   /*  Timer 3 (8-bit) Capture/Compare/Overflow    */
    #define  T4_VECTOR      VECT( 12, 0x63 )   /*  Timer 4 (8-bit) Capture/Compare/Overflow    */
    #define  P0INT_VECTOR   VECT( 13, 0x6B )   /*  Port 0 Inputs                               */
    #define  UTX1_VECTOR    VECT( 14, 0x73 )   /*  USART1 TX Complete                          */
    #define  P1INT_VECTOR   VECT( 15, 0x7B )   /*  Port 1 Inputs                               */
    #define  RF_VECTOR      VECT( 16, 0x83 )   /*  RF General Interrupts                       */
    #define  WDT_VECTOR     VECT( 17, 0x8B )   /*  Watchdog Overflow in Timer Mode             */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                     Interrupt Alias
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #define  I2C_VECTOR     P2INT_VECTOR       /*  I2C Interrupt vector, alias for P2INT_VECTOR */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                            SFRs
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   SFRs with an address ending with 0 or 8 are bit accessible.
     *   They are defined with the SFRBIT() macro that sets the name of each bit.
    /* Port 0                                                                           */
    SFRBIT( P0      ,  0x80, P0_7, P0_6, P0_5, P0_4, P0_3, P0_2, P0_1, P0_0 )
    SFR(  SP        ,  0x81  )   /*  Stack Pointer                                      */
    SFR(  DPL0      ,  0x82  )   /*  Data Pointer 0 Low Byte                            */
    SFR(  DPH0      ,  0x83  )   /*  Data Pointer 0 High Byte                           */
    SFR(  DPL1      ,  0x84  )   /*  Data Pointer 1 Low Byte                            */
    SFR(  DPH1      ,  0x85  )   /*  Data Pointer 1 High Byte                           */
    SFR(  U0CSR     ,  0x86  )   /*  USART 0 Control and Status                         */
    SFR(  PCON      ,  0x87  )   /*  Power Mode Control                                 */
    /* Interrupt Flags                                                                  */
    SFR(  P0IFG     ,  0x89  )   /*  Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag                       */
    SFR(  P1IFG     ,  0x8A  )   /*  Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag                       */
    SFR(  P2IFG     ,  0x8B  )   /*  Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag                       */
    SFR(  PICTL     ,  0x8C  )   /*  Port Interrupt Control                             */
    SFR(  P1IEN     ,  0x8D  )   /*  Port 1 Interrupt Mask                              */
    SFR(  _SFR8E    ,  0x8E  )   /*  not used                                           */
    SFR(  P0INP     ,  0x8F  )   /*  Port 0 Input Mode                                  */
    /* Port 1                                                                           */
    SFRBIT( P1      ,  0x90, P1_7, P1_6, P1_5, P1_4, P1_3, P1_2, P1_1, P1_0 )
    SFR(  RFIRQF1   ,  0x91  )   /*  RF Interrupt Flags MSB                             */
    SFR(  DPS       ,  0x92  )   /*  Data Pointer Select                                */
    SFR(  MPAGE     ,  0x93  )   /*  Memory Page Select                                 */
    SFR(  T2CTRL    ,  0x94  )   /*  Timer2 Control Register                            */
    SFR(  ST0       ,  0x95  )   /*  Sleep Timer 0                                      */
    SFR(  ST1       ,  0x96  )   /*  Sleep Timer 1                                      */
    SFR(  ST2       ,  0x97  )   /*  Sleep Timer 2                                      */
    /*  Interrupt Flags 2                                                               */
    SFRBIT( S0CON   ,  0x98, _S0CON7, _S0CON6, _S0CON5, _S0CON4, _S0CON3, _S0CON2, ENCIF_1, ENCIF_0 )
    SFR(  _SFR99    ,  0x99  )   /*  reserved                                           */
    SFR(  IEN2      ,  0x9A  )   /*  Interrupt Enable 2                                 */
    SFR(  S1CON     ,  0x9B  )   /*  Interrupt Flags 3                                  */
    SFR(  T2CSPCFG  ,  0x9C  )   /*  Timer2 CSP Interface Configuration (legacy name)   */
    SFR(  T2EVTCFG  ,  0x9C  )   /*  Timer2 Event Output Configuration                  */
    SFR(  SLEEPSTA  ,  0x9D  )   /*  Sleep Status                                       */
    SFR(  CLKCONSTA ,  0x9E  )   /*  Clock Control Status                               */
    SFR(  FMAP      ,  0x9F  )   /*  Flash Bank Map                                     */
    /* Port 2                                                                           */
    SFRBIT( P2      ,  0xA0, _P2_7, _P2_6, _P2_5, P2_4, P2_3, P2_2, P2_1, P2_0 )
    SFR(  T2IRQF    ,  0xA1  )   /* Timer2 Interrupt Flags                              */
    SFR(  T2M0      ,  0xA2  )   /* Timer2 Multiplexed Register 0                       */
    SFR(  T2M1      ,  0xA3  )   /* Timer2 Multiplexed Register 1                       */
    SFR(  T2MOVF0   ,  0xA4  )   /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 0              */
    SFR(  T2MOVF1   ,  0xA5  )   /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 1              */
    SFR(  T2MOVF2   ,  0xA6  )   /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2              */
    SFR(  T2IRQM    ,  0xA7  )   /* Timer2 Interrupt Masks                              */
    /* Interrupt Enable 0                                                               */
    SFR(  IP0       ,  0xA9  )   /*  Interrupt Priority 0                               */
    SFR(  _SFRAA    ,  0xAA  )   /*  not used                                           */
    SFR(  P0IEN     ,  0xAB  )   /*  Port 0 Interrupt Mask                              */
    SFR(  P2IEN     ,  0xAC  )   /*  Port 2 Interrupt Mask                              */
    SFR(  STLOAD    ,  0xAD  )   /*  Sleep Timer Load Status                            */
    SFR(  PMUX      ,  0xAE  )   /*  Power Down Signal MUX                              */
    SFR(  T1STAT    ,  0xAF  )   /*  Timer 1 Status                                     */
    SFR(  _SFRB0    ,  0xB0  )   /*  not used                                           */
    SFR(  ENCDI     ,  0xB1  )   /*  Encryption/Decryption Input Data                   */
    SFR(  ENCDO     ,  0xB2  )   /*  Encryption/Decryption Output Data                  */
    SFR(  ENCCS     ,  0xB3  )   /*  Encryption/Decryption Control and Status           */
    SFR(  ADCCON1   ,  0xB4  )   /*  ADC Control 1                                      */
    SFR(  ADCCON2   ,  0xB5  )   /*  ADC Control 2                                      */
    SFR(  ADCCON3   ,  0xB6  )   /*  ADC Control 3                                      */
    SFR(  _SFRB7    ,  0xB7  )   /*  reserved                                           */
    /*  Interrupt Enable 1                                                              */
    SFRBIT( IEN1    ,  0xB8, _IEN17, _IEN16, P0IE, T4IE, T3IE, T2IE, T1IE, DMAIE )
    SFR(  IP1       ,  0xB9  )   /*  Interrupt Priority 1                               */
    SFR(  ADCL      ,  0xBA  )   /*  ADC Data Low                                       */
    SFR(  ADCH      ,  0xBB  )   /*  ADC Data High                                      */
    SFR(  RNDL      ,  0xBC  )   /*  Random Number Generator Low Byte                   */
    SFR(  RNDH      ,  0xBD  )   /*  Random Number Generator High Byte                  */
    SFR(  SLEEPCMD  ,  0xBE  )   /*  Sleep Mode Control Command                         */
    SFR(  RFERRF    ,  0xBF  )   /*  RF Error Interrupt Flags                           */
    /*  Interrupt Flags 4                                                               */
    SFR(  U0DBUF    ,  0xC1  )   /*  USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer               */
    SFR(  U0BAUD    ,  0xC2  )   /*  USART 0 Baud Rate Control                          */
    SFR(  T2MSEL    ,  0xC3  )   /*  Timer2 Multiplex Select                            */
    SFR(  U0UCR     ,  0xC4  )   /*  USART 0 UART Control                               */
    SFR(  U0GCR     ,  0xC5  )   /*  USART 0 Generic Control                            */
    SFR(  CLKCONCMD ,  0xC6  )   /*  Clock Control Command                              */
    SFR(  MEMCTR    ,  0xC7  )   /*  Memory System Control                              */
    SFR(  _SFRC8    ,  0xC8  )   /*  not used                                           */
    SFR(  WDCTL     ,  0xC9  )   /*  Watchdog Timer Control                             */
    SFR(  T3CNT     ,  0xCA  )   /*  Timer 3 Counter                                    */
    SFR(  T3CTL     ,  0xCB  )   /*  Timer 3 Control                                    */
    SFR(  T3CCTL0   ,  0xCC  )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control          */
    SFR(  T3CC0     ,  0xCD  )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value            */
    SFR(  T3CCTL1   ,  0xCE  )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control          */
    SFR(  T3CC1     ,  0xCF  )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value            */
     /*  Program Status Word                                                            */
    SFRBIT( PSW     ,  0xD0, CY, AC, F0, RS1, RS0, OV, F1, P )
    SFR(  DMAIRQ    ,  0xD1  )   /*  DMA Interrupt Flag                                 */
    SFR(  DMA1CFGL  ,  0xD2  )   /*  DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Byte     */
    SFR(  DMA1CFGH  ,  0xD3  )   /*  DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Byte    */
    SFR(  DMA0CFGL  ,  0xD4  )   /*  DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte       */
    SFR(  DMA0CFGH  ,  0xD5  )   /*  DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte      */
    SFR(  DMAARM    ,  0xD6  )   /*  DMA Channel Arm                                    */
    SFR(  DMAREQ    ,  0xD7  )   /*  DMA Channel Start Request and Status               */
    /*  Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag                                                */
    SFR(  RFD       ,  0xD9  )   /*  RF Data                                            */
    SFR(  T1CC0L    ,  0xDA  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte   */
    SFR(  T1CC0H    ,  0xDB  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High Byte  */
    SFR(  T1CC1L    ,  0xDC  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte   */
    SFR(  T1CC1H    ,  0xDD  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High Byte  */
    SFR(  T1CC2L    ,  0xDE  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte   */
    SFR(  T1CC2H    ,  0xDF  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High Byte  */
    SFR(  ACC       ,  0xE0  )   /*  Accumulator                                        */
    SFR(  RFST      ,  0xE1  )   /*  RF Command Strobe                                  */
    SFR(  T1CNTL    ,  0xE2  )   /*  Timer 1 Counter Low                                */
    SFR(  T1CNTH    ,  0xE3  )   /*  Timer 1 Counter High                               */
    SFR(  T1CTL     ,  0xE4  )   /*  Timer 1 Control And Status                         */
    SFR(  T1CCTL0   ,  0xE5  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control          */
    SFR(  T1CCTL1   ,  0xE6  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control          */
    SFR(  T1CCTL2   ,  0xE7  )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control          */
    /*  Interrupt Flags 5                                                               */
    SFR(  RFIRQF0   ,  0xE9  )   /*  RF Interrupt Flags LSB                             */
    SFR(  T4CNT     ,  0xEA  )   /*  Timer 4 Counter                                    */
    SFR(  T4CTL     ,  0xEB  )   /*  Timer 4 Control                                    */
    SFR(  T4CCTL0   ,  0xEC  )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control          */
    SFR(  T4CC0     ,  0xED  )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value            */
    SFR(  T4CCTL1   ,  0xEE  )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control          */
    SFR(  T4CC1     ,  0xEF  )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value            */
    SFR(  B         ,  0xF0  )   /*  B Register                                         */
    SFR(  PERCFG    ,  0xF1  )   /*  Peripheral I/O Control                             */
    SFR(  ADCCFG    ,  0xF2  )   /*  ADC Input Configuration (legacy name)              */
    SFR(  APCFG     ,  0xF2  )   /*  Analog Periferal I/O Configuration                 */
    SFR(  P0SEL     ,  0xF3  )   /*  Port 0 Function Select                             */
    SFR(  P1SEL     ,  0xF4  )   /*  Port 1 Function Select                             */
    SFR(  P2SEL     ,  0xF5  )   /*  Port 2 Function Select                             */
    SFR(  P1INP     ,  0xF6  )   /*  Port 1 Input Mode                                  */
    SFR(  P2INP     ,  0xF7  )   /*  Port 2 Input Mode                                  */
    /*  USART 1 Control and Status                                                      */
    SFR(  U1DBUF    ,  0xF9  )   /*  USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer               */
    SFR(  U1BAUD    ,  0xFA  )   /*  USART 1 Baud Rate Control                          */
    SFR(  U1UCR     ,  0xFB  )   /*  USART 1 UART Control                               */
    SFR(  U1GCR     ,  0xFC  )   /*  USART 1 Generic Control                            */
    SFR(  P0DIR     ,  0xFD  )   /*  Port 0 Direction                                   */
    SFR(  P1DIR     ,  0xFE  )   /*  Port 1 Direction                                   */
    SFR(  P2DIR     ,  0xFF  )   /*  Port 2 Direction                                   */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                       Xdata Radio Registers
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /* RF core ram */
    #define RFCORE_RAM      PXREG( 0x6000 )
    #define RFCORE_RAM_SZ   1024
    /* RF core ram register/general memory page */
    #define RFCORE_RAM_PAGE PXREG( 0x6000 )
    #define RFCORE_RAM_PAGE_SZ 128
    /* FIFO direct access */
    #define RXFIFO          PXREG( 0x6080 )
    #define RXFIFO_SZ       128
    #define TXFIFO          PXREG( 0x6100 )
    #define TXFIFO_SZ       128
    /* Radio Control Registers */
    #define FRMCTRL0       XREG(0x6180)
    #define RFIRQM0        XREG(0x6181)
    #define RFIRQM1        XREG(0x6182)
    #define RFERRM         XREG(0x6183)
    #define FREQCTRL       XREG(0x6184)
    #define FREQTUNE       XREG(0x6185)
    #define TXPOWER        XREG(0x6186)
    #define TXCTRL         XREG(0x6187)
    #define LLESTAT        XREG(0x6188)
    #define _XREG6189      XREG(0x6189)
    #define SEMAPHORE0     XREG(0x618A)
    #define SEMAPHORE1     XREG(0x618B)
    #define SEMAPHORE2     XREG(0x618C)
    #define RFSTAT         XREG(0x618D)
    #define RSSI           XREG(0x618E)
    #define RFPSRND        XREG(0x618F)
    #define MDMCTRL0       XREG(0x6190)
    #define MDMCTRL1       XREG(0x6191)
    #define MDMCTRL2       XREG(0x6192)
    #define MDMCTRL3       XREG(0x6193)
    #define SW_CONF        XREG(0x6194)
    #define SW0            XREG(0x6195)
    #define SW1            XREG(0x6196)
    #define SW2            XREG(0x6197)
    #define SW3            XREG(0x6198)
    #define SW4            XREG(0x61F8)
    #define SW5            XREG(0x61F9)
    #define SW6            XREG(0x61FA)
    #define SW7            XREG(0x61FB)
    #define FREQEST        XREG(0x6199)
    #define RXCTRL         XREG(0x619A)
    #define FSCTRL         XREG(0x619B)
    #define _XREG619C      XREG(0x619C)
    #define _XREG619D      XREG(0x619D)
    #define _XREG619E      XREG(0x619E)
    #define _XREG619F      XREG(0x619F)
    #define LNAGAIN        XREG(0x61A0)
    #define AAFGAIN        XREG(0x61A1)
    #define ADCTEST0       XREG(0x61A2)
    #define MDMTEST0       XREG(0x61A5)
    #define MDMTEST1       XREG(0x61A6)
    #define _XREG61A7      XREG(0x61A7)
    #define _XREG61A8      XREG(0x61A8)
    #define ATEST          XREG(0x61A9)
    #define RFC_OBS_CTRL0  XREG(0x61AE)
    #define RFC_OBS_CTRL1  XREG(0x61AF)
    #define RFC_OBS_CTRL2  XREG(0x61B0)
    #define LLECTRL        XREG(0x61B1)
    #define TXFILTCFG      XREG(0x61BC)
    #define RFRND          XREG(0x61BF)
    #define RFRAMCFG       XREG(0x61C0)
    #define RFFDMA0        XREG(0x61C3)
    #define RFFDMA1        XREG(0x61C4)
    #define RFFSTATUS      XREG(0x61C5)
    #define RFFCFG         XREG(0x61C6)
    #define RFRXFLEN       XREG(0x61C8)
    #define RFRXFTHRS      XREG(0x61C9)
    #define RFRXFWR        XREG(0x61CA)
    #define RFRXFRD        XREG(0x61CB)
    #define RFRXFWP        XREG(0x61CC)
    #define RFRXFRP        XREG(0x61CD)
    #define RFRXFSWP       XREG(0x61CE)
    #define RFRXFSRP       XREG(0x61CF)
    #define RFTXFLEN       XREG(0x61D0)
    #define RFTXFTHRS      XREG(0x61D1)
    #define RFTXFWR        XREG(0x61D2)
    #define RFTXFRD        XREG(0x61D3)
    #define RFTXFWP        XREG(0x61D4)
    #define RFTXFRP        XREG(0x61D5)
    #define RFTXFSWP       XREG(0x61D6)
    #define RFTXFSRP       XREG(0x61D7)
    #define BSP_P0         XREG(0x61E0)
    #define BSP_P1         XREG(0x61E1)
    #define BSP_P2         XREG(0x61E2)
    #define BSP_P3         XREG(0x61E3)
    #define BSP_D0         XREG(0x61E4)
    #define BSP_D1         XREG(0x61E5)
    #define BSP_D2         XREG(0x61E6)
    #define BSP_D3         XREG(0x61E7)
    #define BSP_W          XREG(0x61E8)
    #define BSP_MODE       XREG(0x61E9)
    #define BSP_DATA       XREG(0x61EA)
    #define DC_I_L         XREG(0x61FC)
    #define DC_I_H         XREG(0x61FD)
    #define DC_Q_L         XREG(0x61FE)
    #define DC_Q_H         XREG(0x61FF)
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                       Xdata Registers
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /* Power-Management Registers */
    #define SRCRC           XREG( 0x6262 )
    /* Observability Control */
    #define OBSSEL0         XREG( 0x6243 )
    #define OBSSEL1         XREG( 0x6244 )
    #define OBSSEL2         XREG( 0x6245 )
    #define OBSSEL3         XREG( 0x6246 )
    #define OBSSEL4         XREG( 0x6247 )
    #define OBSSEL5         XREG( 0x6248 )
    #define TR0             XREG( 0x624B )
    /* Chip Identification */
    #define CHVER           XREG( 0x6249 )
    #define CHIPID          XREG( 0x624A )
    /* Debug Interface DMA Write to Flash */
    #define DBGDATA         XREG( 0x6260 )
    /* Flash Controller */
    #define FCTL            XREG( 0x6270 )
    #define FADDRL          XREG( 0x6271 )
    #define FADDRH          XREG( 0x6272 )
    #define FWDATA          XREG( 0x6273 )
    #define FWT_HSOSC       XREG( 0x6274 )
    #define FWT_XOSC        XREG( 0x6275 )
    /* Chip Information */
    #define CHIPINFO0       XREG( 0x6276 )
    #define CHIPINFO1       XREG( 0x6277 )
    /* IR Generation Control */
    #define IRCTL           XREG( 0x6281 )
    /* Clock Loss Detector */
    #define CLD             XREG( 0x6290 )
    /* Timer 1 Channels (only mapped as XREG) */
    #define T1CCTL3         XREG( 0x62A3 )
    #define T1CCTL4         XREG( 0x62A4 )
    #define T1CC3L          XREG( 0x62AC )
    #define T1CC3H          XREG( 0x62AD )
    #define T1CC4L          XREG( 0x62AE )
    #define T1CC4H          XREG( 0x62AF )
    /* Definition which includes channels represented in SFR (additional XREG mapping of SFR) */
    #define XX_T1CCTL0      XREG( 0x62A0 )
    #define XX_T1CCTL1      XREG( 0x62A1 )
    #define XX_T1CCTL2      XREG( 0x62A2 )
    #define XX_T1CCTL3      XREG( 0x62A3 )
    #define XX_T1CCTL4      XREG( 0x62A4 )
    #define XX_T1CC0L       XREG( 0x62A6 )
    #define XX_T1CC0H       XREG( 0x62A7 )
    #define XX_T1CC1L       XREG( 0x62A8 )
    #define XX_T1CC1H       XREG( 0x62A9 )
    #define XX_T1CC2L       XREG( 0x62AA )
    #define XX_T1CC2H       XREG( 0x62AB )
    #define XX_T1CC3L       XREG( 0x62AC )
    #define XX_T1CC3H       XREG( 0x62AD )
    #define XX_T1CC4L       XREG( 0x62AE )
    #define XX_T1CC4H       XREG( 0x62AF )
    /* Pointers for array access */
    #define P_T1CCTL        PXREG( 0x62A0 )
    #define P_T1CC          PXREG( 0x62A6 )
    /* Sleep Timer Capture Control */
    #define STCC            XREG( 0x62B0 )
    #define STCS            XREG( 0x62B1 )
    #define STCV0           XREG( 0x62B2 )
    #define STCV1           XREG( 0x62B3 )
    #define STCV2           XREG( 0x62B4 )
    /* Op.Amp. Control */
    #define OPAMPMC         XREG( 0x61AD )
    #define OPAMPC          XREG( 0x62C0 )
    #define OPAMPS          XREG( 0x62C1 )
    /* Analog Comparator Control */
    #define CMPCTL          XREG( 0x62D0 )
    /* I2C */
    #define I2CCFG          XREG( 0x6230 )
    #define I2CSTAT         XREG( 0x6231 )
    #define I2CDATA         XREG( 0x6232 )
    #define I2CADDR         XREG( 0x6233 )
    #define I2CWC           XREG( 0x6234 )
    #define I2CIO           XREG( 0x6235 )
    /* Other */
    #define IVCTRL          XREG( 0x6265 )
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                      Xdata Mapped SFRs
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *   Most SFRs are also accessible through XDATA address space.  The register definitions for
     *   this type of access are listed below.  The register names are identical to the SFR names
     *   but with the prefix X_ to denote an XDATA register.
     *   Some SFRs are not accessible through XDATA space.  For clarity, entries are included for these
     *   registers.  They have a prefix of _NA to denote "not available."
     *   For register descriptions, refer to the actual SFR declartions elsewhere in this file.
    #define X_P0        XREG( 0x7080 )   /*  Port 0. NOTE! Read-only access from XREG.          */
    #define _NA_SP      XREG( 0x7081 )
    #define _NA_DPL0    XREG( 0x7082 )
    #define _NA_DPH0    XREG( 0x7083 )
    #define _NA_DPL1    XREG( 0x7084 )
    #define _NA_DPH1    XREG( 0x7085 )
    #define X_U0CSR     XREG( 0x7086 )   /*  USART 0 Control and Status                         */
    #define _NA_PCON    XREG( 0x7087 )
    #define _NA_TCON    XREG( 0x7088 )
    #define X_P0IFG     XREG( 0x7089 )   /*  Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag                       */
    #define X_P1IFG     XREG( 0x708A )   /*  Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag                       */
    #define X_P2IFG     XREG( 0x708B )   /*  Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag                       */
    #define X_PICTL     XREG( 0x708C )   /*  Port Interrupt Control                             */
    #define X_P1IEN     XREG( 0x708D )   /*  Port 1 Interrupt Mask                              */
    #define _NA_SFR8E   XREG( 0x708E )
    #define X_P0INP     XREG( 0x708F )   /*  Port 0 Input Mode                                  */
    #define X_P1        XREG( 0x7090 )   /*  Port 1. NOTE! Read-only access from XREG.          */
    #define X_RFIRQF1   XREG( 0x7091 )   /*  RF Interrupt Flags MSB                             */
    #define _NA_DPS     XREG( 0x7092 )
    #define X_MPAGE     XREG( 0x7093 )   /*  Memory Page Select                                 */
    #define X_T2CTRL    XREG( 0x7094 )   /*  Timer2 Control Register                            */
    #define X_ST0       XREG( 0x7095 )   /*  Sleep Timer 0                                      */
    #define X_ST1       XREG( 0x7096 )   /*  Sleep Timer 1                                      */
    #define X_ST2       XREG( 0x7097 )   /*  Sleep Timer 2                                      */
    #define _NA_S0CON   XREG( 0x7098 )
    #define _NA_SFR99   XREG( 0x7099 )
    #define _NA_IEN2    XREG( 0x709A )
    #define _NA_S1CON   XREG( 0x709B )
    #define X_T2CSPCFG  XREG( 0x709C )   /*  Timer2 CSP Interface Configuration (legacy name)   */
    #define X_T2EVTCFG  XREG( 0x709C )   /*  Timer2 Event Output Configuration                  */
    #define X_SLEEPSTA  XREG( 0x709D )   /*  Sleep Status                                       */
    #define X_CLKCONSTA XREG( 0x709E )   /*  Clock Control Status                               */
    #define X_FMAP      XREG( 0x709F )   /*  Flash Bank Map                                     */
    #define X_P2        XREG( 0x70A0 )   /*  Port 2. NOTE! Read-only access from XREG.          */
    #define X_T2IRQF    XREG( 0x70A1 )   /*  Timer2 Interrupt Flags                             */
    #define X_T2M0      XREG( 0x70A2 )   /*  Timer2 Multiplexed Register 0                      */
    #define X_T2M1      XREG( 0x70A3 )   /*  Timer2 Multiplexed Register 1                      */
    #define X_T2MOVF0   XREG( 0x70A4 )   /*  Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 0             */
    #define X_T2MOVF1   XREG( 0x70A5 )   /*  Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 1             */
    #define X_T2MOVF2   XREG( 0x70A6 )   /*  Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2             */
    #define X_T2IRQM    XREG( 0x70A7 )   /*  Timer2 Interrupt Mask                              */
    #define _NA_IEN0    XREG( 0x70A8 )
    #define _NA_IP0     XREG( 0x70A9 )
    #define _NA_SFRAA   XREG( 0x70AA )
    #define X_P0IEN     XREG( 0x70AB )   /*                                                     */
    #define X_P2IEN     XREG( 0x70AC )   /*                                                     */
    #define X_STLOAD    XREG( 0x70AD )   /*  Sleep Timer Load Status                            */
    #define X_PMUX      XREG( 0x70AE )   /*                                                     */
    #define X_T1STAT    XREG( 0x70AF )   /*                                                     */
    #define _NA_SFRB0   XREG( 0x70A8 )
    #define X_ENCDI     XREG( 0x70B1 )   /*  Encryption Input Data                              */
    #define X_ENCDO     XREG( 0x70B2 )   /*  Encryption Output Data                             */
    #define X_ENCCS     XREG( 0x70B3 )   /*  Encryption Control and Status                      */
    #define X_ADCCON1   XREG( 0x70B4 )   /*  ADC Control 1                                      */
    #define X_ADCCON2   XREG( 0x70B5 )   /*  ADC Control 2                                      */
    #define X_ADCCON3   XREG( 0x70B6 )   /*  ADC Control 3                                      */
    #define _NA_SFRB7   XREG( 0x70B7 )
    #define _NA_IEN1    XREG( 0x70B8 )
    #define _NA_IP1     XREG( 0x70B9 )
    #define X_ADCL      XREG( 0x70BA )   /*  ADC Data Low                                       */
    #define X_ADCH      XREG( 0x70BB )   /*  ADC Data High                                      */
    #define X_RNDL      XREG( 0x70BC )   /*  Random Register Low Byte                           */
    #define X_RNDH      XREG( 0x70BD )   /*  Random Register High Byte                          */
    #define X_SLEEPCMD  XREG( 0x70BE )   /*  Sleep Mode Command                                 */
    #define X_RFERRF    XREG( 0x70BF )   /*  RF Error Interrupt Flags                           */
    #define _NA_IRCON   XREG( 0x70C0 )
    #define X_U0DBUF    XREG( 0x70C1 )   /*  USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer               */
    #define X_U0BAUD    XREG( 0x70C2 )   /*  USART 0 Baud Rate Control                          */
    #define X_T2MSEL    XREG( 0x70C3 )   /*  Timer2 Multiplex Select                            */
    #define X_U0UCR     XREG( 0x70C4 )   /*  USART 0 UART Control                               */
    #define X_U0GCR     XREG( 0x70C5 )   /*  USART 0 Generic Control                            */
    #define X_CLKCONCMD XREG( 0x70C6 )   /*  Clock Control Command                              */
    #define X_MEMCTR    XREG( 0x70C7 )   /*  Memory Arbiter Control                             */
    #define _NA_SFRC8   XREG( 0x70C8 )
    #define X_WDCTL     XREG( 0x70C9 )   /*  Watchdog Timer Control                             */
    #define X_T3CNT     XREG( 0x70CA )   /*  Timer 3 Counter                                    */
    #define X_T3CTL     XREG( 0x70CB )   /*  Timer 3 Control                                    */
    #define X_T3CCTL0   XREG( 0x70CC )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define X_T3CC0     XREG( 0x70CD )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value            */
    #define X_T3CCTL1   XREG( 0x70CE )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define X_T3CC1     XREG( 0x70CF )   /*  Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value            */
    #define _NA_PSW     XREG( 0x70D0 )
    #define X_DMAIRQ    XREG( 0x70D1 )   /*  DMA Interrupt Flag                                 */
    #define X_DMA1CFGL  XREG( 0x70D2 )   /*  DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Byte     */
    #define X_DMA1CFGH  XREG( 0x70D3 )   /*  DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Byte    */
    #define X_DMA0CFGL  XREG( 0x70D4 )   /*  DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte       */
    #define X_DMA0CFGH  XREG( 0x70D5 )   /*  DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte      */
    #define X_DMAARM    XREG( 0x70D6 )   /*  DMA Channel Arm                                    */
    #define X_DMAREQ    XREG( 0x70D7 )   /*  DMA Channel Start Request and Status               */
    #define X_TIMIF     XREG( 0x70D8 )   /*  Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag                   */
    #define X_RFD       XREG( 0x70D9 )   /*  RF Data                                            */
    #define X_T1CC0L    XREG( 0x70DA )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte   */
    #define X_T1CC0H    XREG( 0x70DB )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High Byte  */
    #define X_T1CC1L    XREG( 0x70DC )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte   */
    #define X_T1CC1H    XREG( 0x70DD )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High Byte  */
    #define X_T1CC2L    XREG( 0x70DE )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte   */
    #define X_T1CC2H    XREG( 0x70DF )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High Byte  */
    #define _NA_ACC     XREG( 0x70E0 )
    #define X_RFST      XREG( 0x70E1 )   /*  RF Command Strobe                                  */
    #define X_T1CNTL    XREG( 0x70E2 )   /*  Timer 1 Counter Low                                */
    #define X_T1CNTH    XREG( 0x70E3 )   /*  Timer 1 Counter High                               */
    #define X_T1CTL     XREG( 0x70E4 )   /*  Timer 1 Control and Status                         */
    #define X_T1CCTL0   XREG( 0x70E5 )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define X_T1CCTL1   XREG( 0x70E6 )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define X_T1CCTL2   XREG( 0x70E7 )   /*  Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define _NA_IRCON2  XREG( 0x70E8 )
    #define X_RFIRQF0   XREG( 0x70E9 )   /*  RF Interrupt Flags MSB                             */
    #define X_T4CNT     XREG( 0x70EA )   /*  Timer 4 Counter                                    */
    #define X_T4CTL     XREG( 0x70EB )   /*  Timer 4 Control                                    */
    #define X_T4CCTL0   XREG( 0x70EC )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define X_T4CC0     XREG( 0x70ED )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value            */
    #define X_T4CCTL1   XREG( 0x70EE )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control          */
    #define X_T4CC1     XREG( 0x70EF )   /*  Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value            */
    #define _NA_B       XREG( 0x70F0 )
    #define X_PERCFG    XREG( 0x70F1 )   /*  Peripheral Control                                 */
    #define X_ADCCFG    XREG( 0x70F2 )   /*  ADC Input Configuration (legacy name)              */
    #define X_APCFG     XREG( 0x70F2 )   /*  Analog Periferal I/O Configuration                 */
    #define X_P0SEL     XREG( 0x70F3 )   /*  Port 0 Function Select                             */
    #define X_P1SEL     XREG( 0x70F4 )   /*  Port 1 Function Select                             */
    #define X_P2SEL     XREG( 0x70F5 )   /*  Port 2 Function Select                             */
    #define X_P1INP     XREG( 0x70F6 )   /*  Port 1 Input Mode                                  */
    #define X_P2INP     XREG( 0x70F7 )   /*  Port 2 Input Mode                                  */
    #define X_U1CSR     XREG( 0x70F8 )   /*  USART 1 Control and Status                         */
    #define X_U1DBUF    XREG( 0x70F9 )   /*  USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer               */
    #define X_U1BAUD    XREG( 0x70FA )   /*  USART 1 Baud Rate Control                          */
    #define X_U1UCR     XREG( 0x70FB )   /*  USART 1 UART Control                               */
    #define X_U1GCR     XREG( 0x70FC )   /*  USART 1 Generic Control                            */
    #define X_P0DIR     XREG( 0x70FD )   /*  Port 0 Direction                                   */
    #define X_P1DIR     XREG( 0x70FE )   /*  Port 1 Direction                                   */
    #define X_P2DIR     XREG( 0x70FF )   /*  Port 2 Direction                                   */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     *                                       Flash
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #define P_INFOPAGE  PXREG( 0x7800 )  /* Pointer to Start of Flash Information Page          */
    #define P_XBANK     PXREG( 0x8000 )  /* Pointer to Start of Selectable Flash Bank (XBANK)   */
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__
    #pragma language=default


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangu66/p/3040975.html
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