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  • Create Table DDL sample(TSQL)

    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects o, sysusers u WHERE o.uid=u.uid AND o.name = 'Table_Name' AND u.name = 'dbo' AND o.type = 'U')
     drop table Table_Name

    IF (@@error != 0)
     PRINT "Error CREATING table 'databasename.dbo.tablename'"
     SELECT syb_quit()

    create table Table_Name(
     key_date                        int                              not null  ,
     cusip                           char(9)                          not null  ,
     description                     char(60)                         null  ,
     security_type                   char(2)                          null  ,
     security_literal                char(4)                          null  ,
     group_code                      char(1)                          null  ,
     class_code                      char(3)                          null  ,
     tax_status                      char(1)                          null  ,
     coupon                          float(16)                        null  ,
     schedule                        char(2)                          null  ,
     payment_day                     int                              null  ,
     first_coupon_date               int                              null  ,
     next_coupon_date                int                              null  ,
     dated_date                      int                              null  ,
     maturity_date                   int                              null  ,
     market_price                    float(16)                        null  ,
     market_price_nuv                float(16)                        null  ,
     hard_call_code                  char(1)                          null  ,
     hard_call_date                  int                              null  ,
     hard_call_price                 float(16)                        null  ,
     optional_call_code              char(1)                          null  ,
     optional_call_date              int                              null  ,
     optional_call_price             float(16)                        null  ,
     prerefunded_date                int                              null  ,
     prerefunded_price               float(16)                        null  ,
     put_code                        char(1)                          null  ,
     put_date                        int                              null  ,
     put_price                       float(16)                        null  ,
     muni_pcall_date                 int                              null  ,
     factor                          float(16)                        null  ,
     insurance                       char(5)                          null  ,
     cusip_state                     char(2)                          null  ,
     wac                             float(16)                        null  ,
     psa_sign                        char(1)                          null  ,
     psa                             int                              null  ,
     cpr_sign                        char(1)                          null  ,
     cpr                             float(16)                        null  ,
     call_type_code                  char(2)                          null  ,
     call_type_1                     char(1)                          null  ,
     call_type_2                     char(1)                          null  ,
     subject_amt_code                int                              null  ,
     tax_muni_code                   int                              null  ,
     current_call_code               int                              null  ,
     crossover_code                  int                              null  ,
     nuveen_code                     int                              null  ,
     yankee_bond_code                int                              null  ,
     sink_fund_code                  int                              null  ,
     float_lookup_code               int                              null  ,
     oid_code                        int                              null  ,
     dummy_cusip_code                int                              null  ,
     def_bond_code                   int                              null  ,
     def_bond_int_code               int                              null  ,
     call_type_3                     char(2)                          null  ,
     dollar_dividend                 float(16)                        null  ,
     moody_rating                    char(10)                         null  ,
     moody_rating_no                 float(16)                        null  ,
     moody_chg_code                  int                              null  ,
     sp_rating                       char(10)                         null  ,
     sp_rating_no                    float(16)                        null  ,
     sp_chg_code                     int                              null  ,
     fitch_rating                    char(10)                         null  ,
     fitch_rating_no                 float(16)                        null  ,
     fitch_chg_code                  int                              null  ,
     moody_underlying_rating         char(10)                         null  ,
     moody_underlying_rating_no      float(16)                        null  ,
     moody_underlying_chg_code       int                              null  ,
     sp_underlying_rating            char(10)                         null  ,
     sp_underlying_rating_no         float(16)                        null  ,
     sp_underlying_chg_code          int                              null  ,
     fitch_underlying_rating         char(10)                         null  ,
     fitch_underlying_rating_no      float(16)                        null  ,
     fitch_underlying_chg_code       int                              null  ,
     foreign_indicator               char(1)                          null  ,
     isin                            char(12)                         null  ,
     ex_dividend_date                int                              null  ,
     dividend_date                   int                              null  ,
     currency_code                   char(2)                          null  ,
     country_code                    char(3)                          null  ,
     unit_cash_value                 float(16)                        null  ,
     purpose_type_code               char(3)                          null  ,
     purpose_class_code              char(4)                          null  ,
     purpose_sub_class_code          char(4)                          null  ,
     insurance_secondary_primary     char(60)                         null  ,
     insurance_secondary_secondary   char(60)                         null  ,
     amt_ind       char(1)        null  ,
     d360_365_ind     char(1)        null  ,
     fx_tips_factor     float(16)       null

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangu66/p/3174575.html
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